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in the past

Would be better if it was longer

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This first game really isn't anything special but I am very attached to it for the characters and dialogue. Also, very few things have shocked me like when the zombie Spaniards show up and the game just becomes a horror for a chapter. That was crazy, yo.

iam jellous of people that hate this game i wish i was that new to the gaming genre that I thought drakes fortunes is a bad 3rd person shooter relative to whatever else i played

While it’s successors (from what I’ve heard) may bypass it’s quality, Uncharted is still a great game that lays great foundations for a beloved series. The story and camera movement make this feel cinematic as fuck, the shootouts are quite bare bones in terms of mechanics but are still engaging, and the platforming is fun. (Albeit there were a couple times playing I didn’t know if an object was climbable or not lol)
Overall, Uncharted as a game has a great mix of story and gameplay that comes together brilliantly to form a great game.

writing carries everything else is just mid

I got my start with the Uncharted series with the sequel, and it took me a long time to get around to playing Drake's Fortune. But having finally played it, it's easy to see why Uncharted became such a behemoth for Sony. This game is very well made, very smart, and very fun.

An interesting start to a franchise which was inspired by Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones and Nicholas Cage's National Treasure.

The 2 main problems I have are the lack of variety areas and the villain. The areas you visit are a jungle, a ruined town and forgotten underground tunnels. The underground tunnels are the best bit because they lack lighting with only a torch and the tunnels are a maze with enemies that could spring out of nowhere. The villain is pretty forgettable. They're only after El Dorado and the mercenary that has a terrible boss fight that is a game of Hide N' Gun with a quick time event to finish him .

You can find treasures hidden all over the place. Collect enough of them and you can buy some extra items for future playthroughs like unlimited ammo and filters that will change the way the game looks.

Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher and Victor 'Goddamn' Sullivan are amazing with their voice actors doing a great job bringing their characters to life.

Maybe I'm biased for having it played the last but i feel the lack of scenario change and story is very present. Not my favourite Uncharted game but its good.

My first Uncharted as I progress through the uncharted collection and finally the Uncharted 4. Everything delivers. A good gameplay mechanics with an amazing story and amazing characters cast makes it an overall great game even if it is simple. Played it in 2019 and my mind would’ve been blown If I played this in 2007.

Le seul de la licence qui je trouve a mal vieilli, mais c'est ce qui a posé les bases de la légende. Le reste appartient à l'histoire.

"Naughty Dog should go back to making Crash or Jax and stay away from games for grown-ups" - me, if I'd played this back in 2007

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What a fun romp! I am still reeling from the twist at the end 16 years later.

The Uncharted games are all one big game to me. I really don’t think there’s that much that differentiates them so I’m going to post the same thing on each game. I will break down each game a little bit here.
For reference, I played Uncharted 2 first, then Uncharted 1, then the rest on their respective release days – outside of Golden Abyss which I did not immediately play as I didn’t get a Vita on launch day.

This series was pretty wild to me. I played the Crash games as a kid and they were the only thing I ever associated with Naughty Dog. I has pretty much stuck with Nintendo entirely up until 2009.

Uncharted 2 - One of the first PlayStation exclusive games I played on the PS3. The writing, production level, detailed environments, pacing, varied platforming/gunplay had me feeling like I was clearly missing out on something. Sully instantly became one of my favourite video game characters. He’s still up there to this day. I also really like Chloe, which is something that boosts this game up as well. I generally don’t like puzzles but these games do them “correctly”. Not too confusing but not too simple. I appreciate how you use your little notebook to come up with solutions.

I think this is the most important entry, and it makes sense that people look back on it the most fondly. It came at a time when PS was finally getting back in to shape. This game was probably the number one reason for the PS3’s rise to glory in 2009. I do believe its success and the way people view it in retrospect is partially due to its timing.

Uncharted 1 – Going back to play this after 2 made it more apparent how inferior this one is. It’s still a great game, but it would have been more impressive back in 2007. I am not surprised it didn’t light the world on fire back then, though. They didn’t quite nail the pacing yet. Most aspects of the game felt like they were still trying to figure out the hardware but they were doing the best they could. The voice work, the music, the sense of adventure were there. They hadn’t quite dreamed big enough yet to set up the big set pieces that the series became known for in 2. It’s the weakest game in the franchise (at least tied for that title) – but that’s okay. It was first.

Uncharted 3 – This game is equally as good as Uncharted 2 in almost every way. They worked on improving the hand to hand combat and they brought Sully back in a bigger way. Love that. However, since it released only 2 years after U2, I feel it was too heavily criticized for being “more of the same” – which I don’t have a problem with. U2 and U3 are very similar. If they released in reverse order, people would be calling U2 the copy cat and the weaker game.

Uncharted: Golden Abyss – Similar in quality to Uncharted 1. It wasn’t developed by Naughty Dog, this was Sony Bend taking a crack at the franchise to bring “console quality games” to their new handheld. For the most part, they succeeded. The touchpad integration was pretty silly but it was fine – most games were trying to take advantage of the gimmicks of the Vita at the time. It couldn’t quite be as big and bombastic as the two most recent games, it was more of a return to simplicity of the first. I’d say either this or U1 is the weakest – it’d be hard to argue against that.

Uncharted 4 – Similar to U2 and U3 in terms of the pacing and execution of story / action, but a little different in terms of scope. They definitely tried to make things more open and for the most part, it is appreciated. Change can be good if it is implemented well. I think I prefer how linear the other games were, though. This game goes for a more personal story of Drakes and it pays off well to “end” his saga. The Crash part was super cool to see. Overall, for its time I think it’s again equal in quality to U2 and U3.

Uncharted: Lost Legacy – Chloe has always been a Top 2 character for me, along with Sully. I love that they focused a game around her. Nadine is cool, too. This game is an extension of the Uncharted 4 formula and I loved it. Good stuff.

Overall, it’s a fantastic franchise that has remained pretty consistent over the span of a decade.

not as good as the other 3 but it's pretty good

Good game. Gameplay definitely isn't the most smooth experience, especially with the wonky gunplay and spongy enemies, but the charming cast, puzzle solving, and some pretty fun levels helped me push through.

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Clearing My Backlog #4

I’m astounded as to how this game spawned a whole ass franchise after it, considering how straight up awful the first one is. I guess it probably helped that it sold well but the actual quality found in here is not good… even when compared to other 2007 games, such as Bioshock, God of War II, and the critically acclaimed Ratatouille! It’s even crazier to think that Batman: Arkham Asylum came out less than two years later. This game wasn’t good then and it’s even worse now.

The characters being likeable is pretty much the only thing Uncharted has going for it—without that, it’d be a miserable experience from start to finish; however luckily, the interactions between them are funny, charming, and entertaining, which makes up for the lack of depth found in all of them. It’s pretty funny how they clearly had no intention of expanding on the characters’ backstories—or so it seems—with how the characters react to certain situations. For example, Sully gets shot and seemingly dies right in front of Nate, and it doesn’t seem like he cares that much? Especially in the next scene where he’s basically like “Sully’s dead, anyways…”. These characters are supposed to share a lot more history together so seeing dialogue this un-future-proof takes me out of it instantly, it's like they didn't plan anything beyond this first entry. There’s nothing interesting about the story, it’s all meaningless and devoid of any substance, especially when it takes a detour in the second half of the game to throw you into a bunker filled with… nazi zombies? That was weird. And that final chapter, what the fuck? Probably one of the worst boss fights I’ve ever played. The villains are horrible too, they’re very generic bad guys who have boring motives and aren’t memorable whatsoever.

As for the gameplay loop, it’s pretty much just a shooting room, followed by another shooting room, then a very simple symbol-matching puzzle, followed by a boring climbing section, and then another shooting room, with some occasional set pieces in between; only one of which was actually fun to play (the truck one). There’s three different occasions where you’ll be forced to use a jet ski, and I’m baffled as to why they thought that would be fun, seeing as it’s an absolute nightmare to control. The shooting sections aren’t inherently bad or anything, but this game throws them at you constantly with almost no variety, it doesn’t help that it feels very clunky thanks to its enemy behaviour, their health, the amount of damage they inflict, and how they can fucking shoot you through walls and cover at all times. They can also spawn out of nowhere; like you’ll literally clear out a room and then die from behind because you were apparently supposed to push up more, pair that up with the frustrating checkpoints and you get some really annoying/monotonous gameplay. Side note: there are these weird QTE’s that happen at random points in the game and they feel so out of place, it’s even more strange that they only appear like three times? Hopefully the next game removes them entirely.

Some random notes:
- The soundtrack, especially Nate's Theme SLAPS like holy shit listen to this, it’s probably one of the best themes I’ve ever heard in any game.
- The graphics hold up pretty well, although the setting doesn’t really lend itself well because of how boring it is (forests/jungles suck).
- The mocap is one of the things that really stood out to me, it’s actually surprising how good it still looks, there’s a lot of weight behind Nate’s movements and that’s something I really appreciate.
- When I went for the brutal trophy, it felt extremely unfair as to how the enemies could just kill you as soon as you got control of Nate, leading to many RNG moments where you just had to hope they would miss, which is very lazy difficulty scaling.

Playtime: 27.2 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Playstation Exclusives - Ranked
Naughty Dog - Ranked
Clearing My Backlog
Uncharted - Ranked
2007 - Ranked

The fuck were they smoking when they designed the aiming

My favourite game in the series, even if the sequel is in all regards a better game

classic action adventure game

Humble beginnings and all that. The first Uncharted was a showcase for the PS3 and what Sony's first HD box was capable of early on in its lifecycle. Revisiting it now, it's almost funny how basic Nate's first romp is in nearly every aspect. The sequels later built upon, fine-tuned and ultimately delivered what was needed for a video game to replicate a Hollywood summer blockbuster, but Drake's Fortune is very much a foundation for greater things. What's here is reliable but never spectacular. That would come later.

eu acho beeeem ruinzinho, assim como os dois outros dessa primeira trilogia, mas consigo entender o pq alguém gostaria, a história é legalzinha tho (menos a parte daqueles bichos rosas, pqp aquilo não dá kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk)

o mais fraquinho dos uncharted mas bem legal ainda

Quite rough nowadays but still fun with great characters

Half-decent game. Shooting is mediocre and the never-ending battles with random goons often end up infuriating rather than fun.
Nonetheless, had a bunch of fun with it for sure.