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in the past

This is by in large probably the game I detested playing the most in the past several years.

Nothing works here, it's a complete gen 7 cover shooter where nothing is kinesthetically satisfying to do and all the enemies are hitscanners that pad out time with very little strategy other than stop and pop. There's entire sections built around going as slow as possible, especially the notorious jet ski bullshit. The zombie section is equivalently jarring as it is more busywork, not even doing a decent job of giving pacing to the enemy designs.

Every climbing section is a bore, every setpiece underbaked, this is Naughty Dog's concept game through and through and it's made up by design pillars all of which I just detest from the offset. Don't get me wrong, I love UC4 and they've managed to salvage the series from the next installment but this one is just so utterly awful.

I didn't even chuckle a single time to the banter, so uninspired and lifeless I felt myself in limbo as I crossed every hour.

If you are absolutely interested in the Uncharted series at all, you start from 2. ANYTHING is better than playing this one. (1/10)

Awfully hard to recommend. The game just keeps throwing you in the same exact kind of battle for the whole game just so they have an excuse to prolong your playthrough to 7/8 hours.

Good to play to have the basis of the characters you'll be following for three better games, but god damn the controls and level design can be infuriating. The final boss was one of the most rage inducing things I've ever played until you figure out exactly what it wants you to do through trial and error, and then it's a bore. Played once.

The first one is the weakest in my opinion and has definitely aged but this is overall still a great start to the franchise, the writing and story is really good for a video game and the voice acting is top notch! The weakest part of this game is the lack of variety in gameplay and the shooting mechanics themselves are nothing special but the story and characters are very good in this!

That was definitely a game, I suppose. I've never been the biggest cover based shooting fan, and I'm glad we've mostly left it behind on the PS3/360 generation. Now, the first title of one of Playstation's signature franchises, which introduced everyone's favorite dickhead, Nathan Drake. It's kinda shit, to be honest. Time hasn't been that kind to it (Excluding the graphics though, I played the Remastered collection, and the game looked pretty good), and nowadays its just a very mediocre shooter, with weird difficulty spikes (I played on hard), bad vehicle sections, and a protagonist so fucking unlikable I was actually rooting for the villains, because they at least only monologued like once or twice the whole game, instead of vomiting stupid fucking quips. God I hate Nathan. The other supportive characters aren't much better. I liked Helena and Sully more than Nathan, if only because they were less annoying (seeing as they appear less than Drake) , although they seem to never have heard of character development, opting instead to be smug, sarcastic cunts and going all "ha ha murder funni". The plot in general is pretty garbo, Dickhead protagonist wants shiny thing, Dickhead Antagonist does too, commence 8 or 9 hours of absolutely mindless violence, and that's yer lot. A totally nothing adventure, where we received nothing, learned nothing, and achieved nothing besides murdering hundreds of people with no consequence or impact at all. Like Spec Ops: The Line with absolutely zero self-awareness.

A good gameplay for a really weak history, characters are not so good here too, will get better with the time.

Fun intro to the series, but it gets much better from here. Some weird things are tried in this one, but the story is fun.

It's a great start to a great series of games! Probably my least favourite in the series, but I can't deny that it is a good time still!

If you're going to make a platform shooter, it's generally advisable that you do one of those things well!

Also having a white dude run around gunning down black and brown folks was...a choice.

Played it just for the lore, because I wanted to get into the Uncharted series

This doesn't hold up well at all.
The game is barely 5 hours long yet it manages to feel extremely repetitive.

made the mistake of playing it after the second and third one

A VERY generous two and a half stars. I see this series as more of an interactive sim than a fully fledged 'game'. On those merits I did enjoy it and the story did make me want to continue on without break. Its the gameplay where things start to fall apart though: The bullet sponge enemies and artificial difficulty make combat an absolute chore, especially when its wave after wave of enemies. Bullets feel like they're hitting steel instead of an organic object every time you shoot someone. The puzzles in this series really piss me off too, because its more about deciphering just what the fuck is meant by the notebook, instead of just trying to figure out for yourself. Well laid out visual cues from a better game like Portal 2 would have been preferred. So many instances where I just dont know where to go next, a heavy criticism I have over the entire series.

i would describe this game as "functional" in this exact tone of voice

There is so much wrong with this game. The facial animations are wonky at best, the story makes no sense, the same boring areas are reused ad nauseam. Despite all this however, the game remains fun.

For whatever reason I just wanted to keep playing, it felt good to climb up a big tower and kill hundreds of enemies like it was nothing. The set pieces are cool, the environments are pretty (the first time you see them), and the voice acting is great.

It's so far from great but its an above average introduction to a staple series in gaming.

this game is garbage

nolan north and richard mcgonagle give good performances as Nate and Sully for what they're given. thats everything good i have to say about this game

at its best, its the world's most generic cover shooter with the same problems all these ungodly games have. at its worst, its a repetitive series of climbing, braindead puzzle solving, and irritating monotony.

i cant even put into credible thoughts just how bad this game so here's some general shit i hate

- there were several instances where i had my reticle over an enemy's head and it registered as me shooting them in the chest

- enemies are all bullet sponges unless you hit them in the head, so the pistol is the only good weapon due to it not having horrible accuracy

- enemies will figuratively and literally pop out of cover dramatically like an actual whack-a-mole machine

- the level design is so uninspired with every shootout being so obviously marked by bright, glowing chest-high walls

- shoulder switching slightly moves the camera and takes several seconds, so if you come out of cover and the camera is on the wrong side its not even worth hitting the button

- getting into cover can sometimes be smooth (with the nice edition that dodge rolling near cover automatically puts you into it) but it can sometimes never put you into cover at all and nathan sticks so hard to it that if an enemy flanks you its up to the good lord whether or not you can get away

- enemies blend into the environment so much you have to step out of cover and let yourself get shot so you can follow the bullet trail back to the enemy

- most of my deaths were from the shitty climbing

- the distances nathan drake can actually jump are completely contextual

- quick time events

- nathan drake and ellen have like no chemistry and their idea of flirtation is sarcasming at each other

- no characters have any development and while sullivan and nobody else can sometimes have funny lines, the idea that there's actually a story in this game is the funniest joke it can tell

- nathan shooting a man in the god damn head and saying "ooh, that ones gonna sting in the morning!" makes him seem like a god damn psychopath

- the zombie stuff feels completely left field and while the enemies were a decent change of pace to the braindead fucking cover shooting, they get stale quickly and dont gel well with regular enemies at all

- this game marked the death of third person shooters until naughty dog themselves had to revive it again

i cannot fucking believe this is by the same developers as the last of us and uncharted 4. fuck this game

This is the first cover-based shooter I've ever played, and I gotta say I'm not a fan. Every shootout feels the same and they're almost always really frustrating, mainly because it's hard to get your bearings of everything that's happening around you, there's about 30 mooks per shootout, and Nate gets stuck on the terrain when you're trying to move around and he puts himself in the line of fire.

Outside of shootouts, you mainly climb and platform with a dash of puzzle-solving and the occasional vehicle section . The puzzles are ok at best, the vehicle sections suck ass, and the climbing/platforming is terrible. Most of the time it's hard to tell what you can or can't climb onto or it's unclear where you're supposed to jump to. Combine that with the terrible jumping controls and you have a game that is less an Indiana-Jones-style-action-adventure-game and more a suicide simulator.

The story is the only note-worthy thing here, and it's honestly just ok. I like the writing; it's smart and funny at times. I like our main trio, even if they're pretty generic. It's just ok and really not worth the frustration of the game just to see it.

From what I gather, most people don't like this one and I have to agree. Here's hoping Uncharted 2 is the masterpiece everyone says it is.

I find this one really underrated. Sure, it isn't as epic as the other games but the gameplay and story is still there. There are plenty of iritating quirks like the terrible climbing sections and the lackluster final boss but it lays a good foundation for the rest of the franchise. The horror chapter was easily the best part of the game

Indiana Jones the Movie: The Video Game is pretty fun. There are a few spots where it drags a bit, and the "final boss" is a horrible exercise in frustration. For the most part though it's just a fun, solid time.

A game that isn't good enough for sequels. That being said the sequels are decent.

crash bandicoot de meter tiros

Surprisingly, I like this game more than Uncharted 3. The first adventure of Nathan Drake, is a great one. Leading to the best game - Uncharted 2. While the game is not perfect, it's still a great game, and I recommend it to everybody.

When it was first released - Uncharted was the most important game on the PS3. It became its first major system seller. However the gameplay does not hold up. If it wasn't for the compelling character's and dialogue - the first Uncharted would have just faded into obscurity as just another third-person shooter.

One of the most underrated causes of the "games as movies" boom, where gameplay is a repetitive shooter with nothing else going on and weak "puzzles." placed in between. It was a fun romp at the time but nah.

A good old-fashioned adventure story! The charm and sense of spirit is here but it's crippled by really sluggish controls/combat and annoyingly endless hordes of enemies. Anyways, as advertised, this is Indiana Jones: The Game so its still pretty cool

Isn't just a standout for Sony - it's a standout for gaming as a whole.