Reviews from

in the past

Your vampire is in another castle

An okay time waster that isn't challenging in the slightest the perfect game if you wanna play something and do achievements while watching a show or listing to a podcast

All the fun of a slot machine without the crippling addiction that tears families apart, loses people their homes, and turns people into crank-pulling automatons.

Very good, wildly so. But I'm increasingly aware that this could have been an incredible tool for evil with very few changes, which adds an undercurrent of... not fear, but an eeriness to it.

Vampire Survivors foi a grande surpresa de 2022, trazendo praticamente um gênero novo com muita personalidade e simplicidade, joguei pelo celular com um vício bem grande desde que saiu a versão "final", tinha jogado e pensado que tinha zerado ano passado, mas continuei jogando e desbloqueei a fase 5 e outros extras, até agora fiz as 5 fases, liberei todos os personagens disponíveis pra desbloquear (talvez tenham mais alguns secretos), fiz todos os upgrades liberados, mais da metade das conquistas, fiz algumas fases bônus e quero fazer todas, mas joguei bastante no geral e curti, é legal, de graça, o máximo que tive foi ver anúncios pra reviver e ganhar ouro extra mas não é necessário, só acelera o progresso.
Devo continuar jogando mais um tempo e qualquer coisa se tiver mais algum conteúdo atualizo o Review, mas é bem recomendado.

consumed my life for a few weeks, so so so good

No entanto, Vampire Survivors surpreende pelo seu ciclo vicioso de jogabilidade, sem as práticas predatórias comuns à indústria nos dias de hoje, deixando apenas que o avatar escolhido por entre cada nível fique cada vez mais forte, mediante a experiência acumulada pelos inimigos derrotados, baús abertos com tesouros deliciosos, como novas armas e habilidades passivas, e power ups desbloqueáveis ao bom estilo roguelike antes de iniciar cada run.


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Written in European Portuguese
Played on Xbox Series S
Published on 12/05/2023

Why do I feel so bad for liking it? It’s easy, mindless, hardly engaging, but damn is it satisfying. The developers invested quite the time to research what makes out monkey brain go nuts, which is surely something worth appreciating.

For how horrendously awful this game looks, it sucks you in with that just one more game mentality that keeps you playing for hours at a time.

Pure drugs, can't stop playing

What year is it? who are you people?

turn brain off, things die, fun time

The average round of Vampire Survivors

All the characters and stages play the exact same.
All the enemies are palette swaps.
After you unlock some of the meta upgrades you will literally never die and this game turns into a less engaging Cookie Clicker.
Only play this if you're a psychopath like me that has to look at pretty colors while listening to podcasts.

Plain and simple this game should not be as fun as it is. It looks like a bad mobile game you would get an ad for while scrolling on your phone, but once you sit down and play it, you'll realize several hours have gone by without even noticing. It is an extremely satisfying gameplay loop and for the price, is one of the best "bang-for-your-buck" games out there right now

The most fun boring game ever

this game sucks dude. im listening to spirit theyre gone spirit theyve vanished by animal collective rn and its soooo good. and i logged onto backloggd and saw this was getting a version 1.5 update and yeah idk just wanted to give my take. bad game. listen to spirit theyre gone spirit theyve vanished instead.

A solid time-waster that i haven't wasted enough time on.

Surpreendentemente muito bom, viciante!

A simple survival game/roguelike/bullet hell of sorts, and yet it’s so addicting. A friend gifted me this game and it got me in a vicegrip instantly.

LSD em formato de jogo não joguem

please do not play this game, it's made by a slot machine company to waste time instead of money

on the other hand, items go ca-ching and i get special powers

I don't have respect for people that don't get how good this game is.