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Amnesia: Rebirth is a really dark game, both literally and figuratively. Highly suggest to play this game with gamma set to maximum. This game has amazing sound design and graphics, and the first person perspective makes it an engaging experience. Although the monsters are scarce here compared to Frictional's previous games and can't kill you, they will do a good job of terrifying you. Really great voice acting and story and lore that need to be pieced together. There's also multiple endings which is really cool. There's a ton of puzzles, some of them really made me run around a lot wondering what I should be doing until I eventually did the right thing and went "Ohhh". Overall, a pretty chill horror-puzzle-walking-simulator game with a decent story.

Honestly, I don't think I'm the target audience for the Amnesia games. The level design just doesn't appeal to me; it always feels like you're stuck in the same place, even when you move to a new area. The pervasive darkness contributes to this sense of sameness, making progression feel frustratingly repetitive. The games seem to drag on far longer than necessary, often leaving me confused and unsure of where to go next.

I've never managed to finish The Dark Descent despite multiple attempts. This latest installment mirrors The Dark Descent but with improved graphics and more varied environments. Despite an intriguing storyline that was even better than the first, I couldn't find enjoyment in playing it. My experience felt more like a chore driven by stubbornness rather than genuine interest.

I don't want to discredit the franchise, though. Amnesia was revolutionary when it first came out, standing out in an era when most horror games were action-heavy like F.E.A.R and Resident Evil. Amnesia brought innovation to the genre with its insanity system and atmospheric darkness, offering a unique and enjoyable experience without conforming to the prevalent trends of its time. It even set new standards that are still influential today.

I'm sure this game has its merits, but I won't be the one to see it through to the end. I think I'm done with this franchise. And I won't be playing The Bunker for the reasons I've mentioned.

A sequel should improve upon the first product. Amnesia: Rebirth does not do this. Perhaps it gets better later but from other reviews I've read, it probably does not. Too many scripted sequences. "Don't play this game to win. Immerse yourself." says the first screen when you boot the game. But you can't immerse yourself when the character keeps talking, comments on every single thing and especially when the game takes the control away from the player. It tries to be too cinematic.

The flashing images and startling jumpscares are annoying. I did not expect this from a company like Frictional Games.

I loved the first game. I loved SOMA. Both of them had amazing first impressions on me. This game does not. References to the first game are amazing but that's about the only positive thing I can think of right now... Matches also run out WAY too quickly, though the developers are planning to patch this, so don't mind this last part if it gets better with subsequent patches.

The game expects you to care about its characters. How does it do this? "You are this woman. This is your husband. These are your crewmates. You care about them. You do." No. I do not care about them. The protagonist does. The game wants me to find them. To learn what happened to them. I don't want this. The protagonist does. This is not the correct way to make the player care about characters.

Also, the 60 FPS cap. While it does get tolerable after a while, this is not acceptable for a PC release in 2020. You "technically" can remove the cap, but it does not give you more frames, it doubles the frames you get, which results in a very stuttery experience.

So I don't really enjoy hide-and-seek horror games, but I digged the Algeria parts of the game. Otherworld, however, was a massive slog.

Amnesia é o tipo de jogo que eu me pergunto por que não joguei ele no lançamento, procrastinei demais a ponto de deixá-lo na geladeira.

A maravilhosa Frictional Games faz jogos de survivor horror como nenhuma outra, e cada jogo tem sua particularidade que compensa o grande tempo até vir ao público.

Left me pretty underwhelmed. After the first hours I was quite positive, I liked the desert setting, how the mystery gets established, and the exploration up until that point, the highlight being the fortress, in which the player is stuck in for a while. That place captured what made the first Amnesia great I think, a single vast location you have to make sense of, with a hostile presence lurking in the dark, keeping you on edge and a great sense of progression in exploring every nook and cranny. It also incorporates the strengths of past Frictional games, most important their unique physics based interaction with the environment and puzzles that make use of that.
After the fortress, though, the game kinda starts to stumble for me. The story gets convoluted and unfocused, which is not helped by the more and more disjointed levels/locations the player traverses through. The sense of exploration I got in the fortress section got lost on me, as well as the story, so the latter half felt more and more like a slog to play through. It also didn't help that the presence of monsters became too dominant, so they became less and less frightening and more of an annoyance.
The unique death mechanic, the game has, also allowed me to skip multiple sections of the game, which made a few challenging situations pointless and rather random. The goal of that and the more disjointed locations were probably to make the player feel lost and losing control, but that didn't really work for me, unfortunately, I just wasn't as immersed as I was in past Frictional titles.

Not too big of a fan of this Amnesia entry.

TL;DR: not the best story (SOMA) or horror (The Dark Descent), I don't know what they ended up going for here ultimately.

The monsters do instill a sense of horror and anxiety when they are in your area but ultimately they look goofy and even if you die to them u just backtrack a few paces so it's not a big deal.

The lantern and matches lasting no longer than I do in bed are more annoying than scary. I do recall times when I was scared of the atmosphere and the darkness but eventually you get used to the mechanic and just deal with spamming WASD and moving your mouse frantically at 10,000 dpi to avoid being consumed by the fear.

However, the choices at the end were nice. There are 3 of them, 1 of them is absolutely ass, ain't no bitch getting my baby. The 2nd one is kinda just to piss off the ghost lady cuz you ultimately become a problem for everyone else and I'm okay with that. The 3rd one where you completely obliterate the immortal ghost lady and her inflated ego is the best, I mean, u and ur baby fking die but at least it's an honorable death.

The voice acting was decent, can't recall any highlights but it wasn't bad or mediocre.

Paying a homage to The Dark Descent with Herbert, Daniel, Alexander, The Shadow, Algeria, and The Orb was cool. Having the story fleshed out there was nice.

I'm gonna go watch some lore videos cuz I only read 60% of the tablets and entries so I'm missing out something probably.

I'll update this guide if anything cool was there, otherwise 2.5/5, you should probably skip this one.

Compelling, disorienting, and rather tense, this installation of Amnesia isn't as simple or tight as the other iterations but offers a more complex story with a grounded, thorough experience that is unsettling to say the least. The game balances between keeping tension and not desensitizing you to the dread-filled moments, throwing you off balance and creating the feeling Tasi has as she tries to remember and find her friends. Solid visuals, art direction, and voice acting also aid the experience. Perhaps a little drawn out and lacking satisfaction in some areas, but a very solid entry nonetheless.

Amnesia: Rebirth in my eyes is a criminally underrated horror game. Sure, the puzzles and level design can be awkward and the story can feel a bit all over the place.

However, the core of this game is rock-solid and really engrossing. I was scared shitless at many points throughout and I always had the feeling of barely making it. I don't know how much of the tension was just an illusion but it absolutely worked - and using matchsticks for light that quickly burn away and can be hard to come by is a cruel but brilliant mechanic.

It doesn't just get the scares and atmosphere right though, no: Tasi Trianon, the protagonist of this story and its beating heart, is such a wonderful and fascinating character. I love how much the game grounds you in her experience both as a pregnant woman as well as someone who's suffered a terrifying loss. The actress absolutely nails the performance too.
So much of one's enjoyment hinges on whether or not you can empathize with her and I certainly did.

And honestly, even though the puzzles can feel awkward, I never felt like they were too obscure to solve - just requiring you to patiently experiment.

This was my first Amnesia game, and especially towards the end I was pleasantly surprised, baffled at the ratings too.


Very good first half. Kinda lame second half only carried by phenomenal art design.
You can tell the newbies at Frictional worked on this one more. The tension tight as a rope which exists in other Amnesia games is replaced with having 20 monsters one room. I hope you think dying a lot is scary.

Uma história chata pra desgraça que desmistifica toda a história do Dark Descent porque "Haha olha que inteligente a gente explicando tudo". A gameplay é o Dark Descent só que sem a parte de estar num jogo bom. Ruim que só a porra

so sad. i wanted to play this so bad, i was so excited; i loved soma, the bunker was too scary for me to play (/pos), & the narrative/plot looked right up my alley.

sadly, i just think amnesia games might not be for me. the lighting mechanic was really bad.. they give you a VERY limited amount of matches/lamp oil, but she freaks out if she's in the dark. i literally tested it, lit a ceiling lamp then stood in the corner & it started to do the crunchy audio cues & wobbly camera. the jump scares felt really cheesy & as much as i wanted to be engrossed in the story, the poor design choices didn't do it for me. :( very sad, just not for me.

Provavelmente o pior jogo de terror que eu joguei. Achei muito viajado. Demorou muito tempo para a história se desenrolar e não me prendeu o suficiente para terminar.

Review EN/PTBR

Pregnant woman horror
I found the game very beautiful but with a very unbearable and irritating story.


Terror de mulher grávida
Achei o jogo muito bonito mas com uma história muito insuportável e irritante.

ohhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh this game rocks. and horrifying oh my LORD.

I unfortunately completed this game a few years ago. The only parts I remember of the game are: the intro, the ending and whenever I got stuck and had to google a solution or troubleshoot an issue.

It’s one of those no-fight-back horror games which aren’t great, but the story is crazy good. I recommend playing through it on the adventure difficulty, no stupid stuff just story and pretty graphics!

presenta algunos bug molestos en pc, el juego en si no da miedo y fracasa enormemente en poner un ambiente terrorífico, la mecánica de los cerillos es horrible y frustrante. no volvería a rejugar este juego en un buen tiempo.
recomiendo probar.

I really like the gameplay and mechanics of this one, such as the resource management with the matches and lamp, along with managing fear, but the story felt like it lacked agency, which isn't good for a game that's trying to convince us we could turn into a monster at any time.

Frictional know how to make a great game what can I say?

Coming into this as a huge Dark Descent and SOMA fan, I was obviously curious what lessons they learned from the latter to apply to the former. The answer is subverting horror tropes about motherhood, but not quite as thought provoking as SOMA. Granted I can not bear children and wonder how someone who could would view this game, but while the gameplay carried me on a cruise to the end, the story hit its peak when you get to The Factory.
Anyway, one day it will get a proper assessment, but I'll need to wait.

Quite an interesting entry to the Amnesia games. There are so many improvements from the previous games, but at the same times there are definitely some conflicting game design decisions too.

First off, the interactivity with the environment is back from TDD, and it is improved upon. The new inventory and resource management was way more immersive and I liked the concept of using matches or your lantern as a light source.
The setting and environments in the game are top notch as always for the Amnesia series, so no issues there either. And improved graphics are beneficial to the environment as well.

Here's where the game starts to fall a bit short for me.
First, the soundtrack is nowhere near as present as other games, which is such a shame since it adds so much to the horror, which I found to be a bit lacking.
The monsters also stopped being scary quite quickly, which is such a shame considering they have by far the most intimidating designs and move pretty fast too.
The story is way too all over the place until the end of the game. I know that's kind of the point, but none of the notes I found immersed me enough; the only ones that did were those that linked to previous games.

Overall, it was a solid experience but TDD is still the better horror game. Besides, I felt it was a few hours too long.

Really interesting addition to the series. I liked the alternate world idea but the monsters weren't nearly as scary as TDD, and that's coming from someone whose first time playing TDD was right before this, so it's not a nostalgia thing.

I feel very mixed about this. It's about as good as it is bad. The story, once again is a bit all over the place but at least you can get a sense of what's happening. There are a lot of "plot convenience" moments which got old very fast, but the visuals were stunning, the level design was interesting but confusing, and there were a lot of teleporting enemies in the first half of the game.

The second half of the game is where it gets a lot better. More scares, more lore, etc. I really liked the character interactions so it's a shame of how little there were. The monster design is really cool, similar to wendigos from Until Dawn, and the other world creatures were terrifying.

The puzzles really let me down though. Most were uninteresting and really confusing, several times I was stuck not knowing how to progress either because I didn't notice a small detail or I wasn't actually told what to do/where to go. Oh, and they gave you nowhere near enough lamp oil as it runs out so quickly. The matches burn too fast as well, so for a good portion of the game I was stumbling around in the dark, ESPECIALLY the beginning. Nowhere near enough matches. It was really bad.

The ending segment was really cool however, and my last few hours were probably my favourite. There is no real good ending, there's multiple and all are bittersweet. I chose the Iconoclast ending as I felt it was best overall.

If the story was more interesting and better paced, with better puzzles, this could have easily been 4/5 stars. Also I felt that Tasi talked a bit too much for my liking, and there were a lot of moments where I would be stopped or slowed to hear/see a flashback or drawing.

Mesmo eu tendo gostado da narrativa, ela não é tão boa quanto The Dark Descent, e não chega nem perto de SOMA, o plot twist final foi muito mais simples do que fora sugerido durante todo o game, além da problemática final ser bem imatura. Contudo, Amnesia: Rebirth foi o retorno que a franquia precisava, mantendo a excelência em atmosfera, bons puzzles, e uma imersão invejável.

Reminds me of Prometheus, a lot of people don't like it because it pulls back some of the curtains of the story and what's really going on, I personally don't mind it, main complaint is some of the gameplay sections should be better but I like Tasi as much as Daniel from the first game (Daniel is just more interesting)

[Played on SteamDeck (verified), batterylife wasn't great, but it ran perfectly and I had no issues with it.]

The best part of the first two Amnesia games, in my opinion, was piecing together the mystery alongside your character. I unfortunately didn't have this same experience with Rebirth, I figured out nearly the whole "mystery" not even half-way through my playthrough. The atmosphere was really good, the environments were interesting, puzzles were a mixed bag, and I liked the monster designs. Overall it's not a bad game, but I'd rather play the other games in the series to be honest.

Если вы в предвкушении ждали следующий проект Frictional Games после легендарной "SOMA", будьте уверены, это всё те-же ребята, однако, которые не смогли в должной степени повторить успех прошлого проекта. Главное, вы обошли ширпотреб под названием "Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs" от Chinese Room, который, кто-то смеет нарекать предвестником "SOMA"..

Начнём с того, что это лучшая Amnesia в которую мне довелось поиграть (без учёта "Amnesia: The Bunker") и ближайший сородич так горячо любимой мной "SOMA".

Сильно подросла детализация. Предметы мира стали завораживающе проработанными. Арт дизайн, местами, очень впечатляет и способен нарисовать ожившую картину. Персонаж на всё очень живо реагирует и даже слишком.

Где-то остаётся скудность из-за размеров игры, что ещё с первой части отпугнуло моего друга, однако, "Amnesia: Rebirth" определённо стоит дать шанс, даже с оговоркой, что в итоге, она не оправдает ожиданий.

Главное разочарование - сюжет и его подача.
Центральная тема с ребёнком раскачивается утомительно долго, большую часть времени ты с исступлением смотришь на сентиментальные скетчи с детьми во время загрузки. Даже когда тебе раскрывается причина, это не оправдывает замешательства с которым ты сталкиваешься столько времени подряд. На тебя упадает целая гора персонажей за которыми ты не успеваешь уследить в многочисленных записках и зарисовках. До того в конце разгоняется сюжет кидая нас в кромешную ментальную тьму, что, частенько задаешься логичным вопросом, а как главная героиня вообще находит время собраться с силами?

Подача основного сюжета осуществляется через довольно жирно выполненные чёрно-белые скетчи не самых больших размеров, это утомляет, но привыкаешь. Слишком много было брошено сил в попытках создать огромную историю, из-за чего пострадало качество.

..и как мы уже привыкли у FRICTIONAL GAMES финалы, зачастую, ударяют игрока в самое сердце, оставляя размышлять о сюжете. Здесь, он тебя так-же разочаровывает, при этом, не оставляя глубокого материала для раздумий.

"Amnesia: Rebirth" проводит нас через множество хитрых и не очень загадок, позволяя изучить в процессе каждую червоточину этого пострадавшего мира. Она способна нагнать на тебя жути и удивить своей красотой. Дайте ей шанс, даже, если у неё это не получится.

Great game in the traditional linear Frictional Games style. Paved some new ground with having a female lead and it adding interesting gameplay, very fun to speedrun as well.