Reviews from

in the past

I mentally started writing this while I was waiting for a monkey bar to move very slowly into the right position for me to progress. I started watching it move. How is it moving? A hovering rock. Why is it moving? Because halfway through development somebody wrote "friction" on a whiteboard and it accidentally got into everybody's heads that this was a huge fuckin priority.

Everything about this game, apart from the combat itself, is a barrier to enjoyment. It's like they held a company-wide focus group and implemented every single idea. It's all menus and tutorials and virtual collectables and skins and seasons and XP and poses and please just shut up I want to shoot the monsters.

And it's so patronising. Look at the map! Here's where you'll be having a fight! Oh just wait up a moment, I know you've not even seen this enemy yet, but here's a little video of exactly how to defeat it optimally! Off you pop! Don't worry about missing secrets, we've put big yellow question marks up, and you can zip back to them any time! Have fun!

Like others have said, all the lore guff feels like a big misstep too. Mind in 2016 where someone tried to explain the plot and Doomguy just ripped the comms panel off the wall and went towards the nearest demon? Good times. Here you spend the first half hour fighting to get to a meeting, you listen to what they're saying and let them escape, then the next job is to track them down and kill them? THEY WERE RIGHT THERE!

When I went to play today, I noticed that the icon on the console dashboard said "Doom Eternal Battlemode". I thought maybe I could remove the battlemode bit, save some drive space, but no that's the eighty gig main game. The campaign is a ten gig add-on that can be deleted. The focus here was always live service shite with a mobile game style interface. Obnoxious.

Combat's real good though eh

Had a pretty rough start with this game because how different the combat was and there being limited ammo. A few upgrades later and I find this game rivaling Doom 4. I'm really glad the devs tried something different instead of making this game look like expanded DLC of the previous game. And it's surprising this thing could even run well on the Switch although to be fair, it did crash twice.

one of the few games whose design genuinely infuriates me. each challenge you face has one answer and the fact that there are 100 of them does not make it more engaging. hell is an inch deep and a mile wide

If this game doesn’t make you wanna go to hell just to fight the devil with your bare fists, you clearly need to go to a mental hospital.

Buen juego, buena acción. No me gusta para nada el aspecto de puzle que tiene el juego con respecto a los enemigos, le quita la diversión de ir gastando la munición sobre demonios de forma loca.
Considero que DOOM 2016 es superior en prácticamente todo menos la mobilidad.

i usually hate fps games so idk what black magic they used w this game but i love it the combat loop is sex and ive beaten this game like at least 5 times now


Doom 2026 but no as good tbh

A rapid game about killing demons. The soundtrack is simply awesome, all the tracks are absolute bangers. The plot is not particularly important, just rip and tear, y'know?

Loved this game big time. Everything about it was perfect for me. MASSIVE upgrade over their first DOOM revival.

Damn you corpo-fucks for what you did to mick but ignoring that this game is one of the greatest FPS games of all time. Top 3 atleast for me. My only problem is the vibes, and not of the levels cause they kick ass aswell. They basically ruined the simple and fun story of 1 by adding a bunch of like. Skyrim lore to everything and retconning the evil ceo from the previous game to basically be like jesus christ jr. What the hell? Story isn't what i'm looking for in a doom game though so like... Eh. Who cares.

this game is fun and i like the new movement options compared to 2016, HOWEVER i think the gunplay is weaker then the first and i prefer the more horror vibe of 2016, this game is still really fun but its just a bit weaker then 2016 and the boss fights kind of suck

I recommend this pretty chill game to everybody

igual o primeiro, super divertido

if it were just the highs, i could easily give this a 4.5. sadly, it is bogged down by pointless, easy platforming and the same tedious "challenges" from the first game. those "challenges" completely ruin the flow of the game, and i have no idea how they were not eliminated for this faster-paced sequel. all you need are the in-level secrets. but no, every once in a while you have to waste time doing something sub-optimal when you could instead be having fun playing the game normally. additionally, the art direction and general tone are HORRIBLE compared to the first game. why would you make a direct sequel and have such a different art style? its just bizarre. all of that being said, when the game actually lets you, you know, shoot stuff and have fun, it is a blast. i do think there are a little too many bells and whistles (was the crucible really necessary?) and it can lead to some clunky moments (it is a pain to switch from the chaingun to the unmakyr when the bfg is in the way. the bfg is almost always preferred anyway but thats a whole other complaint). i do love how you can actually use your costumes and weapon skins during single player, unlike the first game. remember when you could take any outfit piece, mix and match them however you wanted, and apply any colors and textures to not only that, but your weapons as well? well they took that away for... some reason. now you only have a few specific costumes and weapon skins. this could be potentially excusable, but of course they put a bunch of it behind a PAYWALL, which is completely unacceptable. its such a slap in the face after the even better customization was completely free in the first game. most people whining about the marauder are ridiculous, but my gripe with it is that its animations are jank as hell looking. like, really really bad. anyway, the game is good. i just wish that it was a little more streamlined, and personally, that it took more aesthetically from the first game. oh, and that the music wasnt annoying. and that there was less terrible voice acting lol

Lo hice, en nightmare, lo conseguí.

Conseguí quitarme a mi amigo pesado que no dejaba de decirme que me pasara el juego otra vez en nightmare.

Y es fácil de narices.

One of the best shooters ever made. Combat feels amazing and the fast pace I love. Difficulty is just right. The music is goated. Story is about what you'd expect from Doom. God, it's amazing.

the greatest fps of all time and a rare case of true innovation. i pray every day that we get more games like doom eternal.

Doom Eternal es mi juego de acción favorito y lleva siéndolo desde el primer día que lo probé. Es casi costumbre personal pasarme este juego mínimo una vez al año y siempre acabo disfrutandolo como el primer día. Porque el combate de este juego está tan ridículamente bien diseñado, que por muchas horas que le eche y dificultades que haya superado, nunca sentiré que lo manejo a la perfección. Aunque cada vez estoy más cerca. Lo que sí siento cada vez que lo juego es una increíble sensación de euforia y orgullo al superar cada batalla. Es la fantasía de poder definitiva y lleva a tu cuerpo picos de adrenalina que pocos juegos consiguen. Eternas van a ser la cantidad de horas a este juego en mi cuenta de steam a este paso.

Esta obra se siente la evolución perfecta de los anteriores títulos que le preceden. En 1993, Jonh Carmack y John Romero sentaron las bases de la jugabilidad de la saga. Aprovechando la novedad de usar armas de fuego en primera persona, crearon un bucle jugable alrededor de disparar a los enemigos mientras te mantienes siempre en movimiento. Sobre esos cimientos diseñarían Doom II , y es la base en torno a la que el reboot del 2016 construye su propia visión. Un título excelente que llevaba a doom a épocas modernas sin olvidar de dónde venía. Tras esto, ¿cuál era el camino que debía tomar eternal? Llevar un paso más allá la velocidad y la complejidad de su combate. Me parece una decisión excepcional, que ha dejado para mi a Doom (2016), como un título lento y simple cuando volví a jugarlo tiempo después.

El combate de Eternal puede llegar a sentirse abrumador puesto así en papel. Nueve armas, doce modificaciones de disparo alternativo, dos granadas, un crisol, un lanzallamas y hasta una motosierra. Lo increíble no es solo la variedad y posibilidades que te da, sino que vas a usar absolutamente todas para poder pasar cada nivel. Con ayuda de diferentes puntos débiles en los enemigos, crean un dinamismo eléctrico en el que el uso de todo tu arsenal está asegurado. Incluso hay momentos en que pienso que Doom eternal no es solo un juego de disparos en primera persona, si no también uno de estrategia. Tienes que gestionar que arma es mejor para cada enemigo en particular, mientras no pierdes de vista tu vida y escudo. Porque su regeneración también es parte del combate, con el uso del lanzallamas o las glory kills. Hay quinientas cosas en tu cabeza mientras vas decapitando demonios a cada paso. Eso es lo que me encanta de Doom Eternal.

Al igual que expande en su complejidad, este título también lo hace en su opciones de movimiento, volviéndolo bastante frenético. Combina un doble dash junto a múltiples opciones de movilidad dentro de la arena para conseguirlo. Estas mecánicas, junto al gancho de la superescopeta consiguen elevar aún más su vertiginoso combate. Si normalmente la escopeta suele ser mi arma favorita en un videojuego, el hecho de tener un gancho que te puede llevar de una lado a otro de la arena en segundos, la convierte en una de mis armas favoritas de los videojuegos. Este frenetismo en contraposición a toda la parte estratégica y de toma decisiones es lo que genera tanta adrenalina. Sin embargo, sabe mantener la calma cuanto es necesario. Entre batalla y batalla, hay partes de exploración y plataformeo bastante decentes. Consiguen bajar las pulsaciones y no saturar al jugador, lo cual me parece un acierto sublime en su diseño de niveles. Tiene un ritmo excelente

Por otro lado , creo que esta obra no sólo excede en su apartado jugable, sino que su ambientación también es sublime. Constantemente el juego intenta hacerte sentir la grandeza del doom slayer en tus carnes, con cada cinemática y conversación. Aunque siendo sinceros, la historia nunca ha sido el punto fuerte de estos títulos, pero me gusta mucho el tono que utiliza. No vas a entender nada de lo que te cuentan porque no es una historia muy bien escrita, pero cada interacción se siente majestuosa, y a mi personalmente me vale. Porque suma mucho a lo que sin lugar a dudas es lo que más aporta a esa majestuosidad del título: su apartado artístico. Me quedo totalmente anonadado con lo bonitos que son algunos escenarios del juego, su composición y colores. Ya no solo los escenarios sino también el diseño de cada uno de los demonios, todo es prácticamente perfecto.

Me dejo para el final el pegamento que hace que todo esto funcione así de bien, su banda sonora. Es simplemente brillante, Mick Gordon es un compositor excepcional y su banda sonora es capaz de intensificar todas las sensaciones que me transmite el título. Sin su metal, sus batallas no se sentirían tan legendarias, ni sus localizaciones tan míticas. Es posiblemente una de mis bandas sonoras favoritas de la historia de los videojuegos.

En definitiva, Doom Eternal me flipa. Creo que se nota por la extensión de este análisis, pero sin duda es uno de mis juego favoritos. Ojalá encuentre más títulos con un combate tan pulido como es el de esta obra. Mientras tanto Doom Eternal seguirá acompañándome año tras año, hasta que la única cosa que teman sea yo.

A nearly flawless first person shooter. The parkour elements were a cool addition and were very challenging. They also served as an interesting break from the mayhem, and could almost seem like puzzle elements when you weren't exactly sure how to proceed. I loved the feeling of being an unstoppable bad ass, and the glory kills and environments looked amazing. It was also really neat how they updated the original Doom graphic elements, everything you remember from Doom I and II are in here. Fantastic work by the art department. My only negatives would be the final two boss fights felt a little cheap, and I think they recognized that with the sentinel armor option. I also felt like they could have been a little more obvious with map elements in certain areas, a few times I was going in circles trying to find the next place to go. Small complaints in what was a fantastic game overall. Now go kill some demons, slayer!

In my humble opinion, this game is damn near perfection. You can tell the team at iD really learned how to spice things up from their last foray with the series. Everything feels like a major step up combat, traversal, and level design wise. The only gripes that I have with this game are the sound design and boss fights. The boss fights are a given, as they have always been the weakest part of this series. However, the sound design is inexcusable, mostly due to corporate sabotage from iD Software higher-ups to Mick Gordon and Chad Mossholder. Every gun sounds like a wet fart and the soundtrack transitions are jarring as hell. Yet if those are my only complaints about the game, then I would honestly say this game is worth it. The main Campaign and horde are just such a blast. The DLC is very take-it-or-leave-it though.