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in the past

Rip and Tear but this time with a better engine

Easily one of the best action games ever made. Builds off of Doom 2016 in the best ways possible.

"im about to doom all over this eternal!!!" - Doom Guy

DLC dificil até demais jogando no controle

in a lot of ways better than the 2016 DOOM, but with less replay ability

Для гиперактивных зумеров (мне понравилось но бысторо пизда)

Doom 2016 feels mean, and I like that a lot. Its comedy feels cruel and its violence is unapologetic. I think a lot of the arcade feeling and new sense of humor in Eternal is toned down to a certain extent, which isn't a bad thing but sometimes comes off like taking your kid sibling to the arcade and they think the fatalities in Mortal Kombat are the funniest thing in the world and you're like "right on man that's pretty cool."
The jokes are a way more forefront here, and I'm not entirely sure the mood benefits from that. It's not bad, but it feels like maybe they weren't sure if they wanted to commit to being edgy or goofy and couldn't find a compromise. If Doom 2016 is like Evil Dead or Army of Darkness, Eternal is way more like Ash vs Evil Dead.
As a shooter, it's definitely a shooter! It's a lot of fun and the setpieces are cool enough, for sure. I just never found myself thinking about it too much after shutting it off, as opposed to Doom 2016 occupying a ton of my brainspace with its fresh take on the series formula.
I'm placing it next to Metro Exodus as a game I really like in theory but just doesn't click for some reason, I'll probably replay it later and see if I have any better criticism or if it works this time.

I am ashamed to admit this took me longer to beat than Elden Ring.

i played on the second to hardest difficulty and HOLY SHIT I am so happy its over.

Immaculate game but I was so tired of it by the end. will remember this for sure

Might even be better than the older games.

полное говно
игра рассчитанная на осьминога которая заставляет игрока нажимать сто кнопок а я просто пострелять хочу

After being dissapointed by DOOM (2016) and its fairly hollow execution, I wasn't expecting DOOM Eternal (2020) and its DLC, The Ancient Gods, to blood punch me in the face and put me through over ten hours of what I can confidently say is the most intense, stylish, and layered first person shooting I've ever played. It has impacted me so much that I've decided to allow myself to review games that I haven't platinumed (as I currently don't have the funds to buy Playstation Plus for the online trophies), as well as allowing myself to give ratings (mainly five stars) to pieces of media I feel strongly about.

From the moment I opened the menu I knew the game was going to be something else. I love the menu music, the green and orange buttons, and the scenic background behind what is the coolest looking interpretation of the DOOM Slayer himself. The art direction as a whole makes up for every single orange tinted UAC base from the 2016 game. There isn't a single setting I didn't love, and every one of them, with their varied colour palletes and tones, had me stopping when I could to take in the scenery, which in a fast paced series such as DOOM seems pretty unheard of. I read someone compare the game's settings to a plethora of different metal album covers, and I think that hits the nail on the head. Even more so, the soundtrack somehow one ups the previous. Its a shame id Software messed up the whole soundtrack business, otherwise I'd be eating the soundtrack up like I'd never eaten before.

Alongside the settings, the enemy variety is plentiful, only complimenting the game's art direction. Not only have they refined the designs from the 2016 entry, but they've also added tons and tons of new enemies, doing what the beloved DOOM II (1994) did for the original DOOM (1993) tenfold. Even throughout both parts of The Ancient Gods, the enemy variety only increases, shaking up every combat situation and making it absolutely impossible to expect even the unexpected. You have to be on your toes at all times, which brings back that same trial and error gameplay I'd missed from the classic DOOM titles. It didn't feel mindless at all, and instead felt stimulating from start to finish.

The demons are as much fun to shoot as they are to look at with the array of weapons and mechanics you have to play with throughout the game. I was frustrated by DOOM (2016) and its overabundance of upgrades which made it a cakewalk even on Ultra-Violence mode, so I started DOOM Eternal on Nightmare mode expecting it to be the same. I was very wrong, Nightmare mode caused me to drop the game for a few weeks, reconsidering if it was a smart choice. Upon returning to it, I decided to knock it down to Ultra-Violence, which felt like the perfect challenge I was looking for. DOOM Eternal does bombard you with upgrades, guns, and extra equipment to help you manage your health, armour, and ammo, but it doesn't make it easier. I was pleasently surprised by how hard the game gets, and I was even more pleasently surprised by how painfully difficult The Ancient Gods Part One was, which had me biting my teeth upon every death. Despite that, by managing the mechanics the game had given me I was able to balance everything and by the end of the game I had pretty much mastered it. That's the beauty of the game, when you really get a hold of its horns you end up pulling off the most satisfying clutches, destroying several of the same types of enemies that a few hours ago were kicking your ass by their lonesome. It also helps that your arsenel is so well rounded with them thankfully removing the pointless pistol, tweaking certain guns to feel chunkier and well balanced, as well as bringing back DOOM 64's (1997) wonderful Unmaker, now called the Unmaykr. That alone shows the love id Software put into this game, and the diversity of the DOOM Slayer's weaponry had me using every single gun in every single fight.

In my review for DOOM (2016), I complained about how unsatisfying the ending was, but DOOM Eternal has both scratched the itch that game left and removed that itch entirely, leading me to reflect on and actually appreciate DOOM (2016) and its ending more than I previously did. Yes, the story is simple, but the presentation, the set pieces, and the fights elevate it to literal God-like heights.

I'm more than happy with my experience with this game. After thinking I'd simply fallen out of love with DOOM after DOOM (2016), DOOM Eternal pulled me right back in with the meat hook, plagueing my thoughts and dreams with visions of flying around demonic arenas and glory killing giant foes. Even when I thought the game might start to get old, the DLC introduced new weapons and enemies that tossed up what I had learnt and pushed me to try something new. I can't imagine how you could improve upon this, I honestly don't think its possible.

imperfect sequel to a nearly perfect reboot. still a quality game of the year contender for 2020

As someone who isn't versed in FPS's, I can't tell you exactly how this game is better than its predecessor, but if my opinion matters I will say this: Doom Eternal is an improvement over the previous outing of Doom 2016.

I can definitely give it a shot, though. I think Eternal's extended variety of enemy types helped make combat stay fresh and exciting. As someone who is only a fan of a limited number of FPS's outside of COD, I can say that the combat just feels faster and more dynamic, if my opinion holds much weight at all. I also enjoyed the difficulty climb, as the game remained both challenging but also beatable for the JRPG fan in me.

There is one main critique, and that's the traversing. It didn't feel fully optimized and at times felt clunky and unfair as I kept over or undershooting during those parkour segments. As a massive Uncharted fan it was very noticeable. Improved traversal would have not have brought the pace of the game to screeching halts throughout my playthrough. I also didn't really see a point to empowered demons as their sudden spikes in toughness punished me but were then gone once i respawned. if they were present in 2016, disregard this as a nitpick.

Doom Eternal served as a fun outing as a break between all of the JRPG's I play. Definitely a great time.

(Played on Nintendo Switch. Ran very well from what I could tell.)

Amazing soundtrack, visuals, and guns. Really fun to play through, though post game content is minimal and doesn't have a lot of replaybility.

I did a lot of ripping but not sure if I did any tearing

Never considered myself someone who liked fast games. I usualy like to take my time and enjoy the scenery. However, Doom Eternal grabs you and never lets go. There's a lot of great scenery to behold but not much time to stop and smell the flesh roses. And that's alright.

How it was able to take what made Doom 2016 work and intensify means that you won't get a similar high from another video game very easily.

This game was hella fun and I want to go back and beat the DLC that came with it. I especially liked the weapon upgrade system where you could quickly switch in and out of different upgrades. Great game

A solid game in its own right, but also a massive fuckup of a sequel. The story isn't coherently mixed with Doom 2016, the gameplay is fundamentally broken because bosses have to spawn fodder enemies for ammo, Mick Gordon got the composer curse, Snapmap and traditional Deathmatch were removed to the detriment of replay value, and the Invasion mode was canceled for good measure.

doom 2016 but more arcadey

in some ways better than 2016, in some ways worse

Magnum Opus and bye to the rest.

Hits the ground running from minute one and doesn’t let up once. Really appreciated all the lore that’s established, especially with how it ties into the series as a whole.

They’ve definitely upped the difficulty this time around. Even on I Don’t Wanna Die, there were quite a few moments where I was nearly overrun.

Also, that final boss fight (hell both “final bosses”) might be one of the most fun boss fights in recent memory.

An insane sequel with non-stop Rip-and-Tear action from start to finish.

I played this entirely on Steam Deck at "Hurt Me Plenty" difficulty. The game played phenomenally well at 40fps with default settings and it looked gorgeous. I completed the campaign and both DLCs obtaining all collectibles and completing all encounters. Overall it took me 34 hours to complete and I enjoyed most every minute of it.

The story in this game picks up some time after the events of the first game. You are the Doom Slayer (aka Doom Guy) here to save Earth from the demon invasion. You singlehandedly get to take on all manner of new and returning enemies with a ton of fun mechanics. In between some missions you get to go back to the Fortress of Doom which acts as a hub for you and where you can unlock additional upgrades from items you collect in each level and enjoy all of the non functional collectibles you find (demon bobbles, songs, etc.)

The world is impeccable and insanely detailed. The devs nailed the feel of a demon invasion on Earth while also giving us varied environments overall from mission to mission. What more can you say then the world in this game feels damn near perfect.

Gameplay is where this game shines and is only enhanced by the atmosphere. As with any boomer shooter style game movement is key and you have a lot of options to keep you self in motion at all times. Though there are health, armor, and ammo pickups through out the levels you can also obtain these using your equipment or the returning "glory kills". Without this it would have been near impossible for me to complete some of the encounters. It really lets you control the pace at which you complete them. Every mission has encounters to complete (some are optional), secrets to find, and items to collect. Collecting everything is made easier with some upgrades that show you where they are (feels kind of cheap, but made the process a bit easier). The tougher demons and bosses have some solid mechanics built in that keeps the gameplay loop fresh throughout. The only enemy type I was not the biggest fan of were the Marauders. Only being able to hit them at certain times made it feel an arbitrary difficulty modifier that I don't feel was necessary. It kept things interesting though. I did not try the horde or multiplayer modes, but everything in the campaign felt top notch and the DLC even added new gameplay elements that didn't just feel like they were added for the sake of adding them (mostly at least).

Overall, this game was fantastic. I enjoyed the hell out of Doom (2016) and this sequel exceed it in every way. If you are a fan of these types of shooters and have not played it you MUST.

нажмите кнопку "a" чтобы убить врага "b"
хотите нажать другую кнопку? так нельзя! ВЫ НАКАЗАНЫ! - враг будет убиваться полгода и МАЛО БОЕПРИПАСОВ.

абсолютно кривой геймдизайн запрещающий игроку хоть какую-то вольность в плейстайле, разработчики придумали уйму разнообразных скиллов и оружий но как заставить игрока ими пользоваться не придумали, поэтому напихали в игру искусственных ограничений на каждый сантиметр игры
есть ровно противоположный пример - ultrakill, в нем боевая система настолько органично сочетает каждый элемент что у игрока появляется естественное желание свапать стволы и постоянно придумывать новые комбинации, тут же смена ствола это скорее неприятная обязаловка ровно в тот момент когда ты начал получать удовольствие от геймплея
можно вспомнить игру и постарее, в halo тоже присутствовал элемент комбат-паззла, только в нем игра тебя вознаграждала за умное решение в непростой ситуации и была по настоящему боевой песочницей, а не ставила перед тобой условие что, допустим, энергетическое оружие это ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ способ сбросить щиты, а дум этернал делает именно так

еще про МАЛО БОЕПРИПАСОВ: в том же условном halo когда ты достреливаешь патроны на одной пушке, ты обдумываешь какую пушку подобрать дальше и каким образом ее использовать, так ты и выстраиваешь свою тактику. в етернале же, когда патроны на всех пушках кончаются ты ПРОСТО РУБИШЬ БЛИЖАЙШЕГО ВРАГА, в этом нет никакой тактики или менеджмента ресурсов! а то что в игре присутствуют безобидные демоны служащие лишь как "раздатчики патронов" это вообще стыд! в этих "раздатчиках патронов" и торчат нитки непродуманного геймдизайна

на релизе игру я прошел на пиратке, на ультра-вайленсе, хоть тогда эти проблемы тоже бросались в глаза, однако удовольствие от единичного прохождения я всё же получил, перепроходить или дожидаться длс я не стал. сейчас же я удалил игру уже через полчаса игры, я моментально вышел когда мне показали туториал по "выжиганию брони из врагов". это не шутер, это однопользовательская моба с одним персонажем

if the maraduer was a unique boss this game would have been perfect

Doesn't get any better than this. Literal perfection