Reviews from

in the past

The hair option with the most attractiveness is bald because Peter Molyneux is bald

At the time this game was amazing.

I love this game. This was another summer game with my sister. It's just goofy and a good time.

every game protagonist should wear union jack underwear imo

This game is stupid. Make no mistake of that. But its stupid in the way a good joke is stupid, stupid in the way the games you played and loved as a kid were stupid.

it doesnt try to be something its not.

Sequel was better though.

Beautiful game. Best implementation of a karma system. Memorable, charming, great gameplay. A must for original Xbox.

Never owned it, but played it at my brother's (who had an original X-Box from day one).

Possibly the greatest game ever made.

This game was the original that really seemed to capture the "choose your own adventure" feel missing from so many games before it. There is a somewhat linear story, but every decision you make actually seems to have an impact. While not the best game to do it, it showed us what was possible.

you are now evil enough to use the middle finger

Zerei esse jogo no emulador esse ano, sempre ouvi falar mas nunca tinha jogado, sinceramente muito foda, queria jogar os 3 mas o fable 2 roda lixo no emulador então eu prefiro parar por aqui, se pa eu jogo o 3 um dia.
Jogo foda realmente, recomendo a todos, nunca mais tinha jogado um jogo simplesmente genero "aventura".

I remember this game with so much love I don't think I'd ever enjoy it as much as I remember.
Play it if you can, it's amazing.

damn this game sucked im sorry but i do not get the hype around this. the "goated reputation" system just means if the npcs react good or not towarads you. boring

no creo q lo vuelva a jugar mas nunca en mi vida pero esto fue vida

For how many fantasy RPGs there are out there, this does a really good job at creating its own formula that works while differentiating from the masses. It can be ridiculous although I'm not exactly complaining, it certainly adds to the charm. It's a shame what ended up happening to Lionhead Studios, as much as I'm not the biggest fan of Fable 3.

A fun world with solid combat and a simple but entertaining story.

At the time, this was cutting edge. It hasn’t aged well but the memories I have playing it will last me a lifetime. Based.

Iconic XBOX game, had fun playing it when I was a kid.

according to fable divorcing ur wife is more evil than sacrificing her to an evil demon god

Passa uma vibe meio Shrek só isso a comentar

This might be the first RPG I played that felt like a true role-playing game--as in, you really took on the role of a character and could make decisions about who you were in this world. (Certainly, other games had done this before, but I didn't get around to many of them until later.) I have not played it since release, so it may show its age these days, but I remember really getting sucked into the game when it came out. It was hard to put down the controller with so much to see and do... and the fact that you could get lucky with romance was all too appealing to a teenaged boy. The sequels certainly improved on the formula, but this felt like a solid, fresh start.

Joguei isso na minha infância, num PC bem lixeira porém o jogo era bem otimizado e rodava bem, tendo uns gráficos bem legais para a época, lembro de ter algumas missões um pouco repetitivas, mas a história a gameplay simplesmente foi algo tão bom que eu nunca poderia me esquecer.
Sinceramente um dos poucos jogos que eu vou guardar nas minhas lembranças e rejogar de tempos em tempos.
Agradeço muito meu irmão por ter me apresentado com essa dádiva.

Fable: The Lost Chapters is the first rated M game I ever played (6y.o.) and I felt so guilty that I went home and told my mom! She did not care. You can do a middle finger

This is a good game with a magical world. However, the game feels kind of broken. Often the AI does not follow you the way you want to, leading to frustrating sequences. The combat itself is also not that fun and can become very frustrating once you have to deal with lots of enemies.

Still remember hacking in a fablellion gold so I could get infinite karma so I could open that one door at the start that wanted me to shine brightly or whatever and it never working out.
Several years later I replayed the game and had a thought "what if I just take a torch" and it worked
Great childhood memories / 10, would replay the final boss on a mouse without a scroll wheel again.

This is the Fable game that I am furthest removed from, but I remember enjoying my time, with no intention of going back. I don't think this one has aged quite as well as the other two, but it should be praised for being unique and creative for the time it was released. It got the ball rolling on a fantastic franchise.