Reviews from

in the past

Yeah, it's very funny, but I just can't play any more of this.

If I wasn't already aware that this was an original Xbox game, featuring a legendary voice over, and was exclusive to Japan, I could be mistaken for thinking this was some kind of modern day parody of games like Metal Gear Rising.

The story which can be boiled down to "The US President fights the Vice President in a mech suit" is so off the charts bonkers that its charms are immediately apparent. There was a lot of bad voice acting/direction in this era, and that was just the standard for most games. But this is very clearly knowingly awful, and I'm sure it was a blast to record. "SUCK ON MY MISSILE PUNCH!" Unfortunately though, the game suffers from being really basic and repetitive, and if it wasn't for some pretty impressive destruction, its design seems firmly rooted in the prior console era. There's just a few too many rough edges with ridiculous game over states and an emphasis on grinding out better weapons to replace your immediately redundant weapons after every couple of missions. It's very clearly an old game with old design, and I would have welcomed a couple of quality of life options in this rerelease as it would have unquestionably made this a better game.

I made my way through most of the game if the trophies are to be believed, but it became clear after a few hours that the best parts are the briefings and the cutscenes, and it's not worth suffering through some of the difficulty bullshit... And before you ask, this isn't some "git gud" From difficulty, this is some old ass game design difficulty. When looking something up about the game I came across a Steam thread for this game, where a bunch of dudes are all posturing about their Souls skills and gitting gudder. Honestly, that shit is almost as funny as this game... or it would be if it wasn't so sad.

Thankful that Devolver put this out, and it easily available, but it's pretty apparent that there was probably a good reason the West never saw this.

Copied from my Steam review:
Fantastic game. Super fun, super funny, with plenty of unlockables, secrets, and replay value. As much as the "AMERICA **** YEAH" type of humor doesn't necessarily land the same these days, it absolutely works here. Everything is completely absurd, and President Michael Wilson and his secretary, Jody Crawford, are a constant delight. Even the nasty conservative coup-leading villain is hilarious with how oddly delivered all the dialogue is.

If you like robots even a little bit you gotta try this. It's the best game FROMSOFT ever made.


I would like to add on to this, and mention that the game does have some pretty big flaws. It can get a bit too janky and frustrating at a few points, and unless you start a brand new file there's no way to revisit some of the between-level story segments, which make up a LOT of the plot.

This game brought a constant smile to my face. The gameplay is simple and satisfying and the music is dumb and catchy. But what will really make this game stick in my head forever is the dumbass story and voice acting. It's so nonsensical and absurd that it constantly got a laugh out of me. ESPECIALLY Jody and Richard. Richard is just so fun to watch, I don't think I've seen a character as cartoonishly evil as him in a long time. He's so fun. Uhh I guess it can get kind of annoying and repetitive sometimes but who cares, game's cool

(I could not figure out the controls ngl)

Mobile Suit Yaoi: The American Dream

This game is funny and silly until it becomes from softwares hardest game. And not in a fun way. In an annoying way. Two stars for being one of the funny games.

This was a very fun game about blowing things up with a giant robot. The story is hilarious and over the top, the explosions are satisfying, the soundtrack is incredible and unique with its funkiness, the graphics look great for a game made in 2004, and the missions are really fun. However, this game also has some serious issues. The difficulty curve is all over the place. The game is either way too difficult, or stuck on easy mode once you get the higher tiers of machine guns and bazookas. If you grind the early missions a little bit, you'll unlock the best guns in the game by upgrading your research all the way to the top for machine guns and bazookas. This is an automatic way to win the game, and completely neuters the experience. That being said, the game is far too unforgiving without these weapons because it kicks you to the beginning of the level if you fail. There's really no "happy medium" when it comes to the difficulty, so it ends up being as satisfying as a wet fart. This is not the "tough but fair" FromSoft challenge that you'll get with their other games. The final boss was also complete garbage. He's far too difficult to fight fairly, but taking pot shots at him from behind a piece of level geometry makes the boss far too easy. Thus, emblematic of my entire experience with the game. It still gets 3.5 stars because it's still a ton of fun, and the cheesy story and voice acting made this fever dream of a game live in my head rent free. Plus, the game is set around the current year and our next president will be our 47th, so I'm looking forward to president Michael Wilson, 2024!

it's so unbelievably funny that the game fromsoftware would make for the american xbox to be published by the american megacorporation microsoft was a power fantasy filled with unfeasible amounts of american stereotyping. the excessive craving for hollywood heroism, the cultic obsession with freedom, and the unapologetic use of violence to get what one wants, alongside some other idiosyncracies like the freedom of the press and glorification of the military, metal wolf chaos is like a game trying to appeal to americans from an outsider perspective. and as an american it works because it makes for such a ridiculously funny game. pair that with the terrible voice acting and batshit insane plot, the hyper-american reality of this game's world becomes beyond entertaining. blowing shit up because "im the president of the great united states of america," stomping on tiny army men and rescuing hostages because you "believe in your own justice," saving the country from richard hawk's tyranny because i want him to "suck on my missile punch." the absurdity of its combat scenarios and the stupidity of its dialogue are so good, im probably gonna be quoting this game for a while now and my friends are gonna think my mind's deteriorated more than it has. and that soundtrack? jesus christ. kota hoshino, but also shohei tsuchiya, are fucking insane. the music is so good, ranging from hip-hop anthems to sporadic jazz to inspiring rock music, the ost takes a trip through the musical history of america while providing banger after banger. desperately need to play evergrace more than ever now to hear that soundtrack.

metal wolf chaos is basically as what i see most people describe it as, a worse armored core game. but in the writing and jank of its combat, it's wholly a new experience. a road trip through american iconography. a figurative slice of americana that comes close to being as sweet as apple pie. a must play for anybody checking out fromsoft's older ludography, or anybody wanting to play a game that's "so bad that it's good."

god is made of steel, and his name is michael wilson.

loses a half star entirely because of that awful final boss

The game is a giant meme and whilst it can be fun to listen to absurd dialog and participate in over the top action scenes at the end of the day the overall game flow is so poorly balanced and janky that it becomes grating to play.

Alright man yeah this is a fun romp for the first half where you just kinda tear through shit and listen to President Shinji Ikari quip his ass off but the last four or so levels here are genuinely some of the worst I've ever played in a video game.

Metal Wolf Chaos is incredible and terrible in equal measure across every element. The story concept is completely insane and hilarious, but the game feels like it's missing 80% of the cutscenes that explain how anything gets from one point to another. There's a point where you talk to a character, it fades to black, and in the next cutscene they've been kidnapped and ask if you can ever forgive them for betraying you. There is zero explanation for this series of events and it is never addressed afterwards. The voice acting is "terrible" in the best way, but the writing itself is clunky with abysmal broken English and lines of dialogue that get cut off mid-sentence. The action is completely over the top and it feels great to save America by blowing most of it up, but weapons do a seemingly random amount of damage on every shot, anything that's not a rocket launcher is effectively useless, and the bosses have unbelievably cheap attacks that tear through your health faster than an executive order. A total lack of checkpoints guarantees you'll be slogging through entire levels, bracing for the return of a boss' third-phase invisible attack.

To the outside observer, Metal Wolf Chaos is loud, obnoxious, deliriously over-the-top, with explosions and patriotism as far as the eye can see. To the player, it's a series of half-baked systems designed to undermine the entire experience and, in some ways, actively work against its enjoyment.

To put it simply: it's the perfect American game.

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All the story beats are phenomenal, Michael Wilson shows his true character throughout by not turning his back on his vice president even to the bitter end

I NEED the next president of the united states to be Michael Wilson I swear it would solve all of our problems in this country.

Wasn't all that good but sometimes a game is more just the gameplay. This game is carried almost entirely by its charm. A norm for Gen6 games.

if it wasn't for the over-the-top story this would be a two-star game. did anyone else feel like richard and michael were a little gay or am i hallucinating again