Reviews from

in the past

Nothing is scarier than the water prison level for 10-year-old me in the 2000s (and also twin fucking victims)

I still find these games highly disturbing and uncanny but at the same time charming and super sexy

Replaying 1-4 almost every year, but Silent Hill 4 always amazes me with its craziness and creativity

Silent Hill 2 is more like beautiful poetry but this one was much more impactful and scarier for me with all this dreadful plot about the man who considers the apartment to be his mother

The people who created the classic Silent Hill games are absolute geniuses

this game had me sweating the most out of all silent hill games it was great but dragging eileen around was too frustrating

Uma experiência densa de survival horror e terror psicológico.

Silent Hill 4: The Room acabou por se tornar um dos meus favoritos da saga, algo que eu não estava esperando, apesar de desde um tempo me sentir instigado à jogar esse jogo. Esse game tem diversos problemas, mas a experiência de desvendar essa história foi tão boa e satisfatória que eu consigo facilmente relevá-los, problemas esses que são majoritariamente técnicos. Encaro a frustração de empacar em algumas partes puramente como skill issue e incompetência da minha parte de pensar e resolver os puzzles.

Às partes técnicas que me agradaram pode-se pontuar principalmente à dinâmica apartamento/outro mundo. A forma como o apartamento se torna uma entidade do jogo, que você usa como refúgio pra se curar, salvar o jogo e resolver alguns puzzles, e como na segunda metade essa zona de conforto é quebrada com o início das aparições lá dentro, eu acho de uma genialidade sem tamanho. O pacing da história é um dos melhores da franquia, cm a forma que os mistérios vão se desdobrando através das notas postas na sua porta, os diálogos com as outras personagens que estão tão fodidas quanto você nessa espiral de insanidade. A relação e referências que o jogo tem com a cidade de Silent Hill é também fantástica. E, apesar do jogo não se passar em Silent Hill de fato, tem tanto da cidade no texto e sub-texto desse jogo que fez eu me sentir mais presente ao ambiente de Silent Hill do que o 3º jogo por exemplo. O fator terror psicológico aqui é fortíssimo, muito sustentado pelo fator survivor horror que é provavelmente o mais forte da saga, graças às mecânicas de, por exemplo, inventário cm espaço limitado. O que leva o jogador à gerenciar todos recursos possíveis, desde munições e itens de cura até os itens para lidar com os fantasmas do outro mundo e aparições do apartamento. A história é extremamente cativante, os plots são satisfatórios, é um jogo que prende e te instiga cada vez mais a descobrir a verdade por trás disso tudo. E a verdade é loucura pura. Melhor antagonista da franquia disparado. Trilha sonora marcante, diferente das anteriores por ter mais performances vocais, algo que me agradou bastante (Akira Yamaoka não decepciona nunca). Personagens, como de costume de um game SH, estranhos. Diálogos incômodos com doses de apatia e loucura, apatia essa muito presente no protagonista Henry e sua densidade como personagem. O que muitos interpretam como um personagem sem sal, caladão e indiferente, eu encaro como um homem introvertido, solitário, que encontra conforto nessa solidão. A dinâmica dele com a Eileen é muito interessante na história, mas não tão interessante em gameplay. Escoltar ela pelas fases é uma experiência um pouco frustrante, mas nada que eu já não tenha lidado em RE4 por exemplo.

Os pontos negativos são coisas bem bobas que poderiam ser melhoradas sem muito esforço. Por exemplo, uma opção de descartar itens era imprescindível, e infelizmente não tem nesse game. Os cachorros são um pé no saco, com uma IA totalmente injusta. Também acho que fantasmas poderiam ser melhor trabalhados como inimigos, infelizmente por serem MUITO brokens você só não os enfrenta pq simplesmente não vale a pena.

Mas enfim. Esse jogo é inegavelmente injustamente subestimado e até desdenhado, muito por expectativas de jogadores que gostariam de uma experiência igual à dos jogos anteriores, experiência essa que já estava saturada. A criatividade e coragem dos desenvolvedores de criarem algo novo dessa forma é provavelmente o fator principal de esse jogo ser tão tirado pra merda. Um excelente game que, com alguns ajustes/retoques na parte técnica, seria sim um jogo de terror perfeito.

sorry i couldnt get into this one as much as others

GooeyScale: 65/100

won't ever be part of the great trilogy

sucks ass imo

Hasta la fecha sigo arrepentido de no terminar este juego, siendo la última entrega con el Team Silent detrás. Me consta que es un gran titulo y que trata de innovar pero por alguna razón no lo termine. Espero algún día saquen una colección HD y que incluya este título.

horny schizophrenic hallucinates glory holes everywhere

Left to Rot

Team Silent's last effort went into this experimental and odd entry in the Silent Hill franchise. It is not as well remembered as the trilogy itself, at least for what I could read on the internet and asking people online. It is quite sad, but I can totally understand why after finishing it and is not everyone would enjoy, initially. Specially comming from prior entries which follow a set structure regardless of how wildly they might differ thematically. The Room is different.

We awake in an unknown apartment complex, inside what must be our room: 302. After taking a look at the main entrance to the room, we find out the door is completely shut. Someone took a huge amount effort and emphasis on not wanting us to leave the room whatsoever.

"Don't Go Out!!"


Peeking into the door's peephole reveals that we are at least not alone, a lone woman wonders outside our door. She can't hear us and our only way to interact with "the outside world" is through pen and paper; notes. After exploring most of what the room has to offer up to that point, we end up staring at a large hole in the bathroom wall. In classic Silent Hill fashion, our protagonist ventures straight into the darkness to another entirely different location where the adventure starts.

The Room as I said before drifts away from the conventional spirit of the series. For instance, it is not even located in Silent Hill to begin with but a town nearby called South Ashfield. The town is full to the brim with people just living an everyday life, that is quite a contrast to the other three games. It makes emphasis in the room itself, not just as a place but as an enigmatic living entity that lives on it's own throughout several small changes we'll be seeing while we progress in the adventure. It feels like being inside of a creature that doesn't exist or rather, we can't comprehend.

But where does the "bad reception" comes from exactly? Tough one. The very nature of this game being an experiment of sorts for Team Silent delivers a layer of complexity above prior titles when it comes to storytelling and structure. It's story is secretly sparse and told in the aforementioned notes, that can be found through the apartment and the worlds themselves as we explore. How the game structures the map is simpler than prior entries, since it's divided into little worlds entirely different from one another. Think of it just as a level or zone. The absense of challenging puzzles (aside from the water prison world puzzle) might have been one of the factors too since they were not challenging at all. It is fractured into little pieces and the room serves as the central hub to take a break from time to time, read through the notes and piece the story together in something that can make sense in your head.

But, I believe there is something definitely lacking in The Room: Emotion. It is known that Silent Hill as a town can manifest people worst thoughts and transform them into reality. What does that have to do with Silent Hill exactly? This isn't about the protagonist we control, Henry. But rather it's the story of Walter Sullivan; an individual with more close ties to the town of Silent Hill, an it's religious cult. The distant nature of Henry is quite peculiar as it is non-intrusive and let's the story flow naturally while exploring a world that is not his with more ease. But it lacks that strange yet beliveable human connection characters previous titles had up to that point. This is were The Room fails to make an impact on me.

The Room is unusual, unsettling and quite interesting knowing this is Team Silent last game. Definitely feels like a side-project, while Silent Hill 3 was recieveng all the manpower and money possible to develop; Silent Hill 4 was a strange experiment that they turned into a full game. For me, it's the scariest Silent Hill game by a long shot. Don't believe me? See the intro for yourself.

Deserves more of a remaster than SH2 tbh
It's got decent themes of isolation and neglect, but the story structure in which it's conveyed in isn't the best, I feel as though this is echoed with it's level sequence.
The whole room part of it is ahead of it's time so it's weird to also see worse escorting mechanics than something like RE4 which came out just 6 months later.

creepy tall nurses burping all over the place

Todo el mundo ya sabe que este juego inicialmente no iba a ser un Silent Hill, pero las decisiones de Konami (para sorpresa de nadie) empujaron al equipo a cambiar el rumbo y adaptar la idea de este juego a la franquicia.

Lo más triste de esto, es que la idea en su concepto es genial, el departamento Henry con la puerta encadenada es de las imagenes mas memorables de toda la saga, y las secuencias, para ese entonces ineditas, en primera persona, aumentan pero muchisimo la sensacion de terror y miedo al investigar el depto.

Es una lástima, que el juego en si consista de secciones repetidas, poco inspiradas y algo aburridas, en donde los controles, que siguen siendo igual de malos que en el primer juego, no ayudan en nada.
Hay mucha historia para descubrir y algunos aspectos son interesantes, pero no llega a tener el mismo hook que si podían tener las primeras entregas.
A esto le sumamos uno de los villano mas flojos de la saga y tenemos un enorme potencial desperdiciado, que iba a marcar el inicio del fin para esta franquicia.

- Amazing concept failed by its execution.
- The ploit is alright even if it doesn't fit silent hill, the writing is painful in this game.
- The combat and camera are especially hard to manage and you just have to get used to it.
- Forgettable OST.

This review contains spoilers

really wasn’t the worst thing ever i truly think it’s overhated but of course without its complaints

Main Complants :

Limited inventory space in a survival horror game is probably one of the dumbest things i’ve seen at least in the resident evil series they give you bags to upgrade inventory space but not here. Holy candles being the main source to stop possessions whether it’s eileen or your apartment is kinda stupid too considering how rare they are (might just been me not exploring enough idk). the enemy placements and variety are probably the weakest here in the franchise for example towards the end of the building part 2 there is 3 ghosts in that area just following you and eileen around which sucks because a boss is in that area and you need HEALS BECAUSE THE BOSS KINDA SUCKS!! and also eileen can’t get hit that much. Speaking of which ghosts are probably the worst enemies ever like yeah let’s put in an enemy that goes through walls do damage if you get near while usually blocking the way while only having grab attacks and the only way to “kill” them is an item you could find that i’ve remembered only 7 are throughout the whole game. Also bringing back The Order after Silent Hill 3 is kinda stupid considering what happened in the end of it but it’s not that bad just a bit stupid. Walter also isnt the best antagonist considering he was teased since sikent hill 2 his whole reasoning of just wanting to fulfill the 22 commandments is kinda weak but his relationship towards eileen and how they act with one another is good but that’s it. also weapons that have durability is also kinda dumb thankfully some don’t have durability but still something to notice.

Main Praises/Positives

The level design is actually sooo good and eerie like in the apartment world you literally walk on flesh and the walls look like skin and are pulsating almost like a heart which scared me a bit which also ties in with the atmosphere there’s no radio in this game unlike the other entries in the series so besides eileen speaking and enemies moving it’s silence which once again makes you nervous on what’s happening since most enemies don’t make noise unless you’re close to them. The OST in this game is amazing and probably one of my favorites in the series they barely play music in the game or any audio besides listed before but when they do it’s an amazing song that always matches the tone of the area/cutscene (which is what i hope for) very limited songs but still good nonetheless. “The room” being an allegory for social anxiety and how it affects people is a really unique way in showing the effects of it the front door is locked almost like you DONT want to go out despite desperately wanting to but when you are able to finally leave the room you get transported into a weird and uncomfortable world with almost everything trying to hurt you and your mc almost shows that given his lack of lines to show he’s truly anxious about the whole matter and doesn’t even know what to say while given a topic not that many forms of media expresses this much as silent hill 4 it does a wonderful job at it. The enemies are kinda bad but the designs themselves are also really good mainly the ghosts with the number showing their number of death and of course showing the way they died (as all ghosts do). That final boss is also really good you first give an umbilical cord to a “baby” to stop whatever the hell walter is doing to it then you are grabbing spears and stabbing the “baby” with it to finally be able to deal damage to walter then not only that you have to kill walter in time in order to save eileen or get the good ending.

Sound Design is a mixed thing which i didn’t know to put it for example the good was during the 2nd visit apartment world there is a woman crying the whole time until you go to the next floor and if you go back to that same floor she is crying again which was impressive given the crying actually sounded like CRYING not a stock voice crying. But also the bad is like literally one of the enemy types burp when you hit it??? not a huge thing but i’m still mixed on where to put it just really not the best or worst

Overall a good game that’s overhated a lot but of course i understand the hate with it but i still truly think the series should’ve ended after SH3 but saying that it still is a good game

A pesar de dejarlo hace un tiempo por culpa de un puzzle, me lo he pasado bastante bien.
Es cierto que no está al nivel de los anteriores en cuanto ambientación, pero tiene un rollo muy guapo.
La movida de la habitación le da un nuevo toque a la saga, y los niveles no están nada mal.

Very fun and engaging game and I'm glad to call it a silent hill game, but did the ghosts really need to be a thing?

The scariest part of this game is when you're half way through it and you have to replay the first level again as an escort mission and you realise that the second half of the game is just going to be you redoing everything you already did while a lady is with you crying on because ghosts are after her.

God forgive me but it's the only silent hill game I like.

What a strange entry in the series. The first half of this game is fantastic, focusing on the best parts of the franchise, the dungeons, but the 2nd half is such a drop off in quality. Eileen is awful as an AI and there are so many times where she just got kinda stuck or would let enemies hit her for no reason. Revising a lot of the same locations was also a tiny bit tiring and it overstayed it's welcome by a lot by the end. Didn't hate this though, this was still a great survival horror game overall, I just wish it could keep the momentum it had the whole way through.

severely overhated. one of the freakiest games ive played

A flawed experience at times, but I feel like it has a very interesting villain-centric story. Never mind how interesting the core premise is.

A pretty decent entry in the silent hill franchise, I just watched my boyfriend play it as I don't enjoy playing horror games - i much prefer just enjoying them from the back seat. The game looks and feels a bit janky at times. Some sections were a bit of a pain to complete. I really enjoyed the characters as they were quite interesting. The mechanics the game implemented could have been better, for example when some hauntings happened, the mechanic bugged on us several time so we ended up wasting some resources and still have the haunting remain.
The games does have some pretty fire songs in it tho. Still very much a game worth playing, horror games from this era just hit different. Silent hill 3 is still my favorite.

Apesar das suas falhas, a temática junto com a inovação me prendeu.

This review contains spoilers

A lot of great ideas, with rough execution. The structure of the game being contingent on visiting your apartment to heal and deposit items meant that the first half was largely a breeze, whereas the second half was both extremely compelling and irritating at the same time. Definitely didn't enjoy revisiting every level over again with Eileen following slowly behind me. Still, I had a good time for the most part, and there were plenty of great scares.

The game's strongest aspect, and the thing that tied the whole experience together in the end, was the story of Walter Sullivan. I found myself completely enthralled with how he was mysteriously established as a cold-blooded killer, and especially how they managed to apply his story, as you later piece together, to the cold loneliness and isolation you feel when trapped in your own apartment as Henry. This was conveyed best in the portion where you're exploring the nightmarish version of Henry's apartment building, and you learn about Walter's past, all set to a haunting and soul-crushing, yet eerily comforting piece by Akira Yamaoka. It spoke to my favourite kind of horror - existentialism. The fear of becoming something you despise, the fear of being isolated, the fear of being forgotten - all embodied in a truly sick individual... that I both feared and pitied.

It's not as good as their previous entries, but it's still far better than almost anything that came after it. Team Silent had such a strong grasp on creating horror, and I fear we'll never experience anything close to their efforts ever again.

Fuck Konami, btw.

am nem emlekszem xddd full spedrubn vot

this game couldve been incredible, but they added burping nurses. ???????????

Underrated, I really enjoyed this game a lot. But it had questionable decisions and bad SFX, worst in the series.

Arranca mas interesante de lo que termina; el misterio de que está pasando con Henry Townsend, porqué está encerrado en ese cuarto y que son las cosas extrañas que pasan al rededor son lo mejor del juego. Al principio, cuando arrancó este Silent Hill que era aparentemente en primera persona, me voló la cabeza. No entendía nada, y la atmósfera que se genera en Room 302 es exquisíta. Es como una especie de tensión constante, una incomodidad, una sensación de estar siendo observado o ser parte de algo mas grande que uno. A medida que va pasando el juego, van ocurriendo cosas en el cuarto y tenemos la posibilidad de ver al exterior; por el cerrojo de la puerta, un huequito que da al cuarto de la vecina, o las ventanas que dan a la calle, y voy a hablar de cada uno de estos orificios porque me parece fácil lo mas interesante del juego. A través del cerrojo, se ven unas manos con sangre en la pared de atrás y de vez en cuando aparece la vecina barriendo, o escenas del Superintendent del edificio preocupado por lo que sea que esté pasando en room 302, pero es que además ese pequeño peek que tenemos por la puerta tiene una sensación de que el otro lado es un lugar distante pero que a su vez está acá, al lado. Una vez me apareció la cara gigante del Superintendente y me cagué encima. Después se abre el hueco que da a la pared de la vecina y al principio dije "fua listo, seguro el Henry es un pervertido y el juego quiere que juegues con eso; cuánto ves a la vecina en su habitación? que tanto la revisas? Seguro después juega con eso." Hay un osito que no te mira pero en cualquier momento se da vuelta y me cago encima. El POTENCAL terrorífico que tiene este huequito. Que cosas voy a ver del otro lado? Un asesinato? A la vecina haciendo cosas turbias? Quizás hasta momentos íntimos que no debería ver... Después no pasa nada con el huequito. De vez en cuando está la vecina sentada en la cama y a veces parece que te mira y eso es un poquito turbio pero no pasa de eso. Incluso cuando el conejo se da vuelta, te lo esperás y no pasa nada. Mirar por la ventana también tiene su magia, el mundo ocurre afuera indistinto de lo que está pasando en Room 302, al principio pensé que había gente desnuda caminando. En los edificios del frente podés ver al resto de los vecinos haciendo cosas, y en un momento un dedo señala al cuarto de tu vecina y da bastante miedo. Mirar los autos pasar por la calle es bastante magnético. TODO ESTO, me daba a entender que Henry Townsend había hecho algo. Al igual que SH2, este era su purgatorio. Esos fantasmas que lo persiguen, y eventos en su casa que parecen hasta targeteados a él. Mientras la historia transcurre, quiero saber mas sobre Hernry Townsend. ¿Que hizo? ¿Es una mala persona?... Al final no. Nada de eso. Herny Townsend estaba en el lugar equivocado en el momento equivocado. Me la bajó una banda saber que la historia tenía que ver con Walter Sullivan, y terminó siendo la mitad de interesante de lo que pensé que iba a ser. Shame on me por esperar un juego distinto, supongo. El gameplay por fuera del cuarto es aburrido, caminar de un lugar a otro buscando cosas como cualquier Survival Horror pero menos creativo, sin puzzles ni nada desafiante. Eso si, es el que mas miedo me dió de los 4. Me pareció que tenía las zonas mejor logradas en cuanto a ambiente (quizás no tanto como el 3 igual) y los sonidos son terroríficos. Los enemigos, aunque molestos, son los mejores de la saga. Los ghosts me hacían cagar encima, y todavía no sé que era el gusano ese. Siento que de los 4 Silent Hill, este tenía el potencial para ser el mejor y terminó siendo totalmente mediocre. El peor de los 4 que, granted, sigue siendo muy bueno, pero me dejó descepcionado. Empieza muy muy bien, y de ahí solamente cae.

Making the fourth game of your franchise have worst controls than the first is really amazing game design

Been thinking about this one lately. Silent Hill 4: The Room is a weird messy game, in line with honestly most of the series being weird and messy as well. This is a game that is about the corrosive effects of agoraphobia and how that leads to repetitious days, which of course gets reflected in the game itself in ways that can be honestly really frustrating to players including myself.

A fairly common critique of this game is that the second half is bad, and this is due to the fact that you are having to protect Eileen while going through environments that you were in before. It has often been speculated that the game was rushed development-wise which is what led to the recycling of assets, and that a lot of the game's flaws are therefore stemming from that. I can certainly understand this perspective, since Silent Hill 4: The Room has as many locations any other Silent Hill game before this point, and in terms of budget and development time it probably wasn't feasible to invent even more new areas for the back half of the game.

But like it's also complicated? This repetition is supposed to be frustrating because of how it is manifesting a lot of the game's subtextual notions. Henry is fairly explicitly an isolated agoraphobe, this is something that is true even outside of the context of the game's plot mechanics itself by examining how he actually lives in his apartment, how little care to decor he's devoted to and how little interest he has in the things around him. You can examine his stove for instance and he'll make a comment on how he isn't hungry or doesn't want to cook or anything, along with how often the game uses non-optional voyeuristic camera perspectives with him. This is why Henry speaks in such a strange detached way, I read it that he's not only very introverted but he's also very depressed.

Eileen is the only person in the game you are capable of having meaningful interactions with, which in a lot of metaphorical ways shows the frustrations of actually combatting agoraphobia. It can feel like a complete uphill battle to forge a meaningful connection with someone of you've convinced yourself the outside world is actively hostile and malevolent.

One thing that stuck in my mind is the WHY of why The Room is the center of how the Otherworld is projecting outwards, and at its core it all stems from loneliness and isolation. Walter Sullivan was indoctrinated into a cult that actively dehumanizes its individual members to hate the world, and yet in pretty fucked up ways he still wants to connect with people and attempt to see people. This is why he wants Eileen to be reborn as a Holy Mother, and also extremely notably why he wants Henry as this container of knowledge. I don't think it's coincidental that Henry of all people is involved with all this, I feel like a lot of this happened BECAUSE of how Walter related to those feelings of isolation and twisted that into these really dark manifestations. Why else would he continually have Henry see aspects of his own memories while he commits murders? He wants someone to see what he went through, but is incapable of progressing beyond showing his wounds.

All this to say, I ended up really vibing with this game. There are very many obvious issues to observe with it, but I want to accept and understand things the way they are now instead of imagining an alternate 'fixed' version that will never exist, and I relate highly to this game because it reflects a lot of my own issues in ways I rarely see other media tackle, which is enough for me.