Reviews from

in the past

This is what peak videogames looks like

Entendi foi nada da história mas o jogo é muito divertido

shoulda called it WIN and FUNishment

I just didn't like the controls, graphics, or gameplay. Not 4 me

On one hand I felt like my brain couldn't fully comprehend this game, while on the other hand it's one of the most unique and fun shooters I played. The graphics are understandably subpar but they are lowkey charming to me, while the gameplay is both hard and very fun!

Considering that my favorite game ever is a Nintendo rail-shooter with both melee and ranged combat with gun, where you play as a flying boy that travels around the world fighting into a giant war, I decided to try this Nintendo rail-shooter with both melee and ranged combat with gun where you play as a flying boy that travels around the world fighting into a giant war.

Sin and Punishment was a beloved titles from the N64, and for various reasons: for the time the graphics were a spectacle the action is packed and the ability to istantaneously depending on the distance between you and the enemy is a great things that adds a lot.... even if it can feel a bit clunky compared to other games like Star Fox 64.

The story tries to take hitself so seriously, presenting a grim world where governments, terrorists and evangelion-like monsters go around killing the world population. But the confusing plot twists, lame ending, and horribly hilarious voice acting distracts you more than it should.
Not to mention that it kinda feels like some parts of the game feels just unfinished, either for an epilogue that kinda feels rushed or the overall lenght of the experience.

It is a solid title for the N64, though I feel it's is not the best the genre has to offer. I still recommend it, it's a good time if you got the Nintendo Switch Online.

Absolutely wild story, janky rail shooter controls.

Genuinely what is your excuse for not playing/beating this yet. I want to hear the people speak.

A brisk adrenaline rush of a video game that begs to be replayed until it's wheels fall off.

Its conveyor belts of scenery and obstacles are so well-considered. You start off running on tall grass against a screaming sunset. You drown in a sea of blood and return as a demon! The best rail shooter ever.

I didn't realize this was basically an arcade shooter, with limited continues and all. I only got through it with heavy use of the the Switch Online's restore point function. That being said, I can see why people love this. It didn't hit for me as much, some of the difficulty spikes were infuriating, but I can see how if you like this sort of thing then mastering it would be a lot of fun.

Absolutely baffled by this
Aesthetically Amazing, strongly inspired by late 90s Seinen Anime like Lain and Evangelion, but also by some classics like Gundam, Akira and Macross. The diegesis is convoluted and abstract, but i enjoy the frantic pace and the way they built the scenes. This game is a great example of usage of cinematics in favour of a videogame, with the cinematic frames actually being a gameplay part itself, and is so carefully built. I like the open nature of the narrative too.

Ludic-wise, the gameplay is very in depth, with both a varied number of options and also differing patterns of enemies and levels. What amazes me is how many different activities the game require you to do, you are never doing the same thing twice.

The game can be REALLY challenging, and its arcade nature allows a lot of skill-based replayability.

OST and scenarios are both killers too.

The control scheme can be a little bit counter-intuitive at times though.

Played thru this game back in 2017 and its literally peak rail gunner game. The music is also badass

One of the best games that was released for Nintendo 64 that sadly wasn't released in NA back in the day. Basically it's a wild ride from the start to the end ( I will never forget you, Pole Star).

And surprisingly it had voice acting ( which was terrible) and a sci-fi story with themes that you might find on many animes (even with a manga and a novel only released in JP), like end of the times, aliens, conspiracy, evil companies, etc.

If only Nintendo would remember this franchise...

rejoguei esse no comecinho do ano, mas tô fazendo a review só agora. e sempre fica cada vez mais claro pra mim, pra todo mundo que fala que videogame envelhece e fica obsoleto... só digo uma coisa, vocês precisam jogar um jogo da treasure

يؤسفني إبلاغكم ان احلى لعبة لعبتها بالسنة حتى الآن ماكانت عالستيم ديك. كانت عالسويتش :(((
No but seriously this is one of the coolest games Ive ever CONSUMED in my entire life. im not kidding.

مفروض يسوون جنرا اسمها "التحكم المخيس اللي عمد كونه مخيس وعشان كذا اللعبة حلوة ومميزة وممتعة وابد مب مخيسة مدري شلون"
واكبر واسهل مثال ممكن اضربه في هذي الحالة هي… ريزدنت ايفل ٤.
تحكمها زق لكن سبحان الله متعتها وتحديها ينبعون من تحكمها التعبان عرفتوا؟.

اجل وش السبب اللي يخليني احب سن اند بانيشمنت واقيمها ٥ نجوم ووش السبب اللي يخليني مقيم ري٤ ثلاث نجوم ونص مع اني كلهم استمتعت فيهم بنفس الطريقة وكلهم احب اقارنهم بطريقة او بأخرى؟ الإجابة هي

مدة اللعبة

ايه احب التانك كنترولز في ري٤ لكن ما احب ري٤ نفسها والسبب واحد.
اللعبة طالت زيادة عن اللزوم.
ولو كانت ٨-٩ ساعات كانت بتكون من افضل الالعاب اللي لعبتها فحياتي لكن طبعا لا. ري٤ الثلث الاخير فيها سيء ويهلك وممملللل وكللللل مافكرت اعيد هاللعبة لانها فعليا ممتعة داااااايم اهون اعيدها بسبب ثلثها الاخير وكيف مرة تطول على غير سنع

سن اند بانيشمنت ماتطول على غير سنع. احب سن اند بانيشمنت

خلصتها يمكن بخمس ساعات وكانت ممتعة لابعدددددد درجة
ماودي احرق شي لان لازم تلعبون هاللعبة بس ياخوااااان فيه بوس فايت عبارة عن كوكب. اويلي.
يمكن سلبيتها الوحييييييييييدة عندي انها نازلة على نينتندو٦٤. لو مستنين شوي ونزلوها عالغيم كيوب مع غرافيكس محترم بدال ذا الزنقة الغريبة في اواخر عمر هالجهاز الضعيف اللي بالموت يتحمل العاب ثري دي كانت اقسم بالله بتكون من افضل ٥ ألعاب لعبتها فحياتي مابالغ

لكن اصلا كذا ولا كذا هاللعبة تبقى سابقة زمانها وتبقى سابقة جيلها وتبقى افضل لعبة فجهازها الضعيف نعم قلتها.
مبهور كيف فيها فويس اكتنق مع انها بهالجهاز، صح الفويس اكتنق مخيس وكانت بتكون اللعبة حرفيا احلى بدونه بس عموما ماييييهم
اللعبة روعة. العبوهااااا

احس حرام امدح لعبة على حساب لعبة ثانية ((خصيصا انها مقدسة والمفضلة عند الكل بسلسلة ري اخخخخ)) لكن شنسوي لازالت معضلة الحنكة فيني
والصراحة ماعتقد كنت بحبها لهالدرجة لو مازقت معي من ري٤ ههههههههه

برب برجع للستيم ديك وخلاص اخر مرة المس السويتش فحياتي يشيخ عوّق يديني مدري شلون المفروض ينلعب به

One of the most confusing, weird, non sensical games that I've had the pleasure of playing. The gameplay is awesome but hard enough. I understand literally nothing of what happened in the main story, and still I love this. Gives me Evangelion vibes too

it’s like if you watched End of Evangelion with zero context, except it’s a game and it fuckin’ rules from start to end to start immediately again. extraordinary is the word for it. extraordinary

Absolutely unreal, I thought this game was incredible. It controls like nothing else on N64, it’s intended purpose is using the left D-Pad and centre joystick, I found the game controlled most comfortably using the Switch Pro Controller.

The story makes no sense, it’s almost like Evangelion in its coherence at times. Aesthetically it was a clear match as well.

For an arcade shooter from an behind third person perspective, the game does go that step further with a classic Treasure 2D side scroller perspective and a boss battle following a Street Fighter style combat. My favourite level has crazy winding on a floating platform that zooms across several naval carriers in a fleet. It’s basically the F-Zero stage from Brawl but on N64 hardware.

A (neon) genesis for rail gunning. Art haus shooter holy grail, diamond encrusted. Humanity alone is incapable of striving towards such innovation, ribbon & bowed; a true mechanical dream. Alternative Focault essay title.

Utilizes every iota of its arsenal at least once during any & all angle or angel. To peer at a target down thee barrel is to be on its opposite end all thee same. Never comfortable in a clean board, always pushing you to fill every inch of thee screen with unbridled chaos & in chaos, is warmth; is achievement.

Crowning royale of what 3D can be: not a mirror to our own world, but an ever-shifting perspective.

Part of my Light/Rail Shooter list.

My sin is being a gamer and my punishment is being a gamer

It's very difficult to break down exactly why a game is compelling through just text. Video Games as a medium are essentially every other medium at the same time. This is a big problem. Because where we might have some success in mediums like music in delineating the fundamental elements that can be used to create any music: Providing a great framework for understanding the thought process behind a work; Such a thing doesn't really happen in games. I guess Video Games tend to lean in most on the visual art side of things, but generally speaking it's even more severe with visual concepts. Visual things are best expressed through just, other visuals. Writing down what something looks like discretely simply isn't worth doing because it's divorced from the actual feeling of it. You'd think it's adding context, but the context required would be seeing the game, and sometimes playing it. Video Games are simply just too involved for mere words to accomplish such a feat, especially arcadey titles for a reason I'll get into later. This is why it can be hard to talk about a game like Sin & Punishment.

Sin & Punishment is one of 3 games Hideyuki Suganami explicitly directed. Treasure's games didn't really have directors-- As such so any one's contribution was seen as equal to others. One of the other games he directed was Alien Soldier, which was mostly his entire project. I think stating this in advance is important to know because this colors the kind of perception you get from what S&P actually is. Suganami and the rest of Treasure were mostly focused on games that let you do what you want; But had very clear constraints and a high pressure environment that forced players to go about it with gusto. I think the opening line for Suganami's column on Grobda in the August 1993 edition of Beep! Mega Drive magazine kinda best sums out their thought process on games: "This is only for those of you who know. Gameplay is all about tactics. The person in charge is the player, and the game is where they test their decision-making abilities for attack and defense."

Like I said earlier, visual concepts are best explained visually. It's kind of a nothing assertion; But what happens with games? You'd need an entire system, a very wordy explanation for us to be operating on even a baseline level for my writing to make sense. Well, it's not all for naught. There's more to games than just gameplay, but I'm musing over this to get to my point of how value is distilled from video games. Treasure comes at it from the angle of player decision making first and foremost, and the interplay between the game's design and the tactics they naturally come to. Sin & Punishment as a game is generally focused on 3D Shooting.

It's more complicated than you initially suspect. In a 1995 interview, Masato Maegawa, president of Treasure went on record stating some of their core design considerations. The one important here is the fact that, the way he saw it, a game's concept shouldn't inherently start with it "being 3D." Unless it's 3Dness is conducive to the scope and key premise of the game, there's no reason it should be 3D. In Sin & Punishment, the main problem that arises is the relation of the reticle and your character's position at the bottom of the screen. Such a thing is possible within 2D constraints, but the added dimension is clearly a main idea here. As bullets fire off in the distance, they aren't 'hitscan.' These bullets physically travel, and objects and enemies often intersect their vectors. Some people think this game's controls are awkward. That's not really true, but I think I understand what they mean. The disjointed aspect of aiming in this way is actually one of the game's main challenges. You aim at a particularly nasty enemy that's far in back, or the boss. But things get in the way, or your attention is drawn elsewhere for a split second which clouds your judgement. There's various subtleties in aiming at a specific inclination, not particularly aiming at anything, to create a wall; Or using the weaker alternative fire, which tracks onto a particular enemy, as a moving anchor for dividing space with constant fire. Even this isn't giving you the full picture though. It's really genius because of how many unique enemy patterns the game throws at you. An insanely dense hour of gameplay that's very introspective about its own 3D nature.

A banger third-person shooting on rails. An absolute gem that blessed the N64 library.

I assume it doesn't get better than here when it comes to n64's pure action games

As a person that tried to get into the starfox and find myself not engaged with it's energy then shelving it 15 minute later, this game did what I expected from starfox singlehandedly.

Nonstop action, relentless explosions, new enemies stages levels challenges in every 5 seconds back to back to make the game pacing Godddaaaamnnnnn awesome and of course it does have a fun gameplay to back it up with shooting enemies and parrying with a sword.

Oh also it does have a story too that is probably got inspired from eva. But I think compared to eva, it's only purpose is just to give you shocking imagery and nothing more. It's not a negative for me tho, I wasn't expecting a groundbreaking story mod for an arcadey game to begin with so I can even say this part can be a plus

My only problem with it, is an outside factor that is the piece of shit wii u's input delay for n64 games that makes aiming 2 times harder.

Other than that this game is fire and it's short runtime (2 hours) is enough to make your life more positive for a while.

Sin and Punishment surprised me more than probably any other game this year so far. I expected to enjoy Bloodborne, I knew I'd love Persona 3 Reload, but not only did I NEVER hear about this game, but I grew to love it. What a classic.

Story: 6
Sound: 8
Graphics (of its time): 8
Gameplay: 9
Characters: 7
Overall Enjoyment: 9

I give Sin and Punishment an 8!

Sin and Punishment was one of the most unexpected, thrilling rides for me. Like many others, it looked interesting on the NSO page, so I figured I'd try it out. What the hell. This game was a blast. The run and gun shooting is amazing, and feels great to blow shit up left and right. It's like a cool and easy action game that makes you feel cool. I love it. The story, well...kind of just there, and the graphics by modern standards are shit. I don't know. I used to hate it, but I've grown to LOVE the N64/PSX graphics. Like, it's one of my favorite eras of visuals, just behind the SNES and Genesis. So for me, the graphics and controls are not a problem at all. Actually, for an N64 title, the controls are super smooth in this game, unlike Mario 64, OOT, and others for me.

There is always stuff flying at you left and right, but at the same time there's a pattern to it that gets a rhythm going. The arcade style of these levels are great, and I can probably see myself going back to this game every now and then.

Sin and Punishment surprised me more than probably any other game this year so far. I expected to enjoy Bloodborne, I knew I'd love Persona 3 Reload, but not only did I NEVER hear about this game, but I grew to love it. What a classic.

- Relentless enemy popping fun.
- The on rails gameplay felt great.
- Enjoyable boss fights.

- Story is an afterthought.

Another hit by Treasure. Sin and Punishment is an over the top Rail/Gallery shooter that has really deep systems built into it. It is extremely satisfying to mow things down with your gun, slice anyone next to you with your sword, counter any missiles coming you way, or dodge fires and lasers. A very easy pick up and play experience with a satisfying scoring system. The story is extremely nonsensical and kinda feels like Evangelion. Also there is one horrible boss that brings this game a whole point down for me. The game is also just an hour long, which is fair by rail shooter standards, but there aren't any branching paths like starfox so there isn't much cause for replayability here.