Reviews from

in the past


El Sonic PERFECTO, Un Juegazo en todos los sentidos.

might be the sonic game ever made

Also played on PC. very fun game. Full of nostalgia for me. Had tons of fun. A bit harder as I grew older because the camera controls are wonky b

4 stars for the Chao Garden alone. I once ate a 1 pound box of Mike and Ike candy while playing this game.

I did not feel good.

The fact that they haven't brought back the Chao Garden is an actual crime considering it's literally the best part of the game and that we live in a timeline where it hasn't been iterated on and improved overtime is genuinely insane.

Like a dragon sitting on a pile of gold.

Final Rush justifies this game's existence

it's peak idk what else to say

+The presentation is perfect. Super stylish, good music, cool story.
+The 3 gameplay styles are all very fun.
+Good amount of content. The chao garden in particular gives a lot of longevity to the game.

-No open field areas like in Sonic Adventure 1
-The gameplay has some jank to it, which becomes apparent and annoying when trying to complete some of the harder missions

An iconic entry in the Sonic series. Going back to it now, there are certain aspects that have a hard time holding up, but the positives far outweigh the negatives.

The game that birthed a million Sonic fans and a billion discourses. I still love this game, but I see some of the cracks in the foundation. It made me a fan, though, so I gotta give it some credit though.

Definitely a great game, especially for Sonic's franchise, but I just slightly prefer SA1 DX. The last story is genuinely peak Sonic thematically, though, so I gotta give this game bonus props for that section alone.

sonic adventure 1 is better but this one isn't bad. everyone glazes this game but i don't understand why, i honestly think people just pretend they like this game and have never even played it. i 100% sa2 and there are a lot of annoying and jank parts of the game. the main story is great and if you don't 100% the game i'm sure you'll have a blast, but playing every level 5 times is so annoying especially when the requirements to get a rank can be very challenging. i would say the only thing this game has over the first game is the chao garden but anything else sonic adventure 1 does better

The Sonic and Shadow levels are decent, everyone else’s levels suck balls. The chao garden and the car racing mini games are more fun than the base game. The voice acting and writing is really bad, but it’s a product of its time. This essentially is the same game as the Dreamcast version, just with two player mechanics added to it that don’t add very much

SA2 is a very good Sonic game. In fact, this is my favorite Sonic game of all time and one of my favorite video game of all time.

There are a lot of variations in the level design of this game. You have three different play styles: speed stages that function like a traditional Sonic game; mech stages that focus more on banking enough combo points; and treasure hunting stages that focus on utilizing hints to get to an emerald piece through exploration. When I played the game as a kid I only liked the speed stages. However when I returned to play the game, I find the mech stages and treasure hunting stages to be extremely fun as well.

This game gets a lot of undeserved hate for its mech and treasure hunting stages. I think the hate is largely due to people's expectations for the game: they expected Sonic games to be just about Sonic "going fast" and dislike basically all other aspects. Though I have to admit mech and treasure hunting stages have their flaws, I don't think it's right to just write the game off entirely like that. In fact, I think each of the 3 game modes are implemented very well and are all fun to play.

The speed stages of this game are some of the best in 3D Sonic games. I have read a review stating that Sonic Team never actually was able to capture the perfect control that they had for Sonic in SA2. I totally agree as Sonic controls awesome in this game. City Escape is legit the my favorite first stage of all video games as the added mechanics, level design, and music all mixed together was able to reach absolute perfection. SA2 stages are a lot more linear compared to traditional Sonic games. It is not a bad thing however, as it focuses more on banking enough skill points and, most importantly, get to the finish line as fast as possible. The skilled based gameplay is actually extremely addicting and feels really satisfying once you get good at it. And believe me when I say it does take some time to actually get good at these stages.

Now the mech stages, as I said earlier they are about banking chain combos and get as many points as possible. Your time to the finish line does matter but not by a lot. In order to A rank these stages you pretty much need to make well chained combos and get all enemies in the stage while keeping your ring count high. The mech does control a bit janky but it doesn't affect the gameplay too much, especially when you gain the hovering upgrade. Once you get into it, the gameplay is actually super fun!

Treasure hunting stages focuses on exploration and the use of hints. Yes I know you get higher points per piece if you don't use hints but I think using them actually make the stages more fun to explore. You get 3 hints per emerald piece, each one of them getting more and more specific. The trick to A ranking these levels is to get all pieces using as little hint as possible and as fast as possible. It's actually really fun exploring the treasure hunting stages as most of them are very well designed and fun. Why most of them? Because Mad Space exists and that was complete bullshit. Fuck that stage.

In terms of plot, it is cheesy of course but it is definitely the best and most iconic plot of all Sonic games. Everyone who played this game can attest to the fact that they are able to memorize the dialogues for every single cutscenes. These iconic lines like "I found you faker“ just don't write themselves you know? The overall plot would become a swiss cheese if you scrutinize too much but hey, this is a fucking game about a talking hedgehog and I think what they have is solid enough.

Partly thanks to the well written dialogues, all the characters in this game are super memorable. I hardly find a character I don't like in this game. If I had to nitpick it might be Amy? But she doesn't really have much of a role in the plot and honestly her roles weren't bad. They just don't hit as hard as that badass Eggman moment, all the Sonic and shadow interactions, ... Man this game has a lot of good moments!

The music in this game also absolutely slaps. The game's soundtrack has a very heavy emphasis on rock - with Sonic, Eggman, and Tails' themes all being rock. I don't really know what type of music does Shadow's stage count as but it's not bad at all! Knuckles' rap hits super hard for some reason and there is a popular YouTube playlist entirely dedicated to Rogue's relaxing jazz. This is also the game where Live & Learn plays as the final boss theme, and that song is probably one of the best thing that ever happened to the Sonic franchise.

Oh, since we are talking about the Battle version of the game, there is also a very interesting and chaotic Co-op mode that I only played a handful of times. I remember when playing with my friends way back in the day, the co-op mode is just complete chaos as both of us throw everything we got at each other in speed and mech stages. It was honestly hilarious. I don't know if the chaos is the intention but it honestly worked extremely well. Amy is way too broken though. There is also the race kart mode but nobody really cares about it. It is required for all emblems and honestly is fine. There's also the boss rush mode that I really liked.

SA2 bosses are by far the best in the series and I enjoy fighting all of them. They utilize the game mechanics very well and aren't too easy like they were in the 2D games or way too hard and frustrating like the final boss fight of Sonic Generations. The only arguable low point is the mech fights, which is basically just you spamming the action button as fast as possible. I say arguable because the fight is always just so comedic that I can honestly put up with it. I mean Eggman literally punches Tails with a boxing glove!

Last but not least, we have to talk about everyone's favorite: the chao garden. A lot of people get extremely addicted with these weird creatures to the point that an entire wiki exists just to show how you can breed your chao. I used to love raising chao but didn't feel as invested when I returned to play the game. You bring all the goodies (chaos drive and animals) that you obtained from stages to your chao and boost their stats. Then you can race them or let them fight in illegal underground boxing matches ran by Omochao. The chao system is surprisingly sophisticated and well implemented and is an extremely fun side game that you can return to even long after beating the game.

This review has gone on long enough. I have to lot to say about this game because a lot was there and they were pretty much all implemented very well! You can tell Sonic Team pretty much went all in with this one as this was going to be the "last Sonic game." The game was created with passion and honestly, if it was really the last Sonic game, it would have been a phenomenal finale that end the series on a high note.

I do believe this game got a lot of unnecessary hate over the years. People nitpick so much on the game and shit talks so much despite it being objectively good in many measures. I think it has to do with the fact that hating Sonic has become "cool" since the 2010s after the blunder that was Sonic 2006. It is sad for me to see a great game's reputation getting tainted just because the internet decided that doing so was cool. Sonic Adventure 2 will forever be one of my most favorite video games of all time and I know it's pretty much shouting into the wind at this point but:

Please play this game with an open mind. You will truly appreciate how wonderful the game actually is.

It's a bit better than the original with the updated battle mode, but it still lacks the charm of the original Sonic Adventure.

Playing this game unmodded feels weird tbh.
It's still great of course, but in this state I would not be willing to call it one of the best Sonic games ever made, inspite of the fact it's also far from the worst.

Big chunk of my childhood was spent on the 2P

Based on my nostalgia, this is a 5/5 game. In the real world, it's probably closer to a 3.5, but the chao garden and City Escape nudge it up to a 4 for me. Sega plz make SA3.

Perhaps one of the most disappointing things I have played after hearing so much discourse about the game. So many levels which felt unfinished or just straight up bad, the game needed serious streamlining from the get go. It plays its strongest hand first with by far its most fun and engaging level, and spends the rest of its run time trying to chase that high but falling at hurdle after hurdle. It does have an absolutely banging soundtrack though

NOTA: 7,5

Sensacional! Muito melhor do que eu lembrava, Sonic Adventure 2 faz um papel incrível como sequência, desenvolvendo uma história que de início parece boba e acaba de maneira muito foda. LIVE AND LEARN!

O game mantém a criatividade das fases do primeiro e torna a transição delas bem mais fiel à franquia, dividindo em apenas duas campanhas com três personagens jogáveis em cada. Além disso, a sequência tem fases e boss fights bem mais complicadas que no primeiro game ( principalmente no último capítulo que se der game over volta tudo saporra me fez CORINGAR PQP).


Depois de terminá-las se libera uma campanha final que conclue a experiência em uma série de fases com cada personagem jogável e uma boss fight insana com a dupla Sonic e Shadow em sua versão super.

Esse é o jogo que introduziu Shadow ao universo se eu não estiver enganado e eu achei muito bom a maneira que se desenvolve o personagem e a transição de vilão para herói, com seu "sacrifício" no final.

Como jogabilidade, confesso que esperava mais, a versão de gamecube não melhora tanto em relação à de dreamcast de seu antecessor, personagem difícil de controlar e uma imprecisão absurda com Colisões bem bugadas, além da câmera continuar terrível, mesmo que se tenha um leve controle sobre ela nessa versão.

Basicamente, foi como eu disse no começo, me surpreendeu muito pois eu tinha vagas memorias desse game e de fato em vários quesitos ele supera os games atuais da franquia, mas ainda precisa de um remake urgente, mesmo assim, é quase certeza o melhor game do ouriço em 3D, sendo uma experiência obrigatória para os fãs.

Such an improvement from SA1. I don't really know how to explain it, but this game just has COOL VIBES. Movement in this game feels so good, and I while ran into a few bugs/glitches, they weren't frequent enough to take away from the experience.
Story and characters are sick (especially shadow), has one of my favorite soundtracks of all time, and the final act somehow manages to top the first game's.
Easily the best part of this game is the Chao Garden. Its such a unique section of this game and I found myself spending more time focusing on raising my chaos than playing the main campaign; its addicting.

Finally finished this game after never being able to do so as a child. I got stuck on the last level and just never saw the ending as a kid lol so I'm glad I could do this for my child self. This game holds a lot of nostalgia for me so tbh I can't even rank it or look at it in an unbiased way. It was literally the first game I played I'm pretty sure and my cousin showed it to me. Everytime I went to visit I just wanted to play this and my favourite character was mother rogue (my gayness showed early I fear). As such I replayed security hall over and over. This game was still a lot of fun to play as an adult and the levels are pretty good. I know a lot of people seem to hate the treasure hunting levels but not me those are my favourite. The mech levels aren't as fun but they are still enjoyable. Raising chao is also really fun and I still have my first save file so I have my very old chao with wacky names that get a chuckle out of me everytime. I'm gonna try to go for all emblems and see if I can do it but I fear I might not be able to we'll see

you forget the game is bad then you remember then you forget again. it's literally impossible to hate this game i think

Don't know how they did it but the point is they never did it again and will never do it like this again.

don't fall for their lies, sonic games are good