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Obra funcional en la cual cumple su rol de transmitirnos la sensación de ser un jedi mediante unas mecánicas de combate refinadas y una primera mitad bastante solida, lastima que el juego decaiga a partir de la segunda mitad de la campaña, pecando de enemigos repetidos, backtracking innecesario y la dificultad artificial que llega a presentar por momentos. A pesar de estos errores, el juego en esta misma mitad logra retomar por momentos sus elementos más memorables (principalmente en las boss fights).

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The game play is questionable, that stance when enemies gets red and "unparriable" breaks the gameplay and forces you to dodge them. Not appreciated.
Worldbuilding is great and strong. I didn't appreciate the lack of some kind of "teletransport" between "bonefires' but being forced to walk back through all the shortcuts those wonderful worlds doesn't feel bad. A very well refined environment.
Story wise it's nice, but ending it with destroying the only thing you've been looking for doesn't feel rewarding.
I'm sorry I'm not some monk that builds puzzles wasting thousands of hours only to watch them fade in the sand in order to learn how brief time and life are

Eksikleri tabi ki var ama bence güzel bir oyun.

Um jogo SINGLEPLAYER da EA. Acho que foi um puta acerto fazer um jogo de Star Wars usando de base a gameplay de Soulslike, cada batalha com sabre de luz te faz se sentir como se vc realmente fosse um jedi.

Além do jogo ser divertido, faz parte do cânone de Star Wars, oq pra quem é fã, compensa jogar. O problema é tá no mapa que tende a ser meio confuso, e a dificuldade do jogo,ou é muito fácil, ou ridiculamente difícil.

Fora isso, é bom jogo e uma boa obra pra quem curte o universo de Star Wars

esse jogo é um prato cheio para os fãs da saga. como fã, entrar nesse universo foi uma experiência incriveeel. a evolução do cal kestis como jedi realmente faz você se sentir parte desse mundo, especialmente quando cada morte no jogo se transforma em um ''treinamento jedi''. a gameplay é um dos principais destaques, com o uso do sabre de luz proporcionando uma sensação de satisfação inigualável. o bestiário é impressionante, embora os personagens, além do cal kestis, pudessem ter sido mais desenvolvidos. a história é incrível e empolgante, ambientada em uma das minhas épocas favoritas de star wars. no geral, o jogo é sensacional, e cal kestis se tornou um dos meus personagens favoritos da franquia.

esse joguinho leve e despretensioso me fez voltar a gostar do universo de star wars mesmo a disney fazendo de tudo pra acabar com ele

A metroidvania soulslike Star Wars game? On paper, this seems like too messy of a concept to work, and honestly in my first couple of hours, I believed it. But as the game went on, I found myself having more and more fun. My personal feelings aside, I think the quality of the game actually improves as you progress, and by the end I was super glad i played it.

The combat here is genuinely pretty awesome. I mean, any game in which i’m using a lightsaber I will be biased towards, but the souls mechanics really do shine here. Swings feel meaty and purposeful, and the parry is very satisfying, on top of dodging working well too. It even has exactly what I wanted but didn’t receive from Elden Ring, with a few moves requiring the player to jump over. Pair this with some pretty fun force abilities and you’ve got yourself a winner, and a couple of the boss fights really stand out. Fallen Order also presents the player with some puzzles. which I thought were pretty good too for the limited scope the abilities give you.

The worlds are pretty cool, with some OK lore laid throughout. You’re not going to get anything even close to the best Metroidvania or Soulslike worlds, but it’s still pretty fun to explore. My main gripe with exploration however is the rewards. Every single chest just offers a cosmetic that feels entirely unsatisfying. There’s a crazy amount of chests in this game, only to be opened to give you a slightly different tinge of orange for your poncho. I found it fun enough to explore for exploration’s sake, but I wouldn’t blame any one for passing on getting these chests. I really would have liked some more meaningful rewards here, and I think it’s my main gripe with the game.

The story and characters are pretty predictable and bland Star Wars stuff, but they’re serviceable enough. If you can ignore the fact that you have to hit basic stormtroopers multiple times with a lightsaber to kill them? and the annoying Uncharted climbing sections that honestly don’t belong in any game, you’re going to have a good time with the core of Fallen Order.

It’s definitely carried by its IP, but I think if you like Star Wars this is a great game, and even if you don’t, it’s still a good game!

jogão!! me diverti demais, lindo jogo como star wars e um jogão, nem parece que é da EA. maravilhoso, quem gosta de star wars vai se apaixonar, não tem como. Os personagens são muito bons, tanto os protagonistas quantos os vilões e a sequência final contra o Vader é uma LOUCURA, a forma com que a gente passa por tanta coisa e finalmente se sente forte, pra no final o Vader HUMILHAR o Cal como se ele não fosse NADA, é muito absurdo. que jogão!

ONE (LEGO TCS = GOAT) of the best Star Wars games I've ever played.

I was told this was a souls-like.

If this is a souls-like, I am a body builder.

Definitavamente um dos melhores jogos que já joguei, em questão de história é 10/10, o único problema dele seria a jogabilidade que não tá muito polida (com alguns bugs de combate) e a exploração que é uma completa bosta.

Mas a história é tão boa que consegue apagar esses erros.

A great game, indeed.

I had a lot of fun playing Fallen Order. I would say that this game tells a better Star Wars story than most of the sequel films that Disney is currently making.

In Fallen Order, we follow the adventures of Cal Kestis, a padawan who lost his Jedi way and stopped following the teachings of the Jedi Order—the same order that was destroyed by the new Empire under the command of Darth Sidious during Order 66.

It’s a beautiful story about a padawan who is trying to return to the right side of the Force, doing his best to help the galaxy despite the traumas he carries. If this game were a TV show, it would be a great one indeed.

I enjoyed the game’s soundtrack, and most of the battles were actually fun (though somewhat easy—I played in hard mode). It’s a relatively simple game, but in its simplicity, it showcases great and well-done work.

Overall, a great game! 🌟

jogo em si é bom, combate satisfatorio e boss fights incriveis, mas pouca diversidade de inimigos normais, historia boa e um final fantastico para se iniciar a continuação, só achei ruim que só para o final recebemos um estilo de combate muito bom que poderia ser introduzido no meio do jogo.

all things considered, this game managed to be a pretty solid, although very short, souls-like star wars experience.

I recently went through and replayed this game and man, this is one of the best pieces of Star Wars media to release in a long time.

The gameplay feels sort of like a Zelda game to an extent, with the gameplay loop having you go through multiple "Dungeons" many of which have puzzles akin to a Zelda dungeon. Which for me is super enjoyable.

The combat is great in this game, it feels satisfying, and remains challenging, but never to the point of frustration.
You also get to completely customize your lightsaber, which is something I didn't realize I wanted in a game until playing this. The customization is optional, and if you prefer, you can just play through the game with the "canon" lightsaber.

The story is great, it has its flaws here and there, but overall the characters are engaging and interesting. It's also nice to see more side stories of jedi who survived the purge. But the ending is where the story shines, it is probably one of my favorite endings to any game. Playing through it genuinely gives me chills.

If you're into Star Wars, I would highly recommend checking this game out. If you don't feel like playing the game, or just don't enjoy it, I would still highly recommend at least watching a playthrough just to see the story.

This game made me fall in love with star wars

I’m a massive Star Wars fan but this game didn’t really feel like it went into the SW universe

a few design flaws but 7 or so hours in and i can see this game being good

It's like they made a tomb raider game, but then got told they had to make a star wars game. They just went, "fuck it, change some dialogue and ship it anyways."

Boring characters, annoying maps, combat didn't feel good.
Lot of tomb raider climbing and puzzles that both made the game a chore to play.

Cal isn't a great character, but the gameplay and exploration of beautiful locales makes up for it

A great story, and beautiful game, but I still felt like they fell on their face a bit trying to mimic from soft in areas they didn't need to. Enemy systems designed poorly for areas you might die in repeatedly, a difficulty system which effectively ONLY changes enemy health and damage making a harder difficulty a slog instead of a fluid experience when played correctly. Poorly telegraphed attacks and a clunky dodge also made for several boss fights that while not hard, were simply annoying or "unfun". Not to say I didn't enjoy the game, I thoroughly did! But I was disappointed occasionally.

Probably the first game that I finished that is closest to any soul games even though this really is not it but I'm glad to see EA executing this one nicely. Not really a Star Wars fan, but I liked this one.

P.S. if you're not wearing pink poncho and pink lightsaber you're playing it wrong

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(100% achievements on Jedi Master)

Really good game that is technically very flawed but still very enjoyable.