Reviews from

in the past

Ce jeu m'as introduit a l'univers de Star Wars, dans mon livre c'est le meilleur jeu de Jedi

all things considered, this game managed to be a pretty solid, although very short, souls-like star wars experience.

I recently went through and replayed this game and man, this is one of the best pieces of Star Wars media to release in a long time.

The gameplay feels sort of like a Zelda game to an extent, with the gameplay loop having you go through multiple "Dungeons" many of which have puzzles akin to a Zelda dungeon. Which for me is super enjoyable.

The combat is great in this game, it feels satisfying, and remains challenging, but never to the point of frustration.
You also get to completely customize your lightsaber, which is something I didn't realize I wanted in a game until playing this. The customization is optional, and if you prefer, you can just play through the game with the "canon" lightsaber.

The story is great, it has its flaws here and there, but overall the characters are engaging and interesting. It's also nice to see more side stories of jedi who survived the purge. But the ending is where the story shines, it is probably one of my favorite endings to any game. Playing through it genuinely gives me chills.

If you're into Star Wars, I would highly recommend checking this game out. If you don't feel like playing the game, or just don't enjoy it, I would still highly recommend at least watching a playthrough just to see the story.

This game made me fall in love with star wars

Obra funcional en la cual cumple su rol de transmitirnos la sensación de ser un jedi mediante unas mecánicas de combate refinadas y una primera mitad bastante solida, lastima que el juego decaiga a partir de la segunda mitad de la campaña, pecando de enemigos repetidos, backtracking innecesario y la dificultad artificial que llega a presentar por momentos. A pesar de estos errores, el juego en esta misma mitad logra retomar por momentos sus elementos más memorables (principalmente en las boss fights).