Reviews from

in the past

Apparemment un souls like. Il est vrai que les combat son particulier, un peu couloir de temps en temps mais dans le fond sympa

Na época não dei nada para esse jogo, mas ele me surpreendeu bastante. É com certeza o melhor jogo de Star Wars já feito.

didn’t get very far but it seemed alright

Combat is great, exploration pretty fun too.

Jogo muito bom mas intankavel esse mapa HORROROSO, IMPOSSIVEL de se localizar nele. Desisti de platinar por causa desse mapa lixo e não ter pelo menos fast travel

Liked the game. Story ok, pretty fun gameplay.

Suprisingly Solid

After Battlefront 2 everyone including myself had low expectations for the next star wars game, but boy oh boy were we proven wrong with this. Jedi Fallen Order is shockingly amazing. Fallen Order has a phenomenal combat system that works so well for this game. If Fallen Order was 5 hours longer the combat would've felt so stale and repetitive, but this game ends just when you start to master the use of force powers in tandem with the lightsaber strikes and the parries. The metroidvania game design only goes to enhance this as you're constantly going to back to previous areas where you can easily take down the enemies that used to give you so much trouble. This game also has an amazing story. Even though the story is a basic macguffin chase, the dynamics between the characters make it so interesting, and the ending with Vader is easily one of the coolest things to come out of any Star Wars media.

expands on sw universe well
lightsaber + force powers work amazing for gameplay
too much backtracking for fun exploration

Didn't Finish but I love soulslikes and starwars

𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘦 𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘴 𝘯𝘢 𝘧𝘰𝘳ç𝘢.

Vindo de quem nunca foi próximo da franquia Star Wars e sequer conseguiu passar do segundo filme, eu digo, é extremamente satisfatório ser um jedi.

Imagino que pra fãs de longa data, Jedi: Fallen Order seja um sonho de muitos anos sendo realizado.

De início, me vi muito cético. O combate não estava clicando, tendo em conta a baixa variedade de inimigos na ocasião e as poucas opções de ataques e habilidades.

Assim como o próprio protagonista, Cal, que ao meu ver soava muito seco, sem alma, tendo seu brilho todo tomado pela história contada ao redor dele e pelos personagens que se mostravam muito mais interessantes.

Pasmem, eu achava (e ainda acho) o BD-1 mais expressivo do que o Cal.

No entanto, meu ceticismo caiu por terra quanto mais avançava no jogo.

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order entrega uma aventura épica, em todos os sentidos.

A forma com a qual a mistura de elementos vistos em diversos outros jogos já conhecidos e consolidados é feita funciona muito bem, e a cada batalha contra inúmeros inimigos ao mesmo tempo, cada cenário deslumbrante explorado, cada luta contra chefes desafiadores, tudo agrega a um conjunto sólido e muito bem construído.

Muitos foram os momentos de legítima euforia em picos de clímax da história, e mal posso esperar para descobrir os próximos passos.

beautifully done star wars game, the rating goes down only because survivor did everything even better

Did not finish, was too buggy at the time and probably wont go back :(

Good game. But the construction of map is really bad and makes it very hard considering how complex the maps and the puzzles are. But damn gotta say, love the Lightsaber mechanism. Top notch. Feels surreal.

star wars dark souls. how the fuck did they do this

One of the best star wars games I've played

ian gallagher waving a lightsaber is not something i ever expected, but im never gonna get mad at

I really liked this game a lot. I love star wars when it comes to video games and this gave me a lot of really great Jedi combat that I was missing for a while. I also surprisingly had like 0 glitches happen to me which is insane because I've heard this game is insanely buggy. I deadass had none. The final boss being in a completely red arena while the unblockable attacks turn the enemy red is absolutely atrocious but still a cool fight nonetheless.

Made better than i expected i really enjoyed my playthrough of this

Absolutely dug this game. Gameplay was so damn fun. All the next game needs to do from here is add the ability to grab and throw objects at enemies using the force. Also I understand why the lightsaber is so nerfed compared to the movies, I know it isn't lore accurate but the gameplay wouldn't make sense without the nerf, walking like a force to be reckoned with and one hit killing your enemies with a lightsaber is without a doubt the most badass thing ever but then it would soon grow stale wrt gameplay unless they try incorporating something like Ghostrunner's one hit kill mechanic and make it a secondary game mode like mercenaries mode from all them Resident Evil remakes. Also what is this obsession of Respawn with creating absolutely wholesome and unhateable robot companions, first BT from Titanfall 2 and now BD in this game, just hope BD doesn't meet the same fate. Story wise it's alright but there were so many awe inducing sequences especially during the ending; cinematic af. The graphics and art style is good but something about the vegetation seems a bit off especially kashykk, had the same issue with respawn's previous game titanfall 2, but it's not that big of an issue. All the different planets are so damn diverse with its visuals, enemies and flora & fauna. Barely made it out of the final boss encounter, I know for a fact that my ass would've been cooked without the lb+x move. Also some of the puzzles were absolutely horrendous especially those on zeffo tombs and I really wished there was some sort of fast travel, the exploration could've felt so much less tedious if there was less backtracking and a fast travel feature. The combat and exploration were so addictive, I truly cannot wait to play Jedi Survivor before my controller gives into the dark side. I know the next game's performance is god awful on PC but I hope my pc can somehow run it at 60 fps. I don't think the ubisoft Star Wars game is gonna be this good.

Best star wars thing in the pst 10 years


mas senti falta de mais boss fight boa no jogo. (so teve 3)

Oyunu aksiyon macera ve birazda açık dünya oyunu bekliyordum,souls like oyunu çıktı mk.Kombat sistemi sıkıcı ve yeterince oturmamış gibi hissettiriyor.Karakterler oldukça sıkıcı ve her şeyi oldu bittiye getiriyorlar.Hikayeli star wars oyunu olduğu için ve fan service olayını iyi yaptığı için bir de jedi oyunu olduğu için 3 yıldız veriyorum.

Simple y a lo seguro, arriesga poco. Pero para ese entonces tenía muchas ganas de jugar un single-player de Star Wars, así que lo disfruté mucho.

a simple but effective star wars souls-like that takes elements from oh so many games to spit out a fun experience.

the story is alright with some neat set pieces, and combat stands out as being a fun use of lightsabers (even if non-human enemies are super frustrating).

this platinum was not that much fun. holy fuck respawn why isn't there a fast travel mechanic. i burned so much time just figuring out how to get to certain areas rather than actually enjoying the game.

the game itself is a really good time. i would not recommend the platinum tho.


El juego es entretenido pero acabas perdiendote en el mapa y dando muchas vueltas tontas hasta llegar al objetivo . He tenido varios bug molestos y alguna vez he tenido que reiniciar el juego . Podríamos decir que es un juego normalito que está bien y que entretiene aunque a veces te vayas a sentir frustrado

The Star Wars universe is unbelievable, and this game lived up to that. The setting is absurdly immersive, with beautiful art direction. The Soulslike aspects fit like a glove and gave a boost to the action RPG elements, alongside with the well-designed platforming levels. I loved BD-1 (the droid). But unfortunately, the plot isn't interesting, and most characters are shallow. Additionally, they didn't implement the Metroidvania features well. It's often annoying to backtrack to locked doors at the beginning, poorly executed. Jedi Fallen Order is a surprise, a solid game with enjoyable gameplay. It has flaws here and there, but it's a good game. It held my attention from start to finish with its addictive and satisfying gameplay. Totally worth my time!

It definitely has its flaws, but it really made me feel like a Jedi. Not comparing this title to its sequel which made do on a majority of the flaws I had with this title, the game was just a blast to play through on the first go as a Star Wars fan. It can only be described as a Star Wars Souls Like. Which to me, is my dream come true. Cal Kestis is one of my favorite Jedi in the Star Wars franchise amongst the likes of Anakin and Luke. BD1 is a really cute companion and the story is enough to keep you hooked, but suffers from many cliches throughout its telling. The different saber styles were a nice addition but felt weak by the end as the single style lightsaber combat was just overall better than its other. The customization is definitely one of this games strong suits as it allows you to customize Cal's outfits and color schemes including his saber color in many ways. It is limited but can be rewarding. The issue this game struggles from the most is its replay value, to which it has essentially none. There really is no post game in this game. You only go back to find collectibles or a new variety of an old mini boss or enemy (of which this game lacks in enemy variety). There is no fast travel, or save points in between stages aside from distanced meditation circles. Overall, a fun, unique title whose vision can be admired.