Licensed games that were made because a publisher wanted to cash-in on the popularity of Grand Theft Auto

Nothing here!


1 year ago

You ve got to be fucking kidding me that exists an Reservoir Dogs game and i never heard about it, and this is coming from a huge Tarantino fan. Please tell me this isn't common sense or i'm going insane.

1 year ago

@Hunyoshi There was a bit of a weird rush in the mid-2000s to pick up the licences for iconic films about crime and gangsters. There were cancelled games based on Dirty Harry, Taxi Driver and Kill Bill from around that time too. I haven't played the Reservoir Dogs game, but it didn't review well and is a pretty common sight in second-hand PS2 sections in the UK.

1 year ago

Are any of these good?

They ARE good... right? ._.

1 year ago

@CDX I haven't played a lot of them, but Scarface and Simpsons Hit & Run retain ardent fanbases, and World's Scariest Police Chases is considered a bit of a hidden gem. There was some degree of appreciation for Mad Max upon release, but this was in the wake of Fury Road fever.

1 year ago

Picked up Scarface a couple of years back. Graphically it's solid, but it runs and plays like poo. And it's super juvenile.

1 year ago

My main memory of Simpsons Hit and Run was from watching GMTV in 2004. Eamonn Holmes asked a child guest what they wanted for Christmas and he says, "The Simpsons Hit and Run for PlayStation 2," to which Eamonn uses as a means to segue to the next news story by saying, "speaking of hit and run, something something happened".

1 year ago

@Yuggy Hahaha fuckingggg hell

1 year ago


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