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maradona finished Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
" Alright we're in charge of localizing this, what's the story like again? "

" The world in the near future reached such a stage of late unregulated liberalism that 2 companies have more power than every other nation combined, and they declare war against one another because they would rather destroy half the world than not have a total market monopoly. "

" Hmmm how about we change that so that capitalism is good actually and there's a shadow government manipulating those companies who are innocenet and don't know any better (also their leader must be named Aurora), and when you beat them... we achieve eternal world peace? "

" Sure. "

55 mins ago

STRM finished Buckshot Roulette
I think my brain has a problem.

Everytime I think about this game or say it's name outloud I always misread the name as "Backshot Roulette" instead of it's real name. It started off as a joke one of my friends said and now it's the just the name of the game in my mind, it's gotten so bad that now most of my friend group also just call it Backshot Roulette and now I think one of my friends wants to fuck the Dealer! please send help I think me and my friend group have been infected by the woke mind virus!!!!

Oh yeah umm game really fun, love the visual aesthetic and the Dealer has the perfect blend of charming and creepy that you'd want from a game like this. Overall really solid and great all around.

3 hrs ago

maradona commented on maradona's review of Jumping Flash! 2
Can you stop having strong opinions on planets from the solar system, they arent that interesting on their on and the last cool we got, Pluto, got demoted.

9 hrs ago

maradona commented on Hooblashooga's list Games with Tutorials That Hate You
Nier Automata, makes you play it all over if you die, and mocking you with a fake ending of sorts.

1 day ago

1 day ago

maradona finished Jumping Flash! 2
At the end of the day the real PS1 mascot was never Crash, Spyro, Klonoa or PaRappa... its the parachuting kiwi bird from Jumping Flash 2.

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

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