It's certainly Riddle School, and it's pretty nostalgic actually

don't play this game I wasted 300 hours on it and will probably waste 300 more

The gameplay mechanics are cool and whatnot but the story is pretty lame, not to mention it all ends up being pointless, overall if you want to play the new mechanics then play it, if you want the story just watch a YouTube video.

Not to mention it's day 1 dlc


Perspective: As you can tell from my profile picture, I am a massive Persona fan. Persona 5 was my first Persona game, and I have played through it 4 times (Twice on vanilla, twice on royal, 3 times on PlayStation, once on PC).

When Persona 5 Tactica was first announced, I initially brushed it off as "another P5 cashgrab". But my, as someone who isn't too much into strategy games, I'm glad I gave this game a chance.

This game came out literally right as my mock exams ended, and on the day I celebrated my birthday. So, I ended up getting this game.

The strategy gameplay is genuinely fun. Mixes the right aspects of Persona and strategy RPGs. The boss fights are also pretty well designed.

As for the story, it's actually pretty decent. It follows up and coming politician, soon to be Prime Minister Toshiro, and how he ends up in another world. Eventually, the Phantom Thieves also end up in this world, though this is my complaint with it; it's never really explained why the Phantom Thieves ended up in the Kingdoms. However, the Phantom Thieves meet a girl named Erina, who without spoiling too much, actually has some good character writing behind her. As for Toshiro, he's actually a pretty solidly written character who is funny and has some good character development behind him.

However, what really makes this game an 8/10 is hands down the 3rd kingdom. I won't spoil too much of it, because you should experience it for yourself, but it's very emotional, and has some great themes. It's no Royal arc, not even close, but it's still very good.

As for my only other complaint, the 4th kingdom is very lame, and the final boss just feels like a copypaste of Yaldabaoth.

Overall, I'd reccomend this game

I bought Violet but just wanted to share a funny story.

Back in around 2015-2017 my dad had this idea of a Pokemon game called Pokemon Scarlet with hyper realistic gore and pokemon getting decapitated and dying, etc etc and it was really funny.

Fast forward to buying the game on the 22nd, I had completely forgotten about it, then when I arrived home my dad reminded me about it.

As for the game itself, framerate aside it’s actually really good so far. Best mainline series game since Gen 5 quite possibly. I honestly haven’t encountered too many bugs so far, maybe I’m just really lucky though

can’t wait to play this shit on the VR headset that kills you in real life if you die in game

Didn’t replay this game, just wanted to keep my old review up because it had so many likes.

Wow. They sure improved a lot on the last 2 splatoons, and that’s saying a lot. Really love all the details in Inkopolis (like for example you can watch Anarchy Splatcast through the studio if you decide to listen to it. Speaking of which you can now listen to the broadcasts instead of being forced to watch them. To add to this, I love how the campaign takes more notes from Octo Expansion than base first 2 games because Octo Expansion was actually great DLC, adds to the lore, adds challenge, and you are now an octoling. And the villain is series best. Not to mention, the online has more improvements such as replays and match history (need to be reminded if SP2 has them) also now it’s easier to find out how to play with your friends.

Overall great game, series best.

This review was written before the game released

Overwatch 1.1

really just an update given they discontinued OW1 for this

and also good luck with the servers, they’re quite possibly the worst official servers in any competitive shooter, and that’s saying a lot considering what you’re competing with. at least other games will let me play the fucking game. you could learn mandarin chinese, graduate college, get married, have kids, and still be in queue to play overwatch 1.1

I mean what else do I need to say, it’s Undertale, go fucking play it already, can’t believe it took me so long to finally play this masterpiece

game really decided to pull an among us on us huh

other than that don’t know what else to say it’s fun i guess

This review contains spoilers

Not finished with my replay yet but just wanted to say rest in peace to Billy Kametz, the voice actor for one of the most interesting antagonists I have ever seen in any video game, Takuto Maruki.

Rest in peace, Doctor.

A game so good it singlehandedly ruined gaming

The ChaDOTA:
makes DOTA card game I keep forgetting the name of
doesn’t support it at all
treats it like it never existed

vs the League of Virgins

even if LoR failed, Riot still continues to support the game
has a memorable name
treats the game like it exists

wow never in my life would I think league of losers would beat Dota in a category.

Never played this but someone had to say it.

Glory to the CCP.