I don’t mind the game, but there are moments where I just sorta stop caring and then come back lol.

Fuck Niantic and all, but I’m a sucker for this game, I really enjoy playing through community days and stuff like the Go Fests. It’s a fun game that I’ll probably continue to play for a long time.

The king of collabs. Started playing for the Persona 5 collab and was really impressed that as a new player I was quite easily able to get pretty much every single part of the collab without spending any amount of money, I think I only missed out on Kasumi and FeMC. And now I’ve been around for many, many collabs, and it’s been great. Hoping the Marvel one comes around soon.

Loved the crossovers. it was wild to have Marth turn into a Rathalos, while fighting alongside Mega Man and Joker. Pretty sad it’s gone now.

I really enjoyed this game back around the 2nd or 3rd anniversary, but just sorta fell off. Now I just come back for anniversaries or whenever Szayelapporo, Sung Sun or Shunsui get new cards.

Pretty much the only game I played on my SNES mini lol. It’s a great game, but I’ve just never been good enough to fully beat it.

Easily my favourite entry in the entire series, the story, the characters, all the mechanics, and yes even the giant maps.
Only thing that could possibly be better is a remake with art by Rika Suzuki.

There’s some fucked up maps in this bitch, but I love it.

I keep starting this one and never finishing it. Roy’s our Boy tho so :)

Gameplay was fun enough, character selection… not so much. I get that they only wanted to focus on a select amount of games in the series, but did we really need to reuse movesets? Why does Marth have the same moveset as Celica??

I uh think I had a decent time with this game, idk.

Redeemed the series from the absolute garbage fire 2K20 was. Showcase was good though, enjoyed that.

Ok, I don’t even think I can give this a rating cause I couldn’t even get through the first 5mins purely because for some reason the controls on the switch version were just off? Like they seemed like they were mapped wrong? Idk shit was weird.

This was one of my first Pokémon games, and I loved it. So much so that I transferred most of my Pokémon from this all the way up through Bank, all the way into Home. Unfortunately, when transferring into Home it glitched and got rid of my Regice (among a few others) even though it was a genuine Pokémon.

RIP Regice you a real one bro.

My friend tried to get me to play, as something different from the usual Fortnite, but idk I don’t see the appeal in this game at all. Might be because I’m pretty bad at it, or maybe it’s just not my style of game, but respect to the the people that do like it.