Play this game with a guide for the puzzles. Really good, has everything BUT the gameplay making it a REALLY fucking good experience (maybe not a good "game" though).

an insanely good fighting game that would have been even more peak if the FUCKING PUBLISHERS didn't hoe the developers nasty style. fuck maximum entertainment.

sweet game. some real ass words on there too. take your time with this game


Okay, so, this game is kind of weird.

On one hand: You have this game, with INSANELY good art, music, etc. There is a REASON all of these kids on Discord and Twitter have OMORI PFPs despite not playing it: the art direction of this game is just absolutely amazing.

On the other hand: oh my GOD, have I not had a worse time playing the actual game than I had playing OMORI. Playing the Headspace sections of OMORI is like walking through fucking molasses, and it doesn't help at all the combat itself isn't really that fun outside of the bossfights, where even then you don't really have to think TOO hard.

This is the same problem OneShot has, where everything BUT the gameplay is really good, except OMORI is 25 hours long instead of 4-6. However, if you can manage to get past the Headspace sections, the rest of the game is actually really good. Even after knowing the ENTIRE game's story before playing it for the first time, the ending still kinda got me.

Fuck Humphrey.

I couldn't really get any replay value out of it, but damn, I got my money's worth.

My first traditional soulslike (if we're talking in general, first one was Deepwoken) and good lord it is GOOD good. I love just about everything this game has to offer.

The combat itself is super fun and fluid, also letting you get REALLY creative with how you run builds. The bosses are great, with some extremely unique designs and attacks. (Also, get hit by a Red attack every now and then. You won't regret it.)

The story isn't that crazy, but the writing makes up for it in spades. I have felt maybe every emotion except extreme sadness. The game doesn't take itself super seriously, and it makes for some extremely funny ass lines. Even the ENDING has a punchline that's been getting set up the entire game. It's also a 3D platformer, and it feels GOOD to move around into. That's all you need, really.

I have nothing but praise for this game, and you should 100% BUY IT NOW. Except that one part near the end with the big laser beam crabs. Fuck that area. I hated it.

I feel once you're psychotic enough, you start enjoying this game way more. And I got deep enough in the sauce to be one of them. Good game with nice art, and an insanely good gameplay loop.

Imagine Risk of Rain 1, but they made everything good about it BETTER and they made all the bad parts way, way more bearable.

Probably one of the best multiplayer games out there, but it unfortunately spawns Romanians galore every time I play it with friends. I am Romanians.

i had like easily 210k floors and then my laptop got cooked and i lost all of my progress. rip 544 hours. still good game tho.

I had no idea this game was popular enough to get TWO more games. Core gameplay is cool, but I don't really think it was anything that crazy.

I don't think it was as good as West of Loathing, but good LORD did they bump up the aesthetics with this one.

More of the same as Soda Dungeon 1, but... ohmygod that fucking FINAL BOSS THEME goes unnecessarily hard.

This is a special game, in the fact that it has a unique concept, and unlike some other games, said concept is done EXTREMELY well and combines to make an absolutely amazing game when you add on everything else.

The plan is simple: You tap on the 7th beat. That's it. You do that for the entire song, and you win! But then, it gets ever so slightly more complex. Suddenly, you have to deal with two heartbeats at once, given the rhythm is extremely simple. And then, speed changes are added into the mix. And then, it introduces a concept so fucking kino that it should be ILLEGAL. (I won't leak it so anyone reading can experience it for themselves: but it is AMAZING.)

This has been about the gameplay so far, but everything else about the game cannot go un-noticed.

There is an extremely good story under the hood that, while VERY simple, is extremely well written and has some genuinely emotional moments on both ends of the spectrum. Every character has depth and feel like actual characters.

The game does not falter in the visual aspect OR the musical aspect either, having some shots that are actual eye-candy and some moments in the OST that are genuine, whole-hearted bangers.

Did I forget to mention that this game has one of the best level editors, and by proxy one of the coolest online level communities out there? I could talk for hours about this game's custom levels, but any search for "Rhythm Doctor Custom Levels" will find you some extremely cool shit.

Anyways, I love this game with my whole heart, and it's so fucked that it's still early access with how much shit there is in this game right now. Buy this game. Buy it now. Buy it now. Buy it now.