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9 days ago

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9 days ago

9 days ago

APairofTimbs reviewed Resident Evil 4
I mean, are we serious guys? This is the best remake of all time? Y'all are joking, gotta be. This is RE4 twisted into some uncanny valley bizzaro risk-adverse product for money. All the stuff you gamers complain about with modern games is in this game right here with a 4.5 rating on this site. Unneccesary crafting, stealth with stealth kills, walking and talking cutscenes, a multitude of mindless tasks to complete for goodies, durability, and a parrying mechanic because gamers love Sekiro. The whole Ubisoft game list has been checked off, it has it all. The unique control scheme that RE4 and 5 had is gone for a modern day standardized control scheme that only serves to remove more of the games identity, and does a diservice to the gameplay aspects. If you do decide to play this game, do yourself a favor and play it on PC, the controller does not feel good. The original was very reliable and meticulous, in this, the game has a fuckload of weapon sway and weapon inaccuracy. Because it uses modern controls, I think the developers thought it was fine to add way more enemies than needed. Weapon impact is not as satisfying, areas are damn near unrecognizable from the original, segments were cut and some new stuff was added for the worse.

So the game is not the most faithful to the original, but it also isn't a new product. It's less of a remake and more of a reimagining. Which is strange, because remaking a PS2 game, especially a later PS2 game that looks good is strange. RE2 and 3 look like... well a PS1 game, so those are more understandable. This is just a mutilation. They gutted my favorite RE game to turn over a quick buck. They removed the funny cutscenes, they added more annoying one shot kills, the environments look the same and barely stand out. Y'all can't be serious if you think this game is anywhere close to the original. It's a soulless cash grab, and this is coming from someone who has no childhood nostalgia for the original. I played it 8 months ago. This is still a good game regardless, because at it's core, it's still RE4 but I would play the original version anyday of the week, and it's free on my Nintendo PC.

9 days ago

9 days ago

9 days ago

9 days ago

11 days ago

APairofTimbs played Resident Evil 4
I mean, are we serious guys? This is the best remake of all time? Y'all are joking, gotta be. This is RE4 twisted into some uncanny valley bizzaro risk-adverse product for money. All the stuff you gamers complain about with modern games is in this game right here with a 4.5 rating on this site. Unneccesary crafting, stealth with stealth kills, walking and talking cutscenes, a multitude of mindless tasks to complete for goodies, durability, and a parrying mechanic because gamers love Sekiro. The whole Ubisoft game list has been checked off, it has it all. The unique control scheme that RE4 and 5 had is gone for a modern day standardized control scheme that only serves to remove more of the games identity, and does a diservice to the gameplay aspects. If you do decide to play this game, do yourself a favor and play it on PC, the controller does not feel good. The original was very reliable and meticulous, in this, the game has a fuckload of weapon sway and weapon inaccuracy. Because it uses modern controls, I think the developers thought it was fine to add way more enemies than needed. Weapon impact is not as satisfying, areas are damn near unrecognizable from the original, segments were cut and some new stuff was added for the worse.

So the game is not the most faithful to the original, but it also isn't a new product. It's less of a remake and more of a reimagining. Which is strange, because remaking a PS2 game, especially a later PS2 game that looks good is strange. RE2 and 3 look like... well a PS1 game, so those are more understandable. This is just a mutilation. They gutted my favorite RE game to turn over a quick buck. They removed the funny cutscenes, they added more annoying one shot kills, the environments look the same and barely stand out. Y'all can't be serious if you think this game is anywhere close to the original. It's a soulless cash grab, and this is coming from someone who has no childhood nostalgia for the original. I played it 8 months ago. This is still a good game regardless, because at it's core, it's still RE4 but I would play the original version anyday of the week, and it's free on my Nintendo PC.

11 days ago

APairofTimbs commented on Bloof's review of Final Fantasy XVI
FF fans are losers, I agree. They don't want new games, they want the old games with a new coat of paint

13 days ago

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