More challenging then #2 and is single player only.

Don't play this on console, play this on PC! You don't want to suffer like it did constantly dipping 15fps the entire game.

I'd say one of the best in the series, released at the end cycle of the PS3, the multiplayer was what made it a -1, who goes into a game that is single player focused and adds multiplayer, makes zero sence, also this takes place before gow 1.

Stay away from this trash game franchise if you have a soul.

Stay away from this trash franchise at all costs, if you have a soul.

Stay away from this trash franchise at all costs, if you have a soul.

Absoloutely Fantastic multiplayer, minus being a hero shooter. Updates are frequently updated, loads of maps, Veteran FPS Skill based Shooter, made for Adults and not children. This is the highest end spectrum for FPS multiplayer gaming! Still getting frequent updates and new maps etc. They must recongize battlepass are shit and should stop it at once as you cannot even see your character in 3rd person too. Hey Dev's if you remade and removed all the stats and and hero skills your audiance would far exceed expectations.

Fantastic game offline couch co-op, online was really stable and fun, created a ton of levels but too bad the servers with #1 and #2 died, otherwise i would of 100% a second time.

Best Mario Kart, that is when your using gamecube controllers. Also had much better online, #8 and #8 deluxe is an absoloute joke compared to it when it was active.

Back when mario party was well made, modern ones are deplorable.

Straight up trash, don't even emulate it.

Play it on PC instead of console, good story and plot and gameplay, it was inspired by the Matrix for gameplay but i digress.

European devs turning japaneses IP into gold. Play it! Also the remastered is not as fun concerning the controls are crap on the switch, I've yet to play it on the Wii but heard good things about it.

Good game minus that they removed the servers, so online is dead and so is 100%. It was a hefty long grind online to get 100% too.

Playstation version is probably the best with fixed music as far as I know. I'm sure there's fixes for the PC version but there you go. One of my favourite 2.5D platformers.