Man, this game had so much potential, but the decision to split the story between a novel, an anime, a movie, 2 books, 4 dlcs and a full game was stupid. The story is, obviously, desorganized, nonsense and strange. The game changed it's director in the middle of the development and the other director wanted to do a linear game, but the gameplay was made to be fit in the open world.

Bro, this game is a mess. BUUUT, it has some good points, the characters are really good since they are very present in everything you do, they comment about almost everything, even in FFXVI the party members aren't as lively. The open world is cool, we have a bunch of fat quests yeah but exploring the world with chocobos, the car and camping with the homies is just too cool. The combat is stylish but confusing and too simple, the item sistem is BROKEN.

Cool game, give it a chance if you want it, but play it knowing that it has its problems.

Story - Cool, but with little detail
Gameplay - Fire
Art - Fire



This game is amazing, it is similar to Sekiro and God Hand, but while looking like the Old Boy Movie and with some excelent mechanics. Excelent game, really.

Excelent tower defense game

Excelent exploration sistem, one of the best AC out there, ahhhh the golden age.

JET SET RADIOOO BUT NEW, AMAZING GAME. Hideki is here, two mello too, even cyber milk chan!

One of the best fighting game, really stylish.

The OST is fire and the gameplay rewards the player for being agressive, never jump when potemkin has the full meter, ok?

Excelent characters and development, the end is kinda rushed but the game is really good.

The best COD i've played

Motives because i hate this game:
Story - ZZZZ
Gameplay loop - Go to a city -> do 10 fatquests -> Kill Target

The same game, in every espect, but looking like the second one.

The pc port sucks tho.

Probably the best sonic 2D, excelent level design, coop for the whole game and the best character of the franchise, Tales.