It was good when it started, except for the bullshit that freddy is this game is fire.

Excelent experience for its price, i think, i don't think straith anymore.

Excelent prologue, but it is strange that the prologue is a whole separated game when the beginning of TPP is even longer.

Excelent game, they picked the first one and expanded everything.

Excelent level design, the ost is fire, this game is hard as hell but very well made, excelent experience.

ZZZ Story, same gameplay as the second game, the Master Assassin mechanic is cool but it could be better.

Cool reboot, could be better.

The combat is boring, pokémon doesn't change in that way, the story is ZZZ and the game is easy, you can get the exp share in the second town and destroy the rest of the game with a full team. I usually don't like pokémon and this one was no exception.

Cool Teltalle experience

Sometimes kinda nonsense, but the game pays out.

One of the best coop games out there, interesting characters and the gameplay keeps changing to surprise the players.

One of the best, MGS3 is an absolute masterpiece. This game is so detailed that even the devs doesn't know all the details, i could pass hours and hours replaying this and i would still find something new.

The gamer isn't noob friendly, but it's fun as a survivor and as a killer too.