The best way to describe this game would be "what if your uncle came back from a trip to japan and bought you a used famicom game you never heard about". It somehow perfectly replicate the experience of having no idea or context about what you're doing and you have to learn by trial and error, as well as guessing what the pictures in the manual are trying to convey.

That being said it's not all perfect. First of all I think the combat system was ok for a Zelda-like game. Not very deep, not very difficult. Enemies are just there as a distraction and not really a challenge.... until the game wanted to bad to be dark souls that it starts throwing unfair stuff at you. You CANNOT attempt to have a difficult souls-like combat with absolutely none of the depth from the actual game. Your options are so limited and overcoming the challenge isn't satisfying in the slightest. I'd rather focus on the exploration and brain teaser.

Speaking of brain teaser: the alphabet system is really cool and I gave it a shot at deciphering it. However i simply couldn't do it for the life of me. After attempting it for hours I gave up and looked it up online. Not a big deal if it was just flavor text, but it really soured the entire experience when the last 2 secret treasures absolutely required it in order to 100% finish the game. There is no cheeky subtle hints to do without it like all the other puzzles.

Still, one of the best game I've ever played.

Honestly surprised at how fun this entry is. I'm so mad they ditched the leveling system after this one cause it's far more interesting that just getting exp after battle. The dialog system is also very interesting. Overall a lot of good idea that have been dubiously executed

Yup, still my favorite Final Fantasy to this day.

Game is so unfathomably bad that I threw it in the toilet and took a piss on it when i was younger.

After the 4th attempt at forcing myself to clear this one out from my backlog, i can safely proclaim that this is the worst game I have ever played. There is not an ounce of fun in this souless attempt at a physics puzzle game.

Relaxing experience. Cool 45min distraction but nothing special

Extremely short and lighthearthed take on a Sonic the Hedgehog visual novel. I nice change of pace after reading hundreds of hours long VNs. Nothing deep but picking the wrong answers deliberately always leads to funny and endearing interactions between the characters.

One of the most quintessentialy laurie-core game. Early 3D pixel graphics fps? check. Extremely clunky and complicated interface? check. Good storytelling? check. Gameplay requires you to stop and consider your options carefully? check. Open ended MetroidVania progression? check. Masterpiece.

This game is way too important and influential to me to put into words how much of a masterpiece it is just yet. I might need another replay to gather my thoughts and cook up a deserving review. All you need to know is: play it.


Truly the SIGNALIS of boomer shooters