14 reviews liked by Adurin

Bro I accidentally killed snotty during this playthrough, I'm such a fucking failure dude

why is the description a negative review

Probably the most let down I've ever been by a game lol. Hard carried by the fact that the bayonetta sections were fun, the viola sections made me want to kms LMAO. Story was also dogshit, glad it came out shortly after i got into the serious bc i would've been mad tight if i had to wait 7 years for this piece of shit like everyone else

bayonetta sections of this game are absolute peak
jeanne sections are some of the worst ever
viola sections made me stop playing and sad because its so bad

This game spends too much damn time underground, which seems a little antithetical to the entire rest of the franchise. Besides that, it's probably the strongest of the bunch technically, but still falls short to Pirate's Curse. A lot of good ideas were implemented here, and I think a followup will show Wayforward at their best and potentially most inspired.

Tekken's gameplay formula is fucking amazing, extremely good to play, the stages are pretty good and the OST is great, specially Moonsiders 1st, a masterpiece.

But, the game does not have any content for me, a casual player, the arcade tower sucks and the "story" mode is a complete joke. Tekken 5, a PS2 game, did this infinitely better, whithout a story mode. There was an actual, although meh, story. Here in 7 I just can't take anything seriously, MK set a new bar for story content for fighting games and I believe Tekken should follow their footsteps.

This is a biased review, I only care about solo in smash bros and this games does nothing for me. fuck you.

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Takano backstory was mid and I really missed the usual Higurashi atmosphere with the town life combined with horror, that being said there are some good moments and it's not like reading it was a bad time or anything

A fun but much more shallow sequel to first game. It felt like they tried to overcorrect complaints from the first game, like removing the open world or making the mini games more "fun". But instead they removed the soul that made the first game so special, that made Santa Destroy feel like a real place. Suda's absence is very much felt and it's obvious the goal was just to redo what the first game did, but more so.

But, Travis' character arc concludes in a genuinely satisfying manner here and the actual combat is greatly improved (aside from those fucking gun enemies).

Also the final boss fight is so terrible that I'm docking half a star for it alone.

i only redownload to acquire more chroms. other than that it is useless to me