Paper Mario is no longer Paper Mario. That doesn't mean it's not good though. The ring system is fun, Olly is kick in the face for the fans, and the overworld was great. RIP Bobby.

I honestly never got the hate of this game. I never thought the card system took too much time and at least it gave you purpose to battle. The destinations were fun and Huey is probably my favorite companion in the Mario franchise.

There's just no point in choosing this game over any other RPG. The soundtrack is good and the bosses offer a slight amusement, but the game is too tedious and just not fun.

What can I say about this game? This game is a literal masterpiece. The gameplay is fun, the soundtrack is god-like, the story is very deep, and the characters are likeable. It's not the best Mario RPG, but it's easily my favorite.

This is an actual masterpiece. All the places are bangers, the soundtrack is great, the battle system is at its peak, the bosses are fun, the story is good, and the creativity is off the charts. This was the era when Nintendo was actually good at making stories, in Mario games at least.

What I like about the original Paper Mario is that it doesn't try to be like 80% of other RPGs and be complicated. No, the actions are very simple, yet charming. The story is just Peach getting kidnapped by Bowser, but this game at least cleverly uses her. Also, Yoshi's Island is always a plus.

One of the few games where I think that the legit game hates you. You lose coins from minigames, Chance Time is a thing, and who can forget rotating the joystick and getting splinters?

The one game where I can say the term twice the fun is true. Also, why is this the only Mario Party game where the characters dress up in the boards?

Wait, Waluigi is in the game? 10/10.

Probably my least favorite board selection in the first 8 Mario Party games, but that's pretty much the only problem. Also, are we going to ignore the fact that all the playable characters share the same birthday?

Paper Mario in my Mario Party game? 10/10.
Okay, I didn't like the capsules or a good chunk of the mini games, but I liked the boards and all the side modes enough to still have fun. Also, that theme in Hotel Goomba was sick.
Wait, Donkey Kong is no longer a playable character? 0/10.

Easily the best Mario Party. Solid minigames, great boards, a nice mechanic, and they actually fixed the orb mechanic!
Also, why are the sun and moon arguing about stars when the sun is a star?

So, the plot of the game is that Mario and friends didn't invite Bowser to a vacation, so he got angry and threw a Mario Party? Okay.

Ah yes, the game where everything is motion controls. Solid game though. Great boards, the best character selection, and the best minigame win jingle.

Definitely a much more slow paced game. Thanks for the car Nintendo, let's hope this is the only game with it. At least, the minigames are absolutely top tier.