A brutalist playground with great freedom of exploration. The vibes are fantastic and eerie. I would love to play a larger game built upon the foundation here. Also, free on Steam and easily completed in a single sitting with all achievements which is cool.

Cool game, short and weird. Very Cronenbergian.

Short and sweet, a puzzle-platformer that really gets your brain working in the back half. Love the style of it and the end is really something.

On a technical level: a masterpiece. Next to Silent Hill and MGS as my favorite looking title on the PlayStation. It has such a sharp and tactile look to its world with satisfying moving parts. This super military tech look juxtaposed with the bloodthirsty raptors that inhabit the island make this such a unique looking and feeling game. I really enjoyed the puzzles as well and after hearing so much about this game was surprised to find that that's really the meat on its bones. I avoided combat at all costs, you'll spend all your ammo on a single dino. Wish that weren't the case, that you really could hold your own, but I suppose it is survival horror. Pretty fantastic game all around albeit a tad frustrating.

Another Vampire Survivors-like mixed with Diablo inspirations. Looks great, has a pretty fun loop. Good time killer.

A strong start for Arkane, you can see all the things to come from their philosophies on game design and focus on player freedom. I played this numerous times back on Xbox 360, it was the first time I played a game that really felt like it was letting me make my own fun. I played through as a sorcerer, as a stealth archer, a knight, etc. Every configuration you could think of and I had so much fun.

Revisiting it now it does feel somewhat like a relic. The combat isn't very engaging and there's a lot of jank that feels almost endearing. It does seem like a prime candidate for the remaster/remake treatment. Even better it would be cool if Arkane revisited this world and made a sequel building off of the mechanics. They really improved on the formula with Dishonored and Prey, and I think it would be neat to revisit a fantasy setting again with what they've learned in the nearly 2 decades since.

Been playing through these on coop with a friend who never played the original trilogy and I had never played this one. Surprisingly, it mostly stands up to those original 3. I think I'm much less into the Swarm than the Locust, I straight up hate the Snatchers and Pouncers, very annoying enemies. But the weaponry is brutal, it looks fantastic, and ends with an act where you're smashing through hordes and buildings in big mechs. Must recommend.

Stunning, yes, but mostly a complete slog. Did not beat the "Far Cry: Pandora" allegations. Gave up after about 3 or so hours of monotonous walk and talk sequences and running back and forth between areas just to complete quests that the game automatically gives you just for passing someone offering one.

Was kind of blown away by this a bit. It doesn't do anything particularly incredible, but a lot more work was put into this than was needed. It reminds me of a mini Fallout 4 minus all the fluff that drags that game. Adds some interesting stuff to the Terminator universe and is fun to play on a moment to moment basis. Best Terminator anything since T2.

Reminisced with this one night. Just 100% in a sitting lol

Short and sweet. Takes a lot of inspiration from games like Quake, Turok, and even a little bit of Serious Sam, but manages to turn it into something that's its own. I really enjoyed the look and art direction, and the enemies all look cool and unique. There's something about the skyboxes that make me feel nostalgic.

For me this is the pinnacle of the 3D platformer. Has the tightest controls and best gameplay out there. It really lets you experiment with the movement in a way I haven't experienced with another game. It's gorgeous, whimsical, free-flowing, and just plain FUN.

Somehow forgot to log this. One of the great time-burning games. Its simple concept and execution, along with one of my favorite artstyles, make this a game that feels pure and easy to return to at any point. Just magic.

Completed the first difficulty. Cute, looks quite nice for the PS3, but I did get a bit tired of the sixaxis controls. May return to play the other two difficulties, maybe not!