This was fantastic, and everything I could have wanted. A queer occult neo-noir thriller is everything I ever wanted from a game, and this delivers on all points. I love everything about the game -- the 80's aesthetic, the music, the pining, the fact that we're playing as adults rather than teens fumbling through their sexuality. That last bit is a breath of fresh air, actually -- as an adult myself, it's nice to play a queer VN with characters who I feel I can actually relate to, rather than who feel like I did fifteen years ago. Plus, it's written respectfully and realistically -- it's very clearly from a queer creator for a queer audience, rather than feeling like it's a fetishized romance for straight guys wanting to get off. I also loved the crimes, and the way the mystery was presented. I felt like I was genuinely figuring it out alongside the protagonists, and it was delightful. I can only hope the tease at the end was true, and that there's a sequel coming eventually. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

A fun little game with an enjoyable main mechanic. Using the charms to control how the story went was fun, and the various paths were all varied and interesting.

Fantastic game. Very gay, very relatable. Loved every minute of it.

Meh. Loved this on N64, but it hasn't aged well at all.

A perfect sequel to a fantastic game. Loved every second of it, especially the bits that made me cry. Just, the game should probably come with a warning label because oh my god just so much generational trauma.

Great little game. A bit too real for me, though.

Eh. It's fine, but it's also very much a generic licensed game from the nineties. It's not terrible, but that's about the best I can say about it.

A fantastic remake of a fantastic game.

Pretty thoroughly meh, to be honest. Controls slightly better than the NES game, for what that's worth, but otherwise still a bit of a chore.

I wanted to like this more than I did. It's legitimately got some great things going for it, but the control scheme is such that I have to hold the 3DS with one hand while using the stylus with the other, and seeing as I've broken my left wrist twice, it causes a significant amount of discomfort. If they ported this to Switch, I'd pick it up in a heartbeat.

I missed the chance to play this on Gamecube, and I think I might have liked it more there. There's a lot of fun little details in this game, which are nice, but really, the control scheme (one stick and motion controls) just doesn't do it for me.

Really gotta hand it to Nintendo. It takes a certain kind of attitude to create a handheld that utilizes 3D where viewing angle is important and then make a game for that handheld that uses gyro controls. Seriously, this game needs a second stick.


Truly fantastic game. Probably Supergiant's best. Cannot wait for Hades II.

A very atmospheric DS horror mystery. The problem is that for as interesting as the mystery is, the gameplay is genuinely bad and tedious, and I cannot find it in me to force myself to keep playing this.

Despite wanting to, I didn't really like Her Story, but when I saw this was included in my Netflix subscription I figured I'd give it a shot. And I like it even less than I liked Her Story. These games always lure me in with an interesting sounding premise, but the actual gameplay/story just always fails to grab me.