19 reviews liked by Agu

This is the greatest game of all time

Disagree = Wrong and you didn't get it

There is so much to say about this game, I honestly don't know how to properly start.

So firstly, let's talk about the battle system, it is pretty much the same as in Xenoblade 3, there are some slight changes but at the end it is just as good as in Xenoblade 3, you are a bit more restricted in what you can do, but that is completely fine for the shorter length of the game.

Next I'd like to talk about the exploration, just like in the other Xenoblade games the world design is excellent, and you can't stop looking at these wonderful areas. I really enjoyed exploring every little place and collecting all the items for the collectopedia. Tho, it can be a bit annoying finding certain items, like those with that you can unlock a new gem slot.

The music is again perfect, for example I totally couldn't stop listening to Aurora Shelf, its so good, like how is it possible to always make such good music for these games? Not to forget the ending theme, which really brought tears to my eyes.

Oh, by the way, they fixed Tornas major problem, the Community System! Now, it won't lock you out to progress the story if you don't do all the side quests. I had way more fun to complete this Community System, than in Torna. The side content is in general smaller than in Torna, both games have pretty much the same amount of content, but Future Redeemed has more content and focus with the Main Story.

Furthermore, I have to talk about the characters, just like in Xenoblade 2, Xenoblade 2: Torna - The Golden Country and Xenoblade 3, this game has awesome and likeable characters. My favorites were probably Matthew, Glimmer and of course Rex and Shulk, but honestly all characters are great. Because of the shorter length of the game, they don't have the time to flesh the characters out like in the Main Game, but they did a very good job here, just like in Torna. If you played the other Xenoblade games, there are great moments with the characters.
You also should play at least all the other numbered Xenoblade games before this, you definitely will get the most out of this, if you play this as the last one.

Talking about the story, it was very good and everything I wished for, but also there were things I would've never expected to be in this game. I'm not going to spoil anything, you really should experience it yourself. I at least wasn't at all disappointed with this story.

Lastly, let's talk about the future of the Xeno games, and there is honsetly a lot to talk about. But I still don't want to spoil anything so, let's just say that this game opened a lot of questions concerning the series, while answering pretty much most of the questions there were left for the trilogy. The Future will be very interesting, and fans of the old Xeno games should have a pretty good guess about the next Saga.

I love this game and together with Xenoblade 3 it is one of my favorite games, I can't recommend this series enough, if you love amazing characters, mind blowing stories and games made with passion and love, then Xenogears, Xenosaga and Xenoblade is for you!

Thank you Tetsuya Takahashi and every person from the team of Monolithsoft for making these wonderful games.

(And thanks to Soraya Saga for creating Xenogears and Xenosaga together with Takahashi, sadly she isn't there anymore with Xenoblade and the last Xeno game she worked on was Xenosaga Pied Piper, but she is for sure one of my favorite story and characters writer. Hope she will return for the series in the future!)

Wundervoller Nachfolger zum DS Spiel, bin durch dieses Spiel erstmals in die Reihe gekommen und liebe die beiden Spiele seitdem total. Würde sehr gerne noch einen dritten Teil sehen, es ist sehr schade, dass dieses Spiel so untergegangen ist. Square hätte das Spiel deutlich besser vermarkten sollen.

Fantastisches Farming Spiel, hatte sehr viel Spaß damit.

Zwar ist es das Xeno Spiel, was ich von allen wohl noch eher am wenigsten mag (Von Xenosaga II mal abgesehen), ist es dennoch ein erstklassiges Spiel. Sehr schöne Story und vor allem eine wundervolle Welt zum Erkunden.

Ein sehr schöner Epilog zu Xenoblade 1, es hatte zwar nicht das Budget und die Größe von Torna, aber für das, was es ist und machen konnte, gibt es nicht viel daran auszusetzen. Bis auf Gael'gar, echt nicht gerade der beste umgesetzte Antagonist, welcher einfach nur noch in einer Side Quest weggeworfen wurde.

In diesem Spiel steckt sehr viel Liebe. Ein wunderbares Beispiel dafür, wie man ein fantastisches 2D Jump ’n’ Run macht. Schade, dass bisher noch kein weiterer Teil rauskam.

So ein wundervolles Videospiel oder vielleicht besser gesagt Kunstwerk. Zwar hat es durchaus einige Probleme, aber zugleich hat es auch so viele Stärken. Wer eine wundervolle Story, verdammt gut geschriebene Charaktere, eine hervorragende Spielwelt und ein komplexes Kampfsystem erleben will, sollte das Spiel unbedingt spielen. Alleine schon der Title Screen hat was Magisches an sich.

A nearly perfect 3D collect-a-thon / Jump ’n’ Run, but there is one problem, it has just too many moons. They should have just made smaller moon missions to a different collectable, so that moons which are harder to get would feel more valuable.

This game is an example of an excellent prequel and in addition to that shows what a great DLC is. There is just one problem and that is the Community System, which requires you to do nearly all the side quests to progress in the Main Story, that is just very annoying if you want to do more playthroughs of the game and the Story progression shouldn't be locked like this. Still an awesome game which everyone who played Xenoblade 2 should play.

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