Forgot about this one, oops. Should be with all the other games I don't have a date for

Super Mario 64 is one of the most iconic and important games of all time, and it came out on a famously rough transition point for gaming from 2d to 3d, so it's unbelievable it has aged as well as it has.
My only real complains are: the camera, which is pretty darn bad but actually completely excusable for a first attempt ever, and some stars that are just bad sadly.
There is a lot of good to be talked about: the level design still holds up, the game is very creative. Of course not every level is a banger, but in most of them it's just fun to roam around and explore and the stars tend to have very clever placings, also there are already used some really interesting concepts only possible with 3d
The controls are great, Mario is very responsive and there are a lot of options for a varied experience and some precise and fun jumping.
The aestethic is a controversial point but I find it very appealing and don't think it looks bad at all.
I am a great fan of 3d mario games and, while this isn't Odyssey, it sure didn't disappoint

Forgot to include this one too, i may be stupid. Makes me wo der if I've missed more, but guess we'll never know

Took me a while to finish because of school and that might have impacted my opinion on it.
I thought it was a fine pokemon game, but it didn't take me in that much. The gameplay is solid and the new pokemon are very good, but I'm too used to them for it to really matter. In fact a significant problem I had, which isn't really the game's fault to be fair, was that I arleady knew a lot about what was gonna happen, just like I already knew the pokemon. For example the distortion world would have blown my mind, but I had already seen it plenty of times. My biggest criticism is how slow the game is, I used 2x speed for probably hours and even then progressing through some parts still felt impossible.

I love FF7 and seeing more of those characters is really cool, Aerith in particular was great and her relationship with Zack was perhaps the highlight of the whole game. Getting to know more about this Zack that we barely knew existed is awesome too. Out of the new elements I did like the figure of Angeal. The ending is absolutely goated too.
But for the negatives: the gameplay gets really boring after a while, it's slow and repetitive. DMW system is cool at first but just gets annoying over time. The story is honestly not handled that well, it tries to push a lot of unneccessary things onto the original's narrative and while most are just pointless some are straight up harmful: the worst offenders are Genesis andthe whole copies thing. It also doesn't take advantage of the great basis FF7 posed: Cloud and Sephiroth are found in a really interesting and different setting but they get way too little expabsion, and that is also true for most sttory elements that we knew already. This is particularly egregious in Nibelheim, where it's basically a worse retelling of the original's flashback (with a bad Sephiroth boss added. How do you even screw up a Sephiroth boss?).
Overall game is carried by Zack and being set in one of my favourite fictional universes ever.

This game has a really cool and interesting gimmick in the way you move kirby, which leads to a really enjoyable experience in some levels, but overall the game doesn't know what to do with itself. Many levels seem created to not let you have fun with the paintbrush system via strict design such as very linear and narrow paths and the game tends to get tedious (a good example but sadly not even close to the only one: the water levels. Also why are there so many). The abilities are hit or miss, with baloon, needle and burning in particular standing out as some of the best parts in the entire game and are severely underused , while the others are pretty meddling. The bosses try to take different approaches to stylus control but it never really works, and the minibosses all feel like a joke instead of genuine challenges.
Overall you could probably make a very fun game using this game's basic systems, but what we have right now doesn't even come close to its fullest potential.