The gameplay is better in this sequel, but the story and atmosphere is not

Gameplay wise this is a masterpiece, besides being the natural evolution of Doom 2016.

However, the story goes cuckoo crazy and needlessly convoluted for a Doom game.

Also, the game threads the line of artificial, unfun difficulty a lot of the time.

It's very mid, far inferior to Doom 2016 and it has the second worst shotgun in any game I've ever seen.

Still, it has a cool atmosphere in a lot of ways, but it can get quite boring after a while.

The graphics are pretty good, the story is nice, if a bit cliché.

The gameplay is horrid. It's probably the worst aiming I've seen in a third person game ever. I just hate the pistols in this game. The driving is also atrocious.

It's overall a great game, sadly there's a game breaking bug on chapter 14 that makes you replay the entire chapter if you're unaware of it.

Still, better story and gameplay than the first one.

This game is interesting. It has a ton of visual bugs, it gets pretty repetitive along the way, specially the underboss missions to increase income, I could only do about 3 of those before I ran out of pacience.

However, despite all that, this is the best game in the series I think. Best story for sure, best gameplay, even if it's not as focused as 1 or as engaging as 2.

Definitely worth a play

The investigations are kind of neat, even though the interviews seem random as fuck sometimes.

The ending is trash.

Great game, actually made me care for a farming/city building style game for a change.

Sadly, it crashed a couple of times on the Switch

It's a fine game, cute graphics and interesting puzzles.

A bit too short

Better than the first one in every way, sadly it stutters quite a lot on the Switch

Pretty good metroidvania.

Short and sweet, just an overall good time.

Short and sweet puzzle game with gorgeous visuals.

The game is fun overall, the block puzzle keeps you engaged.

Sadly, the endings are very obtuse and unclear, which means there's a high chance you'll not get to be with who you want to be without a guide, which is crap.

The game is amazing. Great story and art style, if not for the big boobs.

The combat could be less abstract, but it grew on me.

Yay for gay couples

This game is bloated.

It can be fun... it is beautiful to look at for sure. But there's just soooo much fluff, so many meaningless activities that drain your overall enjoyment.

It was a bit of a struggle to finish. I had a lot of fun up to the 100h mark... and then it took me another 60 hours... And I skipped the Dawn of Ragnarok DLC because I was just done with it.

The story is also a bit inconsequential at the end. The artifacts are all meaningless.... I must've spent about 10 hours total running after tattoo designs... Yes I feel like a loser because of that.