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Alef is now playing Hotel Dusk: Room 215

23 mins ago

31 mins ago

35 mins ago

Alef reviewed WarioWare: Move It!
Move It was a really fun game overall but it feels like it should've come out a lot sooner than it did. It uses the joycons in a lot of interesting ways that people just aren't going to care about as much about these features as much as when around the switch launched. I still found it to be a fun time and use those controls mostly really well (apart from the sensor minigames which were very janky). I appreciate the game's commitment to make you look like a fucking idiot at all times while playing. If you're a Warioware fan than I don't see why you wouldn't check this one out but for anyone else, I don't see much of a reason to check this one out.

1 hr ago

Alef finished WarioWare: Move It!
Move It was a really fun game overall but it feels like it should've come out a lot sooner than it did. It uses the joycons in a lot of interesting ways that people just aren't going to care about as much about these features as much as when around the switch launched. I still found it to be a fun time and use those controls mostly really well (apart from the sensor minigames which were very janky). I appreciate the game's commitment to make you look like a fucking idiot at all times while playing. If you're a Warioware fan than I don't see why you wouldn't check this one out but for anyone else, I don't see much of a reason to check this one out.

1 hr ago

Alef backloggd Mother 3

11 hrs ago

19 hrs ago

20 hrs ago

1 day ago

Alef is now playing WarioWare: Move It!

3 days ago

Alef reviewed Pepper Grinder
Great platformer that sets out to do everything it wanted to do. Fun and fast paced gameplay along with unique gimmicks every levels makes this short game a very solid one at that. I do wish that coins were used more interestingly and that there was more feedback after getting hit, but those are just nitpicks. Overall it's a really enjoyable game that if you have a hour or two to kill, I highly recommend it.

3 days ago

Alef finished Pepper Grinder
Great platformer that sets out to do everything it wanted to do. Fun and fast paced gameplay along with unique gimmicks every levels makes this short game a very solid one at that. I do wish that coins were used more interestingly and that there was more feedback after getting hit, but those are just nitpicks. Overall it's a really enjoyable game that if you have a hour or two to kill, I highly recommend it.

3 days ago

Alef is now playing Pepper Grinder

4 days ago

Alef backloggd Minit

4 days ago

Alef backloggd Pepper Grinder

4 days ago

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