the game was fine but didn't really click with me

the game is... alright I guess, the art style was kinda nice, some of the comedy made me chuckle, the platforming was good enough. all in all the game was fun enough to play for a bit and then forget about for a long while

A twin stick shooter made with love, passion, and not profit above all else, that is what this game is, this game was one of my first indie rouge-likes and I really enjoyed it, just be warned that it is quite hard so it won't be everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok, this game knows what it is, and it doesn't hide that

some AAA games feel less polished than this demo, I will eagerly wait for the full release

The game is short and sweet, the guns feel great, the perks feel different and they affect how you play and you can finish the whole game in your first run if you are good enough, my only complain about the game is that the boss doesn't change his pattern every time he shows up, you just empty 3-5 mags on his wall, dash in, kill him, no new gimmik, no new patterns, not even summoning different types of enemies

a great improvement over the first game, they took every single good thing about the first and cranked it up to 11, the weapons feel great to use, and they look even cooler than the first game, the rough edges the first game had are not as noticeable (or not even here at all), the story continues after the first in such a nice way

I might have played this game a little too much as a kid, it's still alright, but there is much better game out there nowadays

I played this game with my brothers all the time when we were kids, we picked it up again last summer and we had a blast

The game is so much fun, just don't lock on enemies, the combat feels much slower compared to the other games in the souls trilogy, but it was still a ton of fun,

for a side note this game was my first ever souls-like, and I replayed it so many times

this is a really good game, from the artstyle to the combos, everything is brimming with passion and charm

This game was a big part of my childhood, replayed it and it was still a ton of fun

the game was really good for it's time, I played in a playstation hub back in middle school but couldn't complete it

the combat is about what you would expect and the skill tree is quite nice, the story is pretty much the same as the movie (it's alright)

I finished the game on a emulator and it runs pretty well

the game mechanic of turning body parts into literal weapons is great, and the abilities feel great as well, and I really liked the story

just a great game around, give it a shot

I play a lot of rougelikes and this one was especially fun for me, the dark, and grim art style that resembles darkest dungeon, to the combat that was rather challenging but still rewarding, this game had me in a choke for the first week after I got it