this game is horrible, 10/10 will play it again

loved the game when I played it, but the new devs just kept removing artwork because it was "too lewd\sexual" even from the artbook, the stuff removed from the artbook wasn't even replaced, and let me remind you, you buy the artbook separately, that's just sad, even more sad when you know that they deleted the angry fans reviews on steam

the game was very difficult, for me, just because I never really played a platformer or a metroidvenia in years at the time I picked up this game, but am I glad I picked it up, I would say more but there isn't anything that I can say about the game that wasn't already said, just go and play it.

I saw the Twitter drama about this game, and while it's not exactly the best out there, it's still pretty awesome.

Story: 3.5/5 - Don't know why, but this game has some hilarious writing (or maybe it's just my childish sense of humor?). The story itself ain't too shabby.

Graphics: 4/5 - I just like how the characters are drawn. If you're not into it, no big deal.

Gameplay: 2.5/5 - It gets kinda boring sometimes; you just need to be in the right mood to play it.

0.5 to the final score just 'cause this game really ticks off Twitter, also the dev is awesome.
Final Score: 4/5

I had so much fun playing this game as someone who played older ac games, and I can see it being a lot of fun for people new to the franchise as well as ac vets,

the combat felt tight and responsive, it was fast paced, but not so fast it felt hectic, the weapons hit hard and were satiating to shoot, and building the ac felt as rewarding as ever, and the story was so good, and the final battle on my ng+ was the liberator of rubacon ending and man did I feel like a certified badass with Rusty's theme playing in the background.


a really impressive game considering that it bankrupted two studios while being an actually good game

Played 300+ hours before I bought the game + dlc, played another 250+ after buying it on sale, easily my most played games, and I'm not regretting it

one of my favorite souls games, ever, have a ton of flows, some jank ass i frames, and a lot of weird design choices, but i still enjoyed it, all of my 10+ playthroughs of it

This game is great; there isn't much I can say about it that hasn't been said before. I love the atmosphere and the fast-paced combat. However, farming for healing items is not fun at all. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish it.

One day, I will buy another PS4 (RIP old PS4) and complete it. Then, I will give it the 5 stars I know I'll give it when I finish it.

I enjoyed it enough to consider a second playthrough but not enough to do a second playthrough

My favorite racing game in the last couple of years, I really like the story, and handling feels great, and since it's an NFS game, the customization being superb is a given, kinda sad that no one other than NFS is making arcade racers recently.

they just abandoned the good story they had for the first game just to make this dumpster fire of a sequel, and the story conclusion wasn't even satisfying,

I'm not hating on this game because there are lgbt characters in it, since a character can be cool and well written no matter what sexuality you write in, as long as their sexuality isn't their whole character,

the state of this game makes me sad cause the studio proved they could write a good, compelling story, but they just didn't.

the goofy moves and enemies are just hilarious, like, they have the power rangers if they were a bunch of unemployed alcoholic fucks, and that was a boss fight, a fun boss fight at that, punching people in the dick it always a good time.

I really want to give this game a higher rating, I really do, but with how bland the gameplay and story are this game is left with nothing but a great Hellboy voice and a really nice artstyle,

Abe and Liz aren't in the game, the side cast while nothing to write home about they weren't insufferable like some other games cough saints raw cough, and the stages had nothing really to make me want to search through them,

hopefully we won't wait another 15 years before another hellboy game, and hopefully the next one would be good

a very under-rated game that deserves to be played by more people, it is so much fun, and if you are a fan of horror games/movies you will have a great time with it, the game parodies the horror movie tropes and the art style is very unique (in a good way)