11 reviews liked by Alice_Amano

Slow pacing but ending its worth it

The gameplay is far improved than its predecessor
Unfortunately the plot took a massive hit
Also some very good UI and QoL updates too

A pretty solid entry
Got some decent balancing
at least in the harder difficulties
offers both an accessible experience for newcomers and a more difficult experience for veterans (though its far from the most difficult game in the series)
Overall an enjoyable experience, though it can be a bit of a slog at times

A fairly solid entry in Zelda
Nothing very groundbreaking but thats to be expected of a GBA game
It does what it needs to and nothing more
Has my personal favorite lineup of items at least

OoT is an alright game
It feels sluggish at times while playing
for me at least. Exploration is really nice
Overall a decent Zelda experience

Easily one of the best Zelda games. Dungeon design is mostly far mote enjoyable than in OoT. The slightly smaller scale also gives it a less sluggish experience than OoT
That being said it still has just as much charm as OoT.
One of the best Zelda Games
Remake of this one sucks though