Very charming game. Soundtrack is excellent.

Some good jumpscares but overall a below average game. Not as good as Until Dawn.

Lots of changes to the game like new skills, new enemy moves, combat rebalance... You can use it with the Maniax Chronicle edition too, with a little adjustment. Pretty cool.

Very fun, addicting game. I've played for more than 200 hours and still keep getting back into it.
This game has more RPG elements than my second favorite Empires game, Samurai Warriors Empires 2.

You play as an officer instead of a force.
As a free officer, you can take on quests, raise relationships with other officers or form a vagabond unit and join battles.
If you join a force, you have to work your way up from Lieutenant -> Officer -> Prefect -> Marshal / Strategist and maybe Ruler.
You do that by raising your Merits (exp) either through battles or completing objectives.
In battle, you can choose up to 4 objectives to get more Merits (like defeating a number of officers or taking a specific base).
Outside of battle, you can choose from a list of objectives like Forming a alliance or Raiding an area.
As a Marshal / Strategist, your Ruler may offer to step down and leave you in charge, or you have the option to rebel and take the country for yourself.

Battles are typical DW 1-against-1000 hack n slash, you take over bases to create a supply line from your bases to the enemy's main base and then take over their main base or defeat their commander. If you're the commander you can give orders like Attack, Defend... or give individual orders to each officer which is nice.

There's a Way Of Life system that changes your title according to the way you play. So for example if you donate money to the people then you may get Benevolent Ruler, if you use tactics like Rumors, Alienate then you may get Wiley Tactician.
But it seems to me that this affects other officers more than your own so I don't really care about it.

This game is best played with a controller but it still shows the keyboard keys on the game interface, so it's annoying to figure out which key corresponds to which button.

SOUND 5/10
Decent, typical DW rock guitar music in battle. Japanese voices.

Decent. Unique officers have good models but models for Created / Generic officers are low res. Battlefields are bland.

STORY 6/10
Each scenario has a unique battle from the book but that's it.
Familial relationships are not recognized so you may get a request to swear a brotherhood oath from your dad :)
You can get married and have a kid. Your kid's appearance is generated using the parents' appearances and he/she will grow up and join your force.

There're 5 scenarios and so many officers (unique and generic) to choose from.
You can choose to play as a mere Lieutenant / Officer and follow orders, or as a Prefect to be in charge of a city, or a Marshal / Strategist / Ruler if you're ambitious.
You can also create characters and scenarios or download them from other players. You can replace a generic officer with a created one, so if you feel like Hua Xiong needs a unique model and a different moveset, you can do that.

The biggest disappointment to me is the endings (or ending, since they're all the same). No matter how you played, the ending will be you walking with your officers, say 1-2 lines about uniting and then some flashbacks of the scenes that you saw during the game, that's it.
SW2E's endings were much better.
If there were more endings, the replayability would be 10/10.

If you like DW with light RPG elements, and like playing as an officer instead of a force, you'll like this game.

What can I say? It's Skyrim. It's a perfect game (with mods).

Classic SMT gameplay with 3D graphics and third person combat.

Like the other Yakuza but with a new protag and turn-based combat. Actually pretty good.

Best Yakuza game. Also a good starting point for new players.

One of the best turn-based CRPGs games !

Classic JRPG formula with modern graphics.

Fun combat with different character builds so it has great replayability. You can hire other players' created NPCs as "pawns" to help you in combat. Used to do that and trade items with a great community on PS3. Good times.