11 reviews liked by Anayalator

some of the worst combat ever put in a video game, couldn't stomach more than 2 hours of this. You just run, do QTE kill moves and run some more. To call it a glorified tech demo would be gracious

what if i said this was better than most Kirby games would you believe me

I got super addicted to this game, it does a great job splitting NES classics into tiny little chunks for some fun addicting speed run type missions. The game variety is great and I really like how the challenges take you through each game from start to finish, you do really get to see the most important/famous parts of all the games included. I was sad to hear that this 3DS version doesn’t include everything from the two Wii U games but what is here is really great, I’ll check out the other versions at some point.

A much better game compared to the first one in everything but story. While the McGuffin chase in the middle of the game tends to flaunder a bit, some of the scenes and narrative moments towards the end of the experience are fantastic, even if the final encounter is a bit underwhelming.

The reduced scope of doing less planets than the last game but those same planets being denser and more vibrant made the exploration much more enjoyable than the previous entry.

The sniper puzzle gameplay in this game is truly amazing and inventive, think sniper elite but turned puzzle game. You explore to small maps marking enemies and then have to figure out the best way to take them out all in one shot: after you hit a target you relaunch for it to go to the next and the next in a chain. As the game goes on it adds a few new mechanics, just as fine aiming the bullet mid shot and enemies with armor that require being shot from a longer distance. The add these at a good pace so it stays interesting and keeps you thinking. I had no issue with the length of the game, honestly what brings the score down for me is the game’s presentation I just find it super ugly and pretty jarring from an art style angle. Some may find it appealing but the cutscenes and look of the game did not do it for me at all.

Another one of those games I'm glad I got to it late since it's one of those the internet decided to hate in unison in accordance to what their braindead favorite youtuber said.

My only problem with it is, due to it being online only, I experienced multiple cases of rubber banding or being killed while the server caught up. Aside from that, is without a doubt the best Story presented in an ARPG. It made me care about the characters presented in it and the production values and voice acting were on another level from what you typically see in most ARPG's.

Lilith lived up to the hype and can't wait to experience Vessel of Hatred when it comes out.

The gameplay really carries the game. Every fight and counter are seriously enjoyable, sadly I can't say the same about the rest. It lacks modern graphics, atmosphere, background lighting, facial expressions and so on (they are not the worst, but not 2024 graphics). The story was really political, which is not my thing but there are some many famous figures which makes their encounter worth while.

In general Rise of the Ronin is worth it and fun, but maybe not at full price

This just felt like a game that should have come out a long time ago. The original 2016 Detective Pikachu on 3DS was a flawed but charming mystery/adventure game with a clever premise, and if this game came out a year or two afterwards it probably would have gotten a similar reception. Instead the gameplay feels dated and the presentation is just not up to snuff. The plot isn’t bad per say but it also has the problem of the Detective Pikachu movie coming out in 2019 despite the movie adapting material that would be eventually used in this game, so the release timeline for this franchise is all out of whack. The last case in the game makes up for a lot of the slowness in the rest of the game but I just wish the game was more dynamic in structure, it would be nice to feel like you are solving something instead of being dragged along with no agency. I did like how it all wrapped up at least and it did retain some of the charm of the original, I just sadly think this missed its window by multiple years… if it had come out right before the movie it would have felt much more at home.

"He's the Secretary of War, not the Secretary of Bridges."

Fun in co-op but some of the design decisions are puzzling. First of all it is the most Xbox 360 era game you can play today. This includes dialogue, level design and cutscenes. While the combat is fun, enemies tend to get spongier as the game goes on which turns most encounters into a slog fest.