After years of hearing smash fans begging for Geno in smash i finally get to play the game they have been hyping up for years. I didn't think it would live up the hype, but it really did for me.
I wish more games would take ideas from this games combat/out of combat gameplay. The writing made me laugh out loud more than a few times and playable Bowser was awesome. I also enjoyed how weird a lot of the enemies/locations were.

Another one of those games that took me years to get too...
I got it on launch and hated it the performance on ps4 so i dropped it. i tried again when ultimate came out and I have no idea why i dropped it. Really this games biggest flaw is the map and figuring out where to go. Its just not fun and really messed with the pacing for me. Levitate is so satisfying to use and the Ashtray maze was sick. Now I can play Alan Wake 2.

Pretty good overall! Halfway through I decided to go against the board completely and had a lot fun. Planet exploration was great and the main story held my attention the whole way through. I wish the combat was better and that some of the side stuff was a bit more intriguing.

When I saw this game had jump button, action button, and button to remind you of the controls I got instantly skeptical of it being a baby game. Turns out it was a baby game!!! Even though it is aimed for younger audiences they still put a lot of charm and effort into it.

I love all the weird situations the game puts you in like defusing a bomb threat in a clock tower or baking cookies to fight off zombies. My favorite forms were the figure skating or karate. My biggest issue is that this game can really only be played once. Every level is part of a “play” so if you want to go back and get everything you will need to watch the cutscenes and if you miss the star you needed good luck because there are no checkpoints!!!

Overall I enjoyed the game more than I thought and I hope they make a second one that isn’t as much as a baby game.

Really fun coop. The level design/bosses started going downhill towards. I really wanted to like this this game more but the performance and bugs really hold it back.

Look, i know it took me FIVE years to finish!!!! but i loved this game. When I picked back up this most recent time, i was at the start of chapter 9. Up to this point I already had played about 60 hours. I love the way just moving feels in this game.

Playing it with so much time in between was interesting. As the last acts of the game have you walking to the very beginning of the game, it was awesome seeing all my old structures and my old path. Everything in this game is just so cool too. The character designs, the guns, the vehicles all of it goes so hard.

My only issue is the controls can be a bit obtuse sometimes, especially when it comes to combat. The story I know is an issue for some but I enjoyed all of it and appreciate it doesn't take itself seriously the whole time.

Can not wait for part 2.

It’s been a long time since I have played a game where story: NOTHING. Open world: NOTHING. But the gameplay is so juicy I really wanted to see it through.

It was a mistake to make the character a custom character. It made me really feel nothing for any of the story beats. It was also kinda lame how most of the main story missions were fight through the same waves of enemies and then fight one of the 3 boss types they made. With all this though, the gameplay is so solid. Counterpsark is so fun. Hitting a chain counterspark and fully staggering an enemy hit my neurons HARD.

Overall, I think it’s a good first try. If they ever do a second one I can see them fleshing out a lot of the cool ideas they had here.

Love the artsyle and movement. Some of the levels were a little lame but as the game went on it got way better. All the bosses and the "hard" levels were the best part of the game. Encountered a decent amount of bugs that did hinder experience. Overall very sold and the platinum was fun to get.

First "Yakuza" game I played was Judgement. I didn't even know yakuza was a thing till then. So far after 0, I'm excited to see where it goes. Slugger Majima was my fav part.

Seeing the crew interact is the best part. A lot of my issues with the game come from the end. A lot of the enemies have crazy stun locks or are just not fun to fight. The open world was fun but did get a bit tiring for me towards the end of gongaga. We WILL be there for the next one

"Made me smile, made me happy"- Flight reacts

Nintendo the type of company to make the credits fun to play!!
2023 was really the year that I came back to Nintendo. From start to finish this game had me hooked. I loved seeing all the little animations which really popped due to the great art style. The more I played the less i wanted to keep coming back to it which is why it took me so ling to finish!!!! I did NOT want it to end. The 100% was fun and I can't wait to see where they take Mario next.

While i think the game is overhated, I can also understand why it's in the position its in. The gameplay feels great, and for a looter shooter it technically has everything you'd want. There is a point towards the end of the game where they have lex luthor sit there and explain to you how the live service component of the game will work. They have a really great base here but it;s very clear a lot of content was taken out for the sake of drip feeding.

All that being said I do enjoy the gameplay enough to stick around and see where they take it. i hope the future story updates keep improving the base game overall.

As a kid i was only brave enough to get to the castle before it was too much for me to handle. Finally playing this game and seeing it through I understand why people praise this game so much. One of the biggest issues I had with RE 2 and 3 remake was that the combat didn't feel that great to me. It was good, but not fun. I was in chapter 3 when i realized woah this game plays amazing and I was locked IN for the rest of the game. This is just a real ass game.

I was going to to go for the plat but I can't. The gameplay was so good that I considered going for it but I may keep it installed to hop into mercenaries every now and then.


I remember playing lemmings on my psp and only asking for it because I had played Pingus on my family pc. Since then I haven't really played a game that hit that same itch in my goop loot goblin brain.

A lot of the levels were easy but getting all the goldys were what took it up a notch. At first I was a bit apprehensive on the real time levels where you are in full control but they grew on me overtime. A lot of the chapters with "combat" i did not enjoy as much. These felt a bit tacked on and as if the game was not built for it. I wish more of the combat sections were like the final red core boss that were more like a bullet hell dodging game then a puzzle game with some combat.

Overall it was a great time and I hope we see a sequel in some way. The platinum was fun, and it was cool how they incorporated things such as game stats and skins as an unlock for getting collectibles.

The story and world carried hard here. The puzzles that centered around using the rats to your advantage were the best. A lot of the "combat" encounters I could have done without. Platinum was easy.