"your ignorance taught me, courier, that messages are flags, and that messages can contain the bear, or the bull. what you really sent to the divide was a flag, the voice of an old world, screaming to be let out. because of that i'm going to nuke the mojave."

"ulysses what the fuck are you saying"


felt like a nice conclusion to the storyline brewing up from all these dlcs, but felt more like you were just running from one end to the map to the other the whole dlc, with ulysses schizoposting to u. still though, u always gotta do this before the hoover dam battle.

i love that this expansion leans into some of the saturday morning cartoon shit u see in fallout. it's pretty damn funny, and I really liked all the quest line stuff. this is also where all the dlc's storylines start to come together. also, all the loot u get in this expansion is really good. i usually find myself late game just using the sink as my home on playthroughs.

it doesnt matter if this story is about letting go im getting those fuckin bars and im taking them with me.

why did there need to be 100 radios everywhere?

joshua graham setting up israel 2 in a national park.

cool setting and graham and daniel are cool but this shit is like five seconds long and are basically like 3 fetch quests strung together. kinda sucks that there isnt shit to do after you beat the expansion.

what else needs to be said. greatest game ever. shoutout to the five voice actors they got for like 90% of the cast.

feels super barren compared to re2r and doesn't have that same weight to it. a lotta big dumb action shit which is what re is known for yea, but compared to 2 it doesnt have that fear to it. spider enemies are freaky as hell. the villain in this game is a dumb ass dude what the fuck is combat data worth? what r u recording? moron. even for a more action-y re game the enemies still have like a million hp n ur constantly getting bit because you cant use ur knife or grenades anymore. shame. at least carlos and jill are hot and have enough charm to keep me going for this one. its short as hell too. wish this one had more time to cook cause i def know they wanted to do more but capcom had a release schedule they felt bound to.

not sure if its right or not to log a game with like a decade of patches, reworks and characters ahead but right now this game is pretty damn good. yea, plugging is bs and the mtx is fucking ass but if you look at the game for what it is, it's pretty damn good. this really is the fighting game for me, actually spending time ranking up and practicing combos and tech n whatever. excited to see how this games gonna be, praying for the best and for them to get their shit together.

ouuuuuuu this is a FUCKING GAME baby. reall shit right here. one of those games u pick up and don't put down till its done. replayed this cause i saw it was on ps plus for free and a ps5 upgrade with 120fps and i was down. runs beautifully and looks beautiful. crazy how the 2022 movie looks worse than the game! n ever since capcom got the RE engine they've been concocting the hottest character designs for their men and women. they got some bisexuals working in there fr.

for a game with heavy backtracking this game feels like a breeze, even going from one end to the other trying to look for something doesn't feel that long. the game has a perfect difficulty with the game leaving you with just enough at moments to keep going. lot of my memory playin this game earlier did come through.

the dual campaign stuff was cool but sorta weird how they kept so much overlapping shit with the second run. it gets really funny when u try to logic things so maybe leon ran back and undid things cause he secretly fucking hates claire. what an ass.

2019 capcom will go in the hall of fame for going back to back with this and devil may cry 5. wild stuff

straight dogshit for the gameplay but the story is half decent. kinda crazy how this is the prototype to like a 3rd of the big budget releases comin out today, sorta like how raiders of the lost ark has a chokehold on like a 3rd of the blockbusters made even today. uncharted 1 ain't on that level in quality but ykw I mean.

Reading the top reviews for this game is pretty damn funny. It's a great game, wouldn't say it's a masterpiece but it kept me going for the 40 or so hours I spent on it.

The story is obviously what moves this game forward and I don't really give a shit about "le games being movies" because truly the cutscenes are so well made and look so damn good. This is a damn PS4 game, why do games really gotta look any better than this and run like half as well? I like the story of Kratos and Atreus, but it can feel a little wonky, especially the whole arc of Atreus actin like a shithead cause he learned he was a god. But some parts are just really well crafted and really are moving.

Anyways for the real gameplay driven stuff a lot of it is in the side content, which is like a whole nother game within itself. I played on the hard difficulty and going into the side content I started raging cause I did a lotta late game stuff during the early game. Got so bad I switched back to normal, which then turned super easy as I got really good gear with all the grinding, which made the game feel a bit button mashy at times, where I'm pressing my attack buttons, the arrow button, and the summon button really hard until I win.

Besides some enemies that really ass to fight, like the dark elf captains who fly around, avoiding all your hits and blinding you 24/7, the valkries are the games biggest challenge. Seriously, especially the last fight, which was, if I am allowed to say it without having my skin ripped off, "souls-like". Damn satisfying to beat.

The exploration was something I was always looking forward to, but man do I hate all the little shit in between. Like exploring everything for the first time is dope because you're looking at this new area and it's pretty dense with a lotta shit. But then a lotta stuff you gotta backtrack to find and then you realize how slow this game is. The animations for opening shit take like 3-5 seconds walking to and from, and backtracking in areas tryna get everything I just groan at those moments. Especially in certain places where they don't space fast travel points well. They shoulda given Kratos like a jetpack or somethin or maybe he can grapple hook with his blades.

Still tho, I had a pretty good time playing this one. Currently playing Ragnarok as I'm writing this and i'm hyped to go through that.

After 2 playthroughs and 100%ing the game I have to say the amount of shit this game has is out of this world. Probably the most realized cyberpunk world I've ever seen. The feeling of walking down the city is just so damn crazy. At launch this game was a damn mess and I dropped it like 5-6 times. Now with like all the updates together this is truly a special game. We're not even getting to Phantom Liberty, which is a whole nother level of quality. Started tearing up at the end of my journey. Although I will never forgive CDPR for the dogshit state the game was in (and all their praise of "supporting this game post-launch" instead of abandoning it goes to show how shit this industry is), and how the game is still pretty damn buggy (I got softlocked on a main quest and had to rollback like 40 hours of playtime) their realized vision had me so damn hooked. Well worth the 200 hours.

If the original is a blend of Twin Peaks, Silent Hill and Stephen King, this game is that mixed with some modern Resident Evil, X-Files and some analog horror. Love how in the modern day Remedy is still keeping up with FMVs as a genuine part of storytelling. It's something so subversive and postmodern while also being a big blockbuster game. Visually it's one of the first games I've seen where it's on a scale that truly feels next-gen with it's visuals. Playing with my 4070, which came bundled with the game I saw it go down to it's knees trying to run the path tracing shit, and it looked gorgeous while it was doing it. One of the first games in a long while where I just felt some sorta way after completing it. Pure game kino.

Uhhh writing this 2 months after I played it but basically a weird Stephen King/Twin Peaks mashup thats kinda clunky but gets better as it progresses. Wasn't expecting it to get really good but damn the story did really well. Gameplay is kinda annoying but u can get through a lot of fights by just walking past them. Overall pretty good.

Lowkey better than the first. The first game had a decent tension, but here I feel the horror sections hit harder than before. I think the irony of remaking horror games is that a lot of what made these games so scary were the atmospheres created by lower fidelity graphics. Makes it feel more off-putting. I liked the story way more, playing on the first but making it more interesting. It's also more tight which is due to it's more linear structure, but leads to some crazy ass set pieces. I mean just the opening sequences goes crazy. Hoping when they eventually remake it it'll do it justice.

Such a clean ass remake of the original, sporting all what made the classic so good, cleaned up with improvements that make the game the definitive way to play. The twist at the end actually had me shocked. Still a little buggy and the PC version stutters a bit too much but still, pretty damn good.