WOW. Just WOW. I'm not surprised this game is turning out to be somewhat controversial with players, but I'm so utterly glad that I took such a good experience out of it.
Combat is solid as hell, multiple sections of the game are devestatingly hard but satisfying, discovery feels extremely rewarding, and once you learn the true nature of the game it really becomes something special. If you really find it too hard, there are plenty of accessibility features, and if you find similar games too easy, this game has some really good challenge to it.
Just try it out. If you don't like it at first, stick with it for a while longer; you might find your opinion changing over time.

You can find a full thread of my thoughts here: https://twitter.com/Andronian42/status/1435798404202962950
TL;DR: Overall, Hacknet does everything it needs to do right: it doesn't take up too much of your time, it hits you with a good story that doesn't try to overdo it, it gives you a fun time, and- most importantly- it makes you feel way more awesome than you actually are.

(note: this review is regarding the recent open beta for the game, and not the full game)

do you ever play a game and say to yourself “man, this game isn’t bad, but I’m just having no fun whatsoever”? this is that game for me.

I absolutely loved screwing around in the Crew 2 open betas, but Ubisoft’s actions in recent years regarding abuse have kept me from ever getting it or any games similar to it. Also I actually kind of liked Steep, I actually found it somewhat enjoyable. So the concept for this game intrigued me: some mechanics from Crew 2 and Steep, just much more refined. And, I mean, it’s pretty well done. The world is well-crafted and the controls are nice. Biking with other players is fun, and I really like the sense of community that the massive multiplayer lobbies bring.

Too bad I absolutely hated basically everything else about the game, because it would’ve made for a neat week beta period to play a game I’d never buy. Everything about the story felt so… weird and forced. At least Crew 2 cut to the chase much quicker; I was stuck doing missions and not being allowed in the open world for way too long here. And, given that it’s Ubisoft here, everything feels so disingenuous. If any other company did this (except maybe Activision) I wouldn’t feel this way, and I know it’s a shitty bias to have, but shush. The events it gives you just aren't that fun, and the multiplayer experience felt way more lacking for some reason. It felt like so much was missing here, which probably makes it the quintessential Ubi game. Honestly, I just can't see myself going back to this game even if I wasn’t in the middle of avoiding buying Ubisoft games.


Though an incredibly impressive experience, the limitations of this game's gimmick overtly limit its overall quality. I will also admit that my own experience playing this game for the first time helped limit its quality in multiple ways, but I do feel this could've been better executed in some ways. Still, once again, I really appreciate the gimmick of it and would love to see more "FMV"-style games in the future.

Even with all the updates over the past few years, I don't think you'll find the "greatest game of all time" here. What you will find, however, is an impressively massive game that you may find yourself spending countless hours on as you get sucked into its universe. I can't recommend getting it at full price, but I can't recommend skipping out on it; it's certainly a must-play title.

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve always had a soft spot for the Mario & Sonic Olympic Games collections. Maybe that’s why I enjoyed this game so much, though I do miss some of the more wild and game-like aspects of those games. Luckily, this game makes up for it by providing online multiplayer and ittttt’s mediocre. As soon as you get matched up with someone on a bad network, everything slows to a crawl. Still, I enjoyed this game and its quaint selection of sports.
[Note that I played this through a 7-day trial of PlayStation Now, so it being shelved was out of my control]

Although I can appreciate this game’s existence, it definitely needed the PS+ treatment; there’s no other way you could get me to play this for more than a few minutes. The concept is neat, and I do like the overall aesthetics, but the fun just isn’t there in the gameplay.

I never thought anyone could make a pack-in title like Nintendo could make a pack-in title, but I guess I was totally wrong; Team Asobi made what I believe to be the best non-Nintendo pack-in title for any console ever. Astro’s Playroom is fun, breathtaking, and takes great advantage of the hardware present in both the DualSense and the PlayStation 5. It may not necessarily be the next Wii Sports, but it’s a title that I will always keep on my PS5, and certainly one I’ll come back to every once in a while for another quick and fun romp.

Though this game obviously doesn’t quite have the same depth of content that the original Spider-Man on PS4 does, I can’t help but absolutely love it. I could really go on for hours about how much I love this game, I can’t get enough of it and I’m excited to see what Insomniac does next with this modern Spider-Man saga.

Ehhhh, it's hard for me to judge this game. It wasn't a bad game or anything like that, but the amount of fun I had with it felt extremely basic. This is a good game, and sniping Nazis will never not be fun, but there are so many games out there that I generally had more fun playing though that I can't really recommend this.

While I am enjoying this game so far, I’m unfortunately having a really hard time keeping interest. Which sucks, because this game has King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard on the soundtrack so I automatically have to appreciate it.

i swear to god I am not a furry, please stop calling me a furry just because I gave this game a 4.5/5

This review contains spoilers

if I understood what the fuck just happened, I’d be screaming right now.
I will say, though, I do enjoy a good thinker, and this game has been one throughout. It’s also been incredibly tough, which makes the lack of a good suspend system hurt that much more. It’s a very solid game beyond that, though, and I’m excited to go back to it every once in a while to try and see what else there is to uncover.
Stats after hitting the ending: https://is.gd/LX6x4v
Also of interest: https://is.gd/fqWNN0