It may be baby's first visual novel, but I hold it very close to my heart. I've played through each girl's route (except Shizune's and all the bad/neutral endings) twice and I felt my heart sink into my chest every time.

It's certainly Mario Kart all right.

i can literally play this all fucking day

Underrated gem. Better than some mainline Mario games.

I like classic Mega Man but there was just something off about this port. It didn't feel good to control at all.

It's a gimmick, but it's a fun one. I even got the giant AR card that was exclusive to Club Nintendo members.

There's just something about this game's aesthetic that I love.

Sometimes I play this for literally like 7 hours straight. My grandma was pro at this on her NES and I lent her my Switch at a family gathering once to show her what I've been playing and she was just as invested in it as she used to be.

Back in the day there was this amazing Garry's Mod server called "Gmod Tower". It was basically 2nd Life, but way better. There was so much to do, and it had so much character. Then, one day, they decided "man we don't have enough people donating to us, we should just shut down the servers and beg for money on Kickstarter so we can make a shitty Unity engine standalone version of the game with none of the charm because we need to remove all of the copyrighted stuff!"

Fuck you Tower Unite devs. You killed my childhood.

Probably my personal favorite N64 game.

Wish they "powered up" the frame rate.