I really don't like this game but I still have a bit of fun with it when my friends ask me to play it.

Great fanservice but that's all it has going for it really. Also, no local multiplayer, no training room, and no 1v1 mode...

Cozy game with good characters and setting.

Easily my favorite fighting game ever.

Crazy how the best Borderlands game is the one that isn't written by the Borderlands creator.

The gameplay is sooooo fun but it feels lacking in a bunch of other aspects. Nonetheless, I could spend all day just running around the map capturing every outpost one-by-one.

fuck this game it killed PSO2
i might come back to it in a decade when it actually has content, but right now it's literally just a big empty field where you fight generic robot alien things by holding M1 because they removed the timing circles from attacks

This is my currently most played game ever on Steam, because I played it every single day of my life when I was in my early teens.
Now, it is a shadow of it's former self. It no longer has the infinitesimal charm it had over me when I was 13.

Mediocre. I beat Conquest and bought Revelation right after but it was so boring.

I'm bad at strategy games but I really like this game for some reason.

I actually like this game a bit more than Civ 5 because city building is much deeper.