Straight up nasty game. Also I remember that absolute disaster of a launch that was the PC version.

Shit story, shit characters, shit gameplay.

I used to play this game almost every day until I got a new phone that was too big for my baby hands to reach the middle of the screen with my thumbs.

This game was so fun when it first came out. I can barely touch it now since it's been out for so long and everybody just one-touch kills me.

I only play this game when my friends ask me to. It's whatever.

God there is SO much to do in this game.

I was trying so hard to get into it but it's soooo boring.

Surprisingly fun game. I never expected the waifu-bait titty ninja game to have decent gameplay.

I absolutely hate this game but all my friends seem to like it for some reason, so it must have some merit.

This is the platformer that I base all other platformers off of.

The absolute low-point of all those shitty military shooters from the PS3 era.