Fantastic new beast designs and a nice little area. But too short to really warrant a must buy and return to the game. I'd bump this up to 3.5 stars if you play this during your playthrough as it will feel like a nice addition. Love that cussy.

Fantastic jump into the monster collecting genre. I adore this game and love the designs. I hope we can see a sequel that tightens up the game all around.

Solid, very short little co-op 'escape room' game.

A tight, polished game that is cute all the way through.

The ultimate game. But not the best game. Excessive dialogue and not enough risks have been holding it back. But beautiful music, design and unlimited money going into it means it will always have a special place in my heart.


Probably one of the best games ever made. Only held back by its similarity to the last and how long it took to come out after the previous

It don't get better than this. Holding back 5/5 for the inevitable directors cut edition.