I can't get enough of this game. Every moment feels like "I am a genius" before I tragically fail right after.

Really fun escape room game and doesn't overstay its welcome. The Co-op doesn't offer anything different, just a way to play with someone else. But really enjoyed it.


Loved, loved, loved the concept on this. Worked better than it originally seemed. Very tough on my wrists though, lol. Super smooth and great gameplay.

I really solid entry to the platforming mario games. Wonder Flower powers all feel like the developers experimenting with new ideas. Alongside the badges. Mark my words we haven't seen the last of some of those mechanics and the 'grapple hook'

Simple, engaging co-op and orc mashing fun. Kind of wish it was easier to sort through traps and weapons but beyond that it's solid all the way through.

SO good. I loved this game. We need some DLC or just more Pikmin goodness.

My only fault with it is that I 100%'ed it without too much trouble. And that some of those medals I really struggled with just needed me to have more power ups, which was a bit frustrating once I found out after wasting a lot of time.

Probably one of the best games ever made. Only held back by its similarity to the last and how long it took to come out after the previous

Despite the fact there's a lot it could improve, I know I'm going to be thinking about this game for years to come. I played this whole thing through on co-op and was great fun. According to Xbox achievements only 0.5% of people got to the final boss?? Guess I'm one of the 1 in 200.

Every monster type feels unique and fun. While also clear how you beat them. The Sword of Damocles devil/demon is particularly a stand-out. All the weapons are so inventive as well. But you will lean on the less gimmicky ones.

Wishhhh it was a bit easier to practice things though. Rather than having a giant practice course, maybe have the course and also little training missions for each weapon and item so the player can learn them, maybe?

Super good gameplay. An incredible mix of gameplay. Very middling story and message. Very well performed though despite how goofy the script is.

I thought the Engage mechanic would make this game overly complex but I found it a pleasant surprise. I'm glad fire emblem games have welcomed the turn back time feature. It makes the game thousands of times less frustrating for surprises. And I feel like there are less surprises because of it.

A solid Fire Emblem game but perhaps a little too much bloat from stacking mechanics, even if I felt they worked fine.

Happy to see a talking protag again as well. I miss them a lot.

Another nice bump in quality for the series. Liked this one a lot.

Fantastic jump into the monster collecting genre. I adore this game and love the designs. I hope we can see a sequel that tightens up the game all around.

Easier than the previous games but much better for it. Has a better difficulty curve and smoother for it.

Nice jump in quality for the game. Better than the first game. But still got those real obscure puzzles you don't even know how to begin