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GOTY '23

Participated in the 2023 Game of the Year Event


Played 100+ games

Favorite Games

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
God of War Ragnarök
God of War Ragnarök
Alan Wake II
Alan Wake II
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Fable: The Lost Chapters
Fable: The Lost Chapters


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Amazing how Santa Monica put this free DLC together in less than a year. There is so much good story content in this DLC. It feels like a therapy session that Mimir and Kratos are going through together. It contains lovingly crafted callbacks to the earlier games and it is all wrapped in a good rogue-lite (or rogue-like not sure which) package. My only annoyance with it is how it kicks you out of a successful run once you reach a certain point of progress. It makes sense in terms of story but I feel like there could have been a way to design around it to not kill your good run.

Mixes two game genres I thouroughly enjoy. Destiny and souls games. It is a very fun game with a good amount of replayability. Given I have as of writing this not rerolled the same map a large number of times, but with having done N'erud about 6 times and essentially only rolling 2 very similar versions of the map. Either I had bad rng or the map generation could use a bit of work. As for how the game runs it is fine, I run at low settings an frame drops/stutters exist but are not very prevalent. The game could stand to be waaay more optimized though. My hardware should imo be able to run the game at higher fidelity, and the loading screens take forever. Despite these gripes I have with its performance I give this one a good game stamp

Early access games with not a ton of content at the moment. The groundwork is excellent. They took all the best parts of the heavy-hitting, good feeling combat in Curse of the Dead Gods and made it better here. Each character feels unique and once the game is nearing its full release I definitely see my rating going way up.