was really enjoying this but the combat feels a bit off, I should be able to whack headcrabs with metal pipes, why I gotta waste all my ammo 😭

love the sandbox mode in this so much - it's so satisfying punching people's heads into the dirt and going stabby stabby Chucky style with some daggers

its just csgo but prettier; wish steam had it track hours separately to go as i have no idea how long i've actually played CS2 over CSGO but oh well

im also abysmal at it so i guess i'll just never have a competitive ranking now

lowkey hate the sheer amount of guns (that all feel the same to use) and unbelievable amount of unnecessary attachments

that being said, got bought this for crismis so absolutely putting a ton of hours into it

extremely fun yet stressful couch co-op, absolutely love it!

my gf had a mind-blank mid-service and I couldn't comprehend why me yelling BURGER BURGER BURGER wasn't helping the scenario

playing co-op with my gf, very fun, very pretty c:

i like not having the consequence of death

I love serving capitalism like a submissive little bitch who's worth less to them than a piece of sheet metal <3

spent half an hour trying to get into a lobby;
the first one i finally got into, three guys pointing at me immediately asked:
guy 1 : what would you do if you saw a bracken?
me : uhh... ... .... piss?"


played this at my friend's house to pass the time before seeing Saw X

i griefed with yoshi, put him off trying to complete the rhythm levels with nabbit and we helped other strand players figure out a puzzle!

absolute blast of a game c: would love to play more!

I love being the bullet hell for once

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finished demo on mobile / Google Pixel

Wonderful little game! Didn't realise it was a demo on install but would love to keep playing.

i forgot i had this and found the game hidden in my computer files

genuinely thought it was some sort of trojan disguised as an extremely cute platformer

i happily played on for 15 minutes with the full idea that my computer was being hacked but didn't care as it was so cute

girlfriend and I bought this in the sales, decided to try it out

1 hour in, we finally met up with each other after numerous deaths

2 hours in, we got a safe farmhouse with some basic starting supplies and were ready to explore and see what was about

4 hours in she got infected and I had to shoot her out back of the barn :'(

7 hours in, we have a ton of loot, some crops growing, a good amount of time since we last had any accidents

9 hours in, after finding some actual wood axes and really good backpacks, we get run down by a horde and lose everything. it's late at this point, we're tired and kinda wanna go to bed, it went from being really fun to REALLY stressful

11 hours in, we finally get our loot back and make it home safe. we can now sleep easy knowing victory was hours (after dozens of attempts and fighting zombie versions of ourselves in the process)

10/10 would play and stress dream that night again


this is fun doing coop with friendly fire on 😅

me lookin at an innocent lil froge, jus a lil guy