101 Reviews liked by AnnaiDent

The final game in the hellish spinoff trilogy of 1993-5, this time it's a puyo puyo clone and not a pinball game nor a golf game, and I still can't tell which is worse!

It's probably an obvious fact by now but this game is a clone of Super Puyo Puyo on the Super Nintendo for the Western player, I honestly had no idea Americans liked chewing gum more than little girls, but Nintendo thought it was the right reskin to save the west.
I got no real opinion about this game I'm sorry, it's just Puyo Puyo and I don't really like old Puyo Puyo it's so boring and slow... If only it was a game like Panic Bomber where it's way more fast and more hectic but it's just not for me so I wouldn't say it's bad it's just not for me.

Should you play it, sure whatever if you like Puyo Puyo.

The second game in the hellish spinoff trilogy of 1993-5, this time it's a mini golf game and not a pinball game, I can't tell what's worse!

I honestly can't describe this game with words you'll have to look it up online, except if you can already imagine what a Kirby golf game could look like on the Super Nintendo.
This game isn't very good and I'm very sorry for Kirby or golf fans but this is boring as all hell, each stages just feel like boring puzzles and it's just overall not really fun!
This game is just fun to look back on like "Oh remember that Kirby golf game" and then the laugh track plays, I heard the game can be fun in multiplayer but every shitty hectic games where everyone loses can be fun in multiplayer so this means nothing.

Credit to the art style of the game though, it looks adorable! Still a dogshit game doe.

Should you play this game? I'd say no because I don't want to be responsible for anyone's death.

Oh god, this is the start of the terrifying Kirby spinoff age. From 1993 to 1995 we got 3 Kirby spinoffs in a row in between the two mainline games.

This is Kirby's pinball, notice how it's Kirby('s) pinball as if it's his own damn pinball machine, but then why is he inside that pinball machine, and why is there King Dedede and the other bad guy in it? I'm thinking too hard about this...

Well it's what you'd expect out of a Gameboy pinball game, it's pinball. You rack up a high score by bumpin' the ball around till you get whacky events and fight bosses to switch to the next pinball stage which usually is the same thing as the last one but with minor differences. This game is just ok, it's making me mad for existing and it's the same with Pokemon pinball! I'm glad the pinball trend no longer exists.
Don't get me wrong though, I do love me some pinball but old pinball games are just... Old...

If anything you people reading this review of Kirby's fucking pinball land and I swear I have no idea what made you want to come to this page in the first place, you should check out the pinball minigame in Kirby Mass Attack it's really really fun!

Should you play this game, I don't know and I don't care, they didn't even tell me how Kirby got his own gigantic pinball machine that can fit him and his pals inside so why would I answer you if you should play this damn game.

Holy crap, they finally made a fleshed-out NES game!

The second game of the Kirby franchise, it overall feels like a reimagined version of the first game with more stages and new features to make it less... uh... boring like the original, sorry Dream Land fans.
This game is obviously nothing special compared to modern Kirby game, it introduced a whole lot of feature that just feels normal to see in a Kirby game but the main importance of this game is the fact it was released on the NES, shocking with how great the game looks and plays it honestly just look like an early Super Nintendo game.
Other than being a technical marvel, this game is fun to play too! The gameplay is a whole lot smoother compared to Dream Land making it my favorite NES game to play since it's good enough to be compared to a modern platformer, though it's worth noting that this game was released at the very end of the life cycle of the NES so it's obviously unfair to compare it to an early NES title.

If I had to name a few complaints it would be that some stages are a bit too short and they all kinda blend with each other, I wish it would be more like 3 stages per world instead of 6 short stages. Also, the jump button doesn't let you fly you have to do it manually with the dpad it's really weird.

So yeah, this is a legitimately good NES game, quite shocking to say the least, nice job Sakurai.

Ah, 1992, back to a simpler time for Kirby... But a bit too simple...

This game is the Kirby we know and love and I doubt I need to introduce to you what Kirby is about since you probably already played a more modern Kirby title in your life, it would be more interesting to point out what's missing from this title compared to the more modern Kirby ones.
The elephant in the room is obviously the lack of copy abilities, it really sucks to play a Kirby game without it since you don't really miss them till they take it away from you. This game is really short, though it kinda is the quirk of Kirby game since they all tend to be on the short side, this one is about 30 minutes long.
If there's one unique thing about this game is the difficulty, it's easy as hell! And for a Gameboy game it's honestly a miracle since Gameboy and NES games used to be hellish to complete, making this game feel more modern and well uh... finishable.

Should you play this game? Why not, it's part of Kirby's history and it's short as all hell.

Hehehehe, we made a bad game again.

I truly miss when we used to get mediocre licensed games based on cartoons that doesn't particularly follow any episode plotline and just exist to be an original game. Though they all tend to be bad and this one is no exception, it's just a really repetitive yet short third-person shooter where you just kill people and press something to unlock a door and continue till you get to the boss of the stage so it's truly nothing special. This game doesn't hit as hard as something like The Simpsons Hit and Run or the movie the game where they all had a bunch of Simpsons references so even if the gameplay was mediocre it had a whole lot of charm to balance the bad from the good, this is Family Guy so it's a whole lot harder to have neat reference to past episodes since Family Guy mostly just relies on gags and not really good episode script like the Simpsons did. As a Family Guy fan, I was able to spot a few neat references but it's still nothing much, the references are either too obvious or just nonexistent.

So yeah, it's a very mediocre game, the gameplay is nothing unique and all of the stages just feel like a variation of each other with bad pacing. I don't really recommend this game unless you'd like to have a quick laugh about how bad it is with friends since it's still silly to play a Family Guy game.

Though if I had to point out one good thing about the game that would be the soundtrack since it's based on the show's soundtrack which is really, really good and probably the only part of Family Guy that puts the Simpsons to shame, I have no idea of the composer of the show did the music for this game but either way it sounds really good and really similar.

Sometimes the simplest of ideas can become one of the greatest and it shows with this game.

What originally started as an arcade game turned into an iconic console port and then somehow hit our personal computers at the very end of its life cycle. We all know it, we know that it's the Dreamcast backpack game with funny voice acting and gameplay, this game had a rent-free place in my head for years and I finally took the bait and thought "It's time for Kino".
And oh so right I was to finally check this game out since it's probably the most fun typing game you can find! This game doesn't really try to teach you how to type, it sure has some tutorial/lesson modes but outside of that the main campaign doesn't fuck around and they expect you to know how to type like a pro dammit, it's no Mario teaches typing or whatever that pokemon thing was about on DS.

So what's so great about this game in particular? Nothing much to be honest, other than the hilariously bad presentation and cutscenes it's just a typing game but it actually tries to be a game unlike the other typing game you can find, it follows the gameplay of The House of the Dead since it's a not very subtle spinoff as you can notice with the title where you just kill zombies on an on-rail shooter game but without light guns this time.
In terms of difficulty the game overall feels fair, it's not really tough most of the time when you know your way with a keyboard, when you fail it feels frustrating but you always know that it's your fault and not the game. Tl;dr type better.

Story wise this game has nothing to offer if you actually expect something, it's just some dumb Evangelion whacky story about human sin and we must erase humanity with zombies because Resident Evil 5 Wesker moment.

If I had to name a few complaints about the game it would just be the bosses, they kinda suck, especially the boss in stage 3 where you have to answer questions in a minuscule amount of time it's ridiculously bad. The game is also really short, it barely takes an hour to get through it but it's an arcade game so it is to be expected.

So should you play this game, if you are here you probably already did actually but if you haven't, go for it since you won't get a game like that anytime soon.

What a great finale for the Katamari franchise, it's the last one right?...

This game is more like a "best of Katamari" where each stage comes from the previous four entries, with each stage being remastered in the style of Beautiful Katamari.
Now you may think "What's the point of this game since Katamari Damacy already received a remake in the style of Beautiful Katamari and by the time of this review soon will get a remake for We Love Katamari" Honestly there's not really a reason to come back to this game... Actually, there is one good reason to come back to this game, first of all, this game has a complete soundtrack which is mostly just remixes of previous songs but most of the time sounds like completely original songs, and my last argument is "Katamari Racing".
No, it's not a Katamari racing spinoff, it's a new game mode you unlock after clearing all stages where you replay them with your speed multiplied by three or four, it's really really fast and really really fun and makes me wish the two new Katamari remakes would have it too.
It also has an endless mode for big stages where you can roll till you get bored and that's a really cool feature I love big stages.

Other than side modes this game doesn't have anything else to offer to anyone playing in 2023, but in 2009 this was one of the biggest gems of the platform. But even if you already played the remakes and the original games who can say no to replaying more Katamari?

Typing was so good they had to make two Evangelion games out of it.

This is quite literally the exact same game as before but this time the minigames are different though that would seem obvious. Overall the minigames are better in this game so I do recommend this game more than the original though you'll pretty much get the exact same experience if you just play the first one. Though this one feels a bit tougher than the first game but it's pretty much still a cakewalk as all you have to do is type and that's not really hard.
Also, this one was only released for the Dreamcast so I guess the PS2 version of the first one just didn't sell enough.

Same as last time, this game is just a generic keyboard typing game with an Evangelion skin, it's nothing amazing but it does the job of forcing you to type stupid words.

I wonder who teaches typing better between Mario and Asuka...

This is definitely one oddball release of a game, an Evangelion-themed typing game released on the Dreamcast and PS2, and obviously not Personal Computers as it would make sense and we don't like sense around these parts, pal.
There's not much to say about this game other than it is indeed a typing teaching game with typing gameplay that I personally find fun but any typing game would do the trick they are all the same.

Is there a reason to actually play this game? Not really it's just silly that it exists it does nothing unique to the Evangelion brand other than having a sweet soundtrack.

Now here's an interesting game design choice, making the explosion of the death star stage before the Luke and Vader fight, I gotta give credit where credit is due since this is the first time a star wars game has ever done this.

The LEGO Star Wars GBA duology is an interesting case, they both take forms as a demake of the original home console title unlike its DS counterpart which tries to be a handheld version of the console version, here it's a totally different game which would be expected from the GBA.
This game uses an overhead view with a fake isometrical angle to create a depth that makes you think it's 3D but it's just another Sonic 3D Blast, Fool me once but not twice. Like the DS version, the stages are not all like in the Console version where they merge some stages together.

Should you bother with this game, not really unless you care about weird releases like this and it's definitely an interesting one to look at, it's not bad by any means it's an ok licensed game for the GBA and your closest bet to a LEGO game on the platform so do give it a try if you want to.

As bad as this game can get we must respect it for having an insane character roaster, never in my life would I have thought I'd be able to play as Wuher.

If there's one thing people know about this game it's the fact that it's one of the glitchiest and unpolished Lego game ever made, you could say that the GBA games are unpolished but they are just oddball release and doesn't try to play like a lego game, unlike this one which just feels like a miserable lego experience.

It does play like your average Lego game since it has very different missions from its console counterpart which is expected from a DS port but the weirdest fact about this game is that it's also completely different from the DS version of the Complete Saga which was released a year after this game, and I'm glad they reworked the entire thing.
Most of the levels are a confusing mess with barebone and borderline confusing puzzles at times, they tend to mix up some stages where two console stages just become one since each episode has 5 stages instead of 6.

If there's anything worth noting about this game would be the whacky extra content, talking about extras there are a whole lot of unique extras in this game with a unique gimmick where you can touch a button on the touchscreen to add hats to your character a bit like how they did it in the console version with the machines, I kinda wish the console version had a hat menu now.
This game has a room for bounty missions like the console version but I think it's some local coop stuff and good luck figuring out what this is all about since nobody is gonna play that with you. The mini-kits work like how they did in Lego Star Wars 3 even though this port was released before that game so I guess they took this idea from this awful game, so instead of unlocking a useless stage in the original game here each minikit turns into a playable character which is a good incentive to replay the stage, I wonder why only two lego games did this it's really smart everyone loves new secret characters.
And you get one last secret for getting all true Jedi in each stage and it also uses a different name than true Jedi it's dumb, anyway it's just a big "sandbox map" (it's called sandbox) and it's pretty much just a developer test map and they thought "here's a nice reward, unfinished content" and I guess that was their real mindset when making this game, they just thought 'let's release this game unfinished!" and I had no idea TT games had the balls to release such dogshit.

Don't play this game it's just bad, it's fine if you are curious as it's pretty short but curiosity is what got me into playing this thing and it sucked.

This game should be known as "Persona 4 with the Persona 5 art style" because it looks uncanny as all hell sometimes.

This is a really good Rhythm game for casual players like me, I really enjoyed my time with it and that's pretty much it since it's just a Rhythm spinoff there would never be any story or anythin- oh they seriously tried to make a persona story in this game?

Before talking about the ingenuity of the gameplay I'd like to talk about the story. So yeah this game has a full-fledged story mode that tries too hard to be like a persona game and my god it really didn't need to do that as it's not interesting at all and it's just full of nothingness it really just exists to give more value to the package which is a nice to have with most rhythm games being mostly barebone but if you're gonna make a story don't make it so long and boring like when I started playing I kept thinking "When am I gonna dance" since the intro is really long it never starts!
You could say that it's my fault for picking the story mode and not the free dance mode from the get-go but even if it played some stage first it still wouldn't have made the story good or entertaining. Though I do not shame anyone who enjoys this story, it's just a fanfiction for the people who wanted more Persona 4 just like with Persona 4 Arena and it's totally fine.

Gameplay wise this game really shines as it was perfectly crafted for the player to focus on where to look, you see in this game you have 6 inputs, the three buttons from each side of your Playstation controller, and obviously the goal is to press them whenever you have to in-game, but to keep things organized the game makes it so that the circle you gotta press spawn in a clockwise circle so your eyes always knows where to look next instead of it being a mess and spawning from left to right, it's a bit tough to explain but whoever played it with somewhat of a critical eye would understand.

In my playthrough, I ended up playing all free stages on hard with a brilliant rating, it was a fair and fun challenge and I recommend everyone who enjoyed this game to try it. I did not bother getting all achievements as some of them are dumb and useless, and I saw that there was another difficulty that you most likely unlock but I couldn't care less at this point, I got what I wanted out of this game and I'm happy with it.

And I can't forget to credit the really, really good visual effects that play during the stage with some really damn good choreographies mixed with the brand new model of the Persona 4 cast using the Persona 5 art style and the main highlight of the game, the amazing soundtrack.

/!\ Major game features spoilers, few story spoilers /!\

I think they accidentally released a DLC as a full game...

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the sequel to Breath of the Wild which was a game I personally didn't like all too much but totally understood the appeal and why people liked it.
Turns out it was a pretty decent surprise for me! Overall this game feels the exact same as Breath of the Wild with a bunch of crap added on top of it but with few of the issues I had with the original fixed. This is why I feel like this game feels more like an extension to the original rather than a full fledge sequel, this isn't particularly an issue but that honestly depends on the person, some wanted a full sequel with a new original setting and story, some wanted more of the same so congratulation to group number 2 we got more of the same, wooo!

So instead of writing the same review as Breath of the Wild, I think it would be wiser to point out the new content and think over whether it was a nice addition or if it's completely superflu.

Main addition number one: The sky.

It's great! I love the sky sections of the game, it adds more freedom to the game and some cozy place to explore above the clouds, there's not much to say here as the sky section doesn't have much meat on its bone, to be honest, it's used twice for two of the elemental dungeon and the rest just for exploration. I do wish the game was more focused on the cloud section rather than the oh-so-terrible depths.

Main addition number two: The building mechanism.

This is honestly my favorite part of the game, they finally did it, they remade Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts for the switch! Well, sorta.
This addition is what made the game feel fresh and fun for me compared to Breath of the Wild, it's fun and intuitive, it's commonly used during shrine puzzles making the shrines fun (insane) and it's just overall fun to fuck around with, I guess what I dislike about it is that I feel like can never fully use it in the overworld. I know I can but I just never do it because I can usually just glide or teleport so I never just go like "Ah yes it's time to build a car" I just walk, this might just be a "me" issue but I'm sure many other will agree with me, not a bad feature by any means, just... I don't know...

Main addition number three: Merge & Time tool & Celling Jump

If I'm being honest, merging made the weapon-breaking ability way less pain-inducing and just made it a "sufferable" feature. There's not much to say about this, merging two weapons together with just adding the stats of the second weapon to the first one (e.g. 20 + 20 = 40) It's pretty simple and lets you craft strong weapon on the go, it's just a nice QOL feature.
The time tool is just used for certain puzzles, it's honestly not useful unless there's like a giant stone falling from the sky and you use it as an elevator but other than that it's really useless.
The Ceiling jump or whatever it's called, it's pretty useful actually it's well used during puzzles, and you can just it as an emergency exit whenever you are in a cave, or building or whenever you can use it like going from an island to island from bottom to the top, it's just useful.

Something I noticed from these new gadget additions is that they are just way more useful for exploration than how the gadget was used in Breath of the Wild, it felt more like a cheap excuse to do shrine puzzles, not it's for everything.

Main addition number four: The Depth

It fucking sucks, I'm sorry Zelda fans but walking blindly in a cave with little to no light is not fun, enemies that break your hearts letting you no way to restore your health and just overall bullshit in this area of the game is just bad, some may call it a challenge, I call it frustrating bullshit.
I'm sorry about that but this is by far the most frustrating part of the game, in the early part of the game where you complete the 4 elemental temples you only have to go there once for the fire dungeon and it's honestly the fairest part of the depth, any further than that welcome to bullshit land and you'll be forced to visit this damn hole in the second part of the game once you are done with the four temples of elements. Fuck the depths.

Main addition number five: Dungeons!

Wooo! It's back! it's finally a Zelda game! I was so glad to see that some old "Zeldaish" traditions were back in this game when they were totally absent from Breath of the Wild, when Breath of the Wild was first released some people refused to call it a "Zelda game" and hell, I even was one of them and I still do believe that the game lacks too many zelda traditions but this game somewhat fills the lack of Zelda soul the original was lacking, it doesn't do that much more Zelda stuff but it's still leagues more than the original.
All that aside, the temples are a welcome return and the way they work is fabulous in my opinion, all four are pretty much a template that repeats four times a bit like how the giant animals were pretty much the same with different puzzles in Breath of the Wild. In this game the main gimmick of the temple is to complete 5 puzzles and unlock the 5 switches to open the door to the boss fight, it's very basic but with all of the tools at hand it's so easy to cheese the puzzle and just have straight up the fun by not doing things how they were intended to do, this is the same for shrines.

Before each dungeon, you are forced to do a line of quests relating to the temples, some can be good but some can be terrible, and by some, I mean one, and by one I mean the Gerudo quest fucking sucks. It's straight-up terrible and frustrating, you are forced to walk in the sand in a sandstorm and you can't see anything! It feels really similar to how the depths work and the frustration and are on a similar level, but other than the Gerudo quest the other three are a lot of fun!

And by god, they did it, they made real boss fights. They are just ok but honestly, it's a nice change of pace compared to the four ghosts of Ganon or whatever the fuck they were supposed to be.

I guess that's all for the main new additions, there are a lot of new things that I can think of but it feels more like minor changes rather than something major that will change the whole flow of the game, the exploration still feels the same but with a world that is a whole lot less empty! There's a bunch of stuff everywhere and it just feels better than how it was in Breath of the Wild, the horses are still here and still as bad as they were before, and the watch tower changed but the idea is still the same, and so on.

/!\ I'll be talking about the end game and the story so beware /!\

I'll be honest, main quest wise anything after the four elemental dungeons and the first combat with Ganon the game goes to shit and becomes more of a chore to finish rather than something fun.
After the fakeout ganon fight, you are tasked to find the fifth mage which is just another dungeon but this one is a bitch to find because you have to do a bunch of main quests that feel more like sidequests and the game doesn't tell you that you need to go to a specific village to do this hidden main quest because it's obvious that you need that to unlock the thunder isle because it's obvious that you need to go there to continue the fifth sage quest, it fucking sucks and this won't be an issue two weeks after release because there will be bazillions of guides so I guess I had the purest and authentic playthrough possible.
After somehow reaching this dungeon you are forced into a gimmicky dungeon where you need to find five parts of a golem similar to how you need to solve five puzzles in the elemental temples, this time it's in the depths and it's really annoying. And after that, you need to guide a golem in the depths and it's even more annoying graah- thinking about it just makes me mad, then an annoying boss fight, stupid cutscenes, -more main quests about exploring the depths-...
As much as I enjoyed this game at first, it's really infuriating to see it becoming that.

Compared to Breath of the Wild, in this game, the master sword is actually a quest and not some random thing where you just hope you heard someone say "The master sword in the forest with the Deku tree" And guess what, to get the sword you're in for even more depths exploration, it never ends! Though this time the master sword actually is on a floating dragon and you need to upgrade your stamina bar to get it instead of the previously used hearts.

After getting the master sword you are tasked to do even more depth exploration to find some really useful schematic system for building at the damn end of the game where it's near useless for someone who couldn't care less about playing more after finishing the game.

And finally, the final fight with Ganon which is a very long and frustrating boss fight because whenever you die you have to do the combat scene prior to it where you fight waves of fairly weak enemies but it's the enemies of the depths so you can't take damage from them or else you are fucked (or use a dish that restores broken hearts but I have no idea how to make these). Ganon isn't all that tough he's just very long and it's easy to fuck up. The game ends up with a cool final fight which serves more as a cool God of War cutscene just like how you kill the Ganon beast in Breath of the Wild

One last word about the whole story, god it's bad, like not bad but it's literally the same thing as Breath of the Wild but this time it's the ancestors of the ancestors, we keep going back! The third game will have some stupid name like Temple of the Truth or something like that and it'll be about the ancestor of the ancestor of Ganon, quote me on this!

So do I like this game or not? It's a straight upgrade to the original that honestly just replace Breath of the Wild as I have no real reason to come back to it but yeah, it's Breath of the Wild but more, I would've wanted a more classic Zelda-like experience but it's decent for something I originally didn't care about. Worth it if you liked the original for sure, worth 70$? Yikes no if you already played Breath of the Wild, for sure if you never played Breath of the Wild.

Finally, the peak of Katamari.

I wasn't expecting much out of this game since Me & My Katamari was a huge disappointment and I pretty much thought the franchise would never be as good as it once was, but oh so wrong I was.
This game could be just considered "more Katamari" but you can call any Katamari sequel "more Katamari", Me & My Katamari was just "more Katamari" and it sucked! This game pretty much perfected the Katamari formula we all loved by making good levels where you just grow big and gimmicky levels that don't feel shoehorned in or unfun like how some of We Love Katamari's stages were.
And if anyone cared about the multiplayer aspects of Me & My Katamari it's all back with leaderboards and coop/vs modes or at least it used to have it I have no idea if the servers are still on for this game.

The reason why I'm not giving this game a 5/5 is that it's the shortest game of the franchise which is unfortunate since the stages were oh so good. They also added a few gimmicky stage reusing stage layouts which is fine on its own but as DLC it kinda sucks for a really short game.