101 Reviews liked by AnnaiDent

Me & My Katamari? Well, I love Katamari but I'm not sure if I want to marry one...

The third original entry in the Katamari franchise, not only was it not made by its original creator like any following entries after this one it's just a bit mediocre as a third Katamari game. To its credit, it's a PSP game so it's fine if it's not as mindblowing as the previous two which were home consoles release, my issue with it is that all stages feel the exact same and feel way too repetitive like near the end of the game, hell even halfway through the main missions you just play the same maps over and over in the same order with the same size goal every time!
This entry is more like a sequel to Katamari Damacy as it does the same thing where all main missions are just about the size and not quirky gimmicks. I actually did not know until the very end of the game that there were some side missions as they are on another island in the hub so I thought the game only had these main missions. (Anyway they aren't anything to write home about either)

The worst part of the game would be the controls as this is a PSP game and if you already played a Katamari game before you know that it uses dual sticks to do actions, and if there's a single thing that you should know about the PSP it's that it only has one stick. Playing with the face button sucks.

This game also only has one original stage song that I was aware of and it's Katamari on the Funk which is just the unique opening theme of the game used in the intro video and the last stage.

Should you bother with this game? Not really it's just not fun to play with the bad controls and bad camera, you'll get more out of replaying Katamari Damacy.

That's a damn true title, I love Katamari.

This game starts off with a meta narrative with how everyone loved the original Katamari Damacy game even though it wasn't represented as a game in Katamari Damacy it was just the king fixing the stars of the real world but who cares it's a Katamari game.

Gameplay wise these two games are practically identical, the main difference between the two games is the style and presentation how We Love Katamari try to be more like a comedy with weird humor that just honestly works for me I think it's really charming and I love these cutscenes about the king's youth it's way better than the cube family from the original game.
The other main difference is how the stages are built, they are still the same thing but they have much more theme and gimmick in this game so it ends up being more creative for the better or worse. I think the stages in this game tend to be a bit hit or miss, some gimmicks can be cool while some can be annoying, while the original just did the "Roll to get bigger" for most of the main stages and these are still my favorite type of stages. Though when a We Love Katamari stage is good it's damn good like all of the objects are really well placed and the city stages feel a whole lot more lively they are way better than how they were in Katamari Damacy but unfortunately there are only two of them or so in the game, at least ones where you are tasked to get big.

Overall a good sequel to Katamari Damacy that improves and mostly just does the same as the original rather than straight up replacing it.

These were some of the greatest 4 hours of my entire life.

The Katamari Damacy franchise always was in my backlog and I always wondered what these were about, all I knew about them was the song "Lonely Rolling Star" and I kept wondering where it was used in the game, and after years of listening to this song I finally cracked, and this was one of the best decision in my entire life.

Katamari Damacy Reroll is a remaster of the PS2 original sharing the same name, the gameplay is amazingly basic yet really addictive, your goal is simply to roll a ball and collect everything in your way till it gets big enough to reach the stage size criteria. This is such an odd premise but it's really great and the best part of the game by far is the soundtrack, this is how you make a good video game, addictive gameplay, and an amazing soundtrack to keep the player hyped to play more, hell, what drove me to play more mainly was to listen to the next original track for since each stage has it's own original song.

Enough reading and get rolling, if you are reading this and still haven't played the game just sit for 4 hours and enjoy this awesome experience.

The reason why this game isn't 5/5 is due to how short it is and the somewhat tedious camera system as it can get confusing, sometimes it's just too close to the ball you just can't see anything around you! Also, you can get stuck between stuff really easily once your ball gets quite large and it can lead to some frustrating moments.

Could this be the Dark Soul of mech games?!!

To my surprise this was an ok game with enjoyable moments, it was still everything I feared this game would be and even then I still managed to have a good time with it. As a 1997 PS1 game it obviously has terrible tank controls, an odd button layout, and just an overall clunkiness that can get really frustrating.

I would say "This game plays like how you'd expect a mech game to play like Armored Core" but it's pretty much one of the first 3D mech games so uhh yeah!
The main gameplay loop turns around "Doing mission, earn money, upgrade mech" over and over and it's honestly a pretty satisfying loop when you know what you are upgrading, I just bought the best upgrade for each part because why bother with something that'll get mediocre in a bit.
The game is overall very simple, it's very clunky and confusing at first but then you realize it's pretty easy and early game you can just melee everyone to death with the saber.
Though this game has two main issues and I think everyone can agree with me on this one, first of all, the cost of reparation and bullet that's just annoying to have to and to lose half of the money you earn in that mission, or if you lose a mission you still have to pay for reparation and bullet cost which can get you in dept with a minus amount of money.
The second issue is the missions, some of them are fun but some are just giant mazes with copy-paste enemies that only exist to waste your ammo, these stages are so long and tedious and I'm glad this game is only 3 hours long as length wouldn't be it's biggest strength.

The main question about this franchise is whether you should start with the original, the answer for me would be yes as it's still a decent game and it's pretty good at what it's trying to be, you don't have to force yourself to play it but it's still a decent entry point.

Armored Core 1 but bad? What a deal!

This game is literally the same as Armored Core 1 with little to no difference, I'm guessing they tried to do something like an expansion to the first game and it wasn't possible in 1997 so they just rereleased the whole thing with new missions, and guess what, they suck.

I had to drop the game because the missions were so frustrating and weird, it's also way tougher than the original Armored Core for no reason at all it's just not fun!
Maybe someday I'll come back to it to finish it just for the sake of completion but what a disappointment, games are supposed to get better over time not worse.

Wow finally a Bomberman that isn't about saving the planet, it's about saving, um, time I think?

Man if it weren't for those damn boss fights it would've been my favorite Super Bomberman game. This time the game was developed by "Produce!" and not by the usual Hudson Soft, I was expecting a bad game honestly since the last time they let another company do the classic Bomberman formula it was Irem for the two Bomberman Arcade games and they made me mald with how not fun they were.
This is also the first Super entry that isn't based on a previously made Bomberman game since 1 and 2 were both based on Bomberman '90 and '93 and 3 is based on Bomberman '94, now that Hudson no longer makes PC Engine games now on all games will be originals and it's gonna start the big Bomberman mess of the 2000, be ready.

Gameplay wise it's just the usual Bomberman that goes back to killing all enemies on screen and finding the exit even though finding the exit isn't that annoying compared to the older games since it pretty much always is in the middle of the map. The main gimmick of this game is ripping off '94 instead of using the Louies as ridable things they made it so that some enemies are ridable after killing them, they can do absolutely nothing and are pretty much just a guaranteed extra hit to protect you but if they actually do something do tell me because I just used them as meatshields.

The 4 worlds are honestly very fun to go through and it's not really that hard of a game, the only issue is the god-awful boss fight I mean we are expecting them to be bad it's fucking Bomberman, quick name me one Bomberman game with a good boss fight, yeah that's right, none!
It works the same as how Super Bomberman 2 did it with the classic Bomberman fight with one of the bad guys then after you do the real boss fights. They have so much health! it's so annoying and you know what's the worst about this game, they pulled out a Bomberman GB 2 on us and made the last world a boss rush but this time it's a boss rush of the evil Bombermen AND the boss fights, it's ass!

But multiplayer wise you will be served, this game has three different game modes with rules and setting for the best Bomberman experience possible it's really neat, my only nitpick is that you can only play as the evil Bombermen and white Bomberman and I don't like their design, I wish they brought back the Panick Bombers W dudes.
Oh, and we can for the first time play the campaign with two-player it's really neat, they even have some secret zone only accessible in coop so I couldn't be able to test them but it's a nice addition.

This is the best Multiplayer Bomberman as of 1996 and it has a worthwhile solo campaign too, I really wish the boss fights weren't so dogshit so I could give it a higher score. But as something made by another developer, it still felt like good old Bomberman made by Husdson so they did a damn good job.

This game is just Bomberman '94... but better!

Color me surprised, with the previous Super Bomberman being OK games based on '90 and '93 this one feels like a reimagined version of '94 and '90 combined for the best experience possible. This is also the most cinematical Bomberman game yet with some cutscenes that actually mean stuff and feel like real damn cutscenes! The story is still the same Super Bomberman thing with the five Dastardly Bombers being the Minions of the true bad guy and you need to defeat them on different planets? I can never understand if games are supposed to be coherent from one another, the Bomberman cinematical universe is fucked up.

Gameplay wise it's really similar to '94 with each world having a selectable mission with the same menu, instead of having 4 worlds it has 5 and they all feel perfectly paced, I never felt bored or anything. The Louies came back with supposedly the ability to jump over blocks, I actually never noticed I could do that and I was confused since they did totally different things in '94 and I was like why can't they do anything? do they only serve as an extra hit or something?

As for the multiplayer, they added some extra game mode not present in '94 and entirely switched the roaster of costumes to some of the characters featured in Panic Bomber W which is such a nice reference to see, actually this game might have been released before Bomber W and the reference is actually reverse... Guess we'll never know... I won't check that online for you, go do it.

This is the magnum opus as of 1995 and even though I think '94 is somewhat superior, I think this game being released on the Super Nintendo makes it so that more people can play it compared to the PC Engine being expensive and the game only released in Japan while Super Bomberman 3 was released in Europe and Japan, so to me this game deserve the magnum opus status, but it doesn't make it my personal favorite.
But who knows, maybe Super Bomberman 4 will be even better!

Who knew Bomberman was a Harrison Ford fan?

The sequel to Wario Blast- I mean Bomberman GB 1 in Japan and it's easy to tell due to the reoccurring upgrade system which is the only good idea this subfranchise of Bomberman has ever done right.
The game has the usual world with stages and you need to kill all enemies to get to the exit and so on, but we have a somewhat interesting twist here that relies on puzzle stages and the idea is pretty decent! But the execution is really, really bad with how the stages are designed, they feel like mazes like something you'd see in a Pacman spinoff rather than a functional classic Bomberman stage. The stage gimmicks start at the first stage of each world where they ask you to pick one out of two paths, each of them containing a set of exclusive stages with a different gimmick from one other. For example, the first path is whether you'd like to kill all enemies with a strict time limit for the entire 5 stages of the world or take the other path where you have much more time but you have to kill them in a certain order, as I've previously said the idea is interesting and kinda puts a spin to the Bomberman gameplay we are so used to by 1995, but it's still boring! The later world just forces us to do too many switch puzzles and whatnot making the game a slog to go through! I really wanted the game to end but the stages take so long to beat it's not fun.
And the boss fight, dear god they suck like we all know it's a series staple by now, all Bomberman games have terrible boss fights but this one uses the last world as a boss rush and it's so annoying!

But hey, unlike the first Bomberman GB game this one has multiplayer with the link cable and stuff making it somewhat worth it if you want a Bomberman experience on the go!

Man, we really came to a point where something we expect out of a Bomberman game becomes a selling point you know it sucks.

So they made the Virtual Boy version of Panic Bomber horror themed because the visuals in the game are only red and black?

Wow, a good Virtual Boy game! Someday I'd like to complete the entire library but that's for another time. This Panic Bomber title was the last one released before the PSP come back years later and it pretty much plays like the Neo Geo version with the same idea of blocks and power-downs you can get fucked over with by yourself or the enemies, not too sure if I like them or not...
The lack of link cable multiplayer makes this game a massive bummer since it's pretty much the famous feature for Bomberman games, being able to play with other people.
Graphics wise it's alright, the red will hurt your eyes but it's totally playable, well if you are playing on an emulator that is because I played it with an emulator and I don't think it would be worth it to play a puzzle game with a massive pair of goggle on legs, but that's an issue with the hardware and not the game itself.

Verdict, this game was kinda unnecessary to have but hell, I love that Bomberman had a game on almost all consoles ever released. If you have just heard about this game because of the Virtual Boy I can't blame you with the other entries of the franchise being japan only so if you want to play the best Panic Bomber game go play the Super Nintendo version!

I guess all Arcade Bomberman games are doomed to be bad or mediocre...

This is just Panic Bomber but in an arcade, it doesn't do anything new and there are only 8 stages with the first 7 being pretty damn easy, but the last one was so unfair I just gave up after trying to beat him for 30 minutes.
You won't miss out on anything by not playing this version of Panic Bomber, so get that PC engine or SNES running because Neo Geo just won't do it justice this time.

Golly, that was unexpectedly better than the PC Engine version.

This is fun! Like seriously I am not a puzzle game guy at all and I had a blast playing this game it was fun and adorable. It is pretty much the same as the PC Engine gameplay wise but I think it overall plays a bit smoother with the Bombs and stuff, I find the visual effects better here.
It might as well be my favorite puzzle game now, the game is represented as a world tour is great, I loved seeing all of the art of Bomberman all over the world even though this game includes some dated stereotypes that would not be really ok by today's standards.
This game made me realize how much I loved the Bomberman design, he really feels like a cute blank template, and giving him outfits based on the different regions of the world is adorable.

I totally recommend this game to anyone who wants a fast-paced action puzzle game with satisfying gameplay!

Puyo Puyo but with Bombs.

This game is neat! Well, personally it isn't really my type of game but it definitely has its public and even I can tell this game was quality even though I wasn't too crazy about the gameplay.
Visually the game looks adorable I love it, the soundtrack is really good and the presentation is overall really good.
The gameplay follows the puyo puyo/panel de pon tropes with the block falling and you must align them to destroy them, y'know what I'm saying I'm no Tetris nerd unfortunately. I'm guessing the main gimmick of this game compared to other similar puzzle games is the bomb which is used to clear your screen as fast as possible and send blocks to your enemy.

My experience with this game honestly was just spamming blocks at random until they all cleared each other for big combos because whenever I tried to sit down and think about my next move I would get fucked over so randomly spamming blocks worked!
I'd like to say more about this game but I can't, it's good if you like puzzle games and that's pretty much it!

Hudson really thought of us as FOOLS, did they really think they could get away with calling a bad Bomberman game "Wario Blast" in the West even though it was just Bomberman GB undercover? I had faith in you Hudson Soft, didn't think you'd do us dirty like that...
I didn't finish this version since it's the exact same game but without Wario in the title screen or as playable, I'm BEYOND PISSED at this game.

How did the fuck up the greatest crossover in video game history?

Alright, this game is called Wario Blast even though it's clearly a Bomberman game, why not call it "Bomberman Blast: Featuring Bomberman!" I mean you can play as Wario and Bomberman and nothing changed other than the enemies you kill, Wario gets to kill different Bombermen and Bomberman kills Wario clones, somehow.
This game only has a single player if you play it on a Gameboy, yeah they really did remove the most important feature of a Bomberman game but wait, wait! it's Wario Blast I'm sorry it has the right to be bad. But it does actually have a 4-player classic Bomberman deathmatch game, the only issue is that you can only play it on the SNES with the Super Gameboy because a 4-player Gameboy hub sure doesn't exist, riiiiiight?

The single player is somewhat different from most Bomberman games, you have to win two out of three rounds of classic Bomberman VS Bombermen CPU, so no enemies or exits. It gets really tedious to do the same thing over and over, all the match feels the exact same and it's usually not very hard it's just annoying!
The progression makes you go through 3 stages per world which are just "Stage 1= fight 1 Bomberman, Stage 2= fight 4 Bombermen, Stage 3= fight 3 Bombermen, Stage 4= Kill word boss" for 8 God damn worlds it gets really tiring after the first fucking match.
The only positive thing about this game is the abilities you unlock after clearing a world, I thought it was a nice addition that gives you a sense of progress and it also makes the game less tedious to play but doesn't make it any fun, just less painful.

Do not bother with this game, it just has a funny name cause Wario is in it but other than that it's just a bad Bomberman game.

More Super Bomberman games huh? Well, that one isn't really "super" if I'm being honest.

I think the first question we all ask ourselves before starting a new Bomberman game is "Will we see new gimmicks and content" But then all the game has to offer is shitty puzzle stages and invisible minefields, it's a bit disappointing.
This game is quite literally the same as Super Bomberman 2, the main difference being that this time the throwing move does not require a power-up and is available by default. That's pretty much about it, this is a really underwhelming sequel and I'm tired of Bomberman games being kinda lazy and doing the same damn thing every year.
Classic Bomberman games tend to be less criticized because most people just play one Bomberman game, usually one that they grew up with but when you play the entire library you will notice he lack of new content and ideas.

Maybe I'm being too harsh on the game, and people will usually tell me "You are not supposed to play Bomberman for the singleplayer, it's all about the multiplayer" Then why would they bother making new games that only change the single-player and keep the exact same multiplayer mode for each entry. I'm sorry if this Bomberman rant does not fit in this review but It's something I have to get out of me.

Back to Super Bomberman 2, another notable difference is the boss fights are very similar to how Super Bomberman did them with large and fairly easy bosses but huge chunks of health. Though this time each boss battle has a small 1 VS 1 Classic Bomberman match before the real boss arrives and I think if the Bomberman fight were the only bosses we had to face it would be so much better, I don't want to fight a slow boss that takes thousands of bombs to defeat I think the 1V1 idea was great but when mixed with another forced boss it just becomes even more annoying than the first game because I don't want to fight two bosses in a row!

So yeah, this game only adds worthless additions to the game and I think we could live in a world without Super Bomberman 2. You have 3 more Super Nintendo Bombermans up your sleeves Hudson, and they better be good.