this game is a blast, specially with friends. amazingly optimized, with a lot of free cosmetics (even the battle pass is free) and no content behind any paywalls. the only money you have to pay to play this game is the game's price, no DLC required, only if you wanna have some cool skins. i wish all games had devs like Deep Rock seems to have. get it on a sale and give it a shot!

unfortunately, i really can't bring myself to like this game. all the characters feel so uninteresting and the hits have no impact for me.

Edit: i finally found a character! bullet is very fun, but the game is very complex and i have no intention of taking CF this seriously at the moment. fun game, though!

really fun! hard game with a nice gameplay and an amazing soundtrack. haven't played it much because i never felt like labbing/playing enough to get a good grasp of the game's mechanics and of my characters' playstyles, but i definitely recommend giving 2002UM a shot.

Edit: finally mustered the courage to start labbing this game a bit, and it's even more fun than i expected. still hard as hell, tho.

not my cup of tea at all. i hope i never touch this game again.

very fun, but also very grindy game. only play this if you have a lot of time (or money) to spare.

fun game! subpar story paired with a nice gameplay. can't elaborate that much about the story or the game mechanics, since it's been a long time since i finished the game, but i definitely had fun. get it on a sale and give it a shot!

first game i ever played on Steam. amazingly optimized, has probably the best gameplay that you could imagine at that time, not to mention the fantastic story. this game is a timeless classic and you should definitely give it a shot.

fun, specially with friends.

this game is amazing. the campaign is so good, talking both about the gameplay and the plot. when it comes to the online, unfortunately, the developers abandoned TF|2 to focus on Apex, so this absolute gem is pretty much dead right now, as far as i know. despite that, it's still a very good experience and, if you can get past the frustration of only playing against the 90000+ hours players, which are pretty much the only people who play the game at the moment, it'll be a blast. don't be fooled, tho; even if you have no interest in the multiplayer, this game is still gold. as i said, the campaign is amazing and you'll never forget the experience of playing it. get it on a sale and give it a shot.

cool game, but its mechanics just don't interest me that much. playing Slayer in Xrd doesn't feel as good as it feels in +R, despite the fact that i just don't like the game that much. the 2-star rating is about how much i personally like the game and it doesn't mean that i think it's a bad fighting game. a lot of people think it's the best GG there is and i respect that opinion; i just don't believe in "objectively rating" media like games and music, so my ratings are always about how i felt in my own personal experience. give it a shot, you might like it!

very fun game that allows you to play pretty much whichever way you want to; choices matter and you can customize the hell out of your character. unfortunately, my lazy ass never went through the whole story and finished the game, since i always drop it midway and, when i come back, i want to start a new save, since i always forget what happened in the story up to the point where i stopped playing. i hope i can bring myself to finish it sometime, tho. give the game a shot, it's worth every penny!

fun with friends. unfortunately, not my cup of tea and the corruption mechanic really bothers me. every time i think about starting a new save, i remember that i'll have to go through all of that process of digging 3~5 hellevators just to be able to cleanse the corruption out of the part of the map that i'm interested in, and that's not something i particularly enjoy. other than that, the early game is very slow, repetitive and outright boring. Plantera was the farthest that i got to, and it was fun while my motivation to play this game lasted.

really fun game and such a nostalgia trip. this game will probably never die, specially in Brazil. to this day, you can still find a LOT of very alive community servers for all tastes; 4fun, surf, 5v5 and more. i played CS 1.6 for most of my childhood and i'll never forget how fun it was sharing those memories with my brother; the game's atmosphere will forever bring me back to that time.